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Natasha POV

The pain was all I could feel. I cried out at first hoping someone would hear me but no one came.
"Help! Help! Somebody please!" I screamed but the pain was to much. I heard footsteps they were close by. I could hear them crunching towards me. I was so thankful, until I saw the horned figure emerge from the cloud of dust. It was Loki, but I didn't care at this point.
"Please, help." I whispered as I craned my neck to try to look back at him. The most help I could hope for from him was a quick and painless death. He came up to me and gently placed a hand on my waist.
"Just relax." He said. How could someone so evil have a touch so soft? I thought to myself. I noticed something different about what he was wearing. It looked more Asgardian than before. He was clad in metal armour and his helmet was more smooth and had nothing jetted out the sides. His hair was also shorter and he looked a little bit younger and less rugged.
"I'm going to get you down under one condition..." he said as he leaned around the fence to look me in the eyes.
"Anything..." I pleaded.
"Provided you stay conscious... Tell me what realm this is, what year it is, and what's going on. Understand?" He said slowly. All I could do was nod my head. The fence wasn't to tall. He bent underneath me and adjusted himself so that the majority of my wait rested on his right shoulder. He stood up straight very carefully and lifted me off the fence as he went.
"Ah, oww!" I cried out as he let me slide down into a standing position. We stood there for a few seconds, I was wrapped in his arms and I saw something in his eyes that I didn't see before, genuine innocents.
"Are you alright?" He asked but my head was clouded and everything was fuzzy. I couldn't think straight and soon enough I blacked out.

My life was in his hands.

Loki POV

The woman went limp in my arms. I picked up her legs and carried her into a nearby building and found it was abandoned. I walked up the first few flights of steps and got one of my clones to unlock one of the many the doors from the inside. It disappeared as I walked through it. I set her down on the bed in the centre of the room and began cleaning her wound. After that I found a needle and thread and began to stitch her up. After all that was done I wrapped her up in a bandage from the med kit I had found in one of the cupboards. After what felt like hours I had finally finished and I sat back to give myself a break from being hunched over. I could feel my spine crack as I leaned back over the chair.

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