Joten Sickness

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Natasha POV

I woke up in a bed. There was a dim orange glow coming from a lamp in the corner of the room. Next to it sat a figure in an arm chair and beside him was a window with the curtains drawn shut. We were in a hotel from what I could see. I looked to the left and saw that all to familiar helmet sitting on the dresser. I knew instantly it was Loki. He had his head down reading a book. I decided to just stay still and not move. Maybe he would think I was asleep and leave me be, but the second I closed my eyes again he spoke.
"I know you're awake..." He closed the book and looked up at me as my eyes shot open. "And I would like answers now." He said as he stood up.
"Sure anything..." I said wondering about what he had said earlier. I kept a careful mask over my emotions however. It's not safe to show weakness, especially not around him.
"Where am I? What year is it? And what happened?" He said very slowly.
"You don't remember?" I said with a little more shock then I should have allowed.
"No!? Why?...... Should I?" He asked. He seemed genuinely confused.
"This is all because of you! You sent the Chitauri to attack us and try to take over the world. This is Earth or Midgard whatever you like to call it! It's 2013!" I practically shouted at him as I struggled to sit up. He looked hurt and confused.
"Why would I do something like that?" He said as he started to look frightened.
"I-I don't know?" I replied.
"Why can't I remember?" He said as he started to get frustrated. "Why would I do that! I wouldn't do that! I wouldn't kill innocent people you must have mistaken me for someone else! I've never met you before!" He yelled as he got closer to me.
"Loki..." Was all I could manage to say before he had his hand wrapped around my throat. "Loki..." I whispered as his grip tightened. He released me just before I ran out of air. He looked at his hand in horror and disgust as it turned blue.
"I really am a monster..." He whispered as he backed up into the dresser. He stumbled back onto it and slowly slide to the ground. The blue over took his whole body. His eyes turned red as I leaned forward to get a better look. The ground and everything within arms reach had frost starting to slowly creep its way across it.
"Go ahead..." He said as he noticed me staring. "Have a good look at the terrible monster that hides under your bed and in your closet..." He said it with such for lorn. The more I looked at him like this... The less I actually thought he was a monster. When I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt I looked down. The only thing I had on was a sports bra. I could see where he had the bandages wrapped around my waist. At this point I really didn't care. I decided to try and comfort him. Maybe then he might not kill me. Although I didn't think it was the best idea, I slowly got up and sat down next to him. The second I did, his skin that was closest to me started to turn back to its normal shade and the rest soon followed.
"I don't think you're a monster... I think you're just troubled, that's all. Monster is how you present yourself not what you are. If you act like one than yes, but if you don't then no, even if you look like one..." I said as he slowly turned his head  to look at me.
"Sometimes I can't control my rage, and people get hurt... Does that make me a monster? You said I did all these horrible things but I can neither remember them nor find a just enough reason in my mind for doing such things. So why?" He said as he looked me in the eyes. "If you're uncomfortable like this, your clothes are in the drawer right above your head..." He said as I looked up at the handle. I pulled it open and put on my black suit.
"Well what's the last thing you remember?" I asked him as he stared at the floor.
"Well um, me and Thor were just getting back from Jotenhiem with the warriors three and lady Sif... Father is yelling and screaming but the memory is foggy and I can't remember what they are yelling about, I tried to say something but father silences me. After a while Thor is banished and I confront Alfather about..." He clears his throat. "You know what, and then he fell into the Odin sleep and I'm receiving his spear. That's it." He said as he looked at me.
"Really that's all?"
"Yes." he said as he looked up at me. "Come to think of it, I don't even remember why we were in jotenheim anyways."
"That was like a year ago." I said as a worried look swept across his face. I started to get really cold. My teeth started to chatter and I couldn't stop shaking.
"You're loosing to much body heat..." He said as he stood me up. "Come, let's get you warm." He said as he lead me over to the bathroom. It was like he immediately snapped out of his sorrow. He was gentle... Much more gentle than any heartless killer could ever be. But I couldn't let my guard down... It could be a trick. When he started up the faucet he turned to look at me with his kind eyes... They were not like the heartless stare he had on me when I was talking to him on the helicarrier. His eyes then were grey and soulless, but now they have a flicker of green in them and they seemed to catch the light more.
"If you need me, I'll be right outside the door Okay?" He said as he looked down at me.
"Okay." I said as he took my hand and kissed it. He left a towel out for me and then exited the room closing the door behind him. I got undressed and slipped into the tub. that was strange. i know its something they did on Asgard but it was strange to think he would do it to me.

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