The Cure

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Loki POV

I got her out of the bathtub and she changed into some dry clothes while I waited for her on the bed in the next room. I was reading a book that I found on the design of the building. I was wearing my green shirt and brown looking pants that go on underneath my armour. When she finally came shakily into the room I moved over for her to sit down. She sat down with her legs tucked in and her head rested up against the head board. The complete opposite of what I was doing. I was fully reclined with my nose buried in the book. We sat silently for a few seconds. Gently I closed the book and set it down on the floor as I sat up. I looked at her face. She was worried and scared. She refused to make eye contact.
"Are you ready?" I asked as I tried to look at her eyes, but she kept her face down and out of my view.
"Can I have a few more minutes?" She asked finally looking up at me.
"Sure." I said.
"Of course." I said as I got up and left the room.

Natasha POV

I couldn't let him do that, I had to run or something. I wasn't comfortable in anyway with this, and if he was lying I would kill him. I spent the next three minutes alone in silence. Suddenly Loki popped his head in the doorway.
"I figured we should at least eat first..." He said. "Seeing as it's lunch and all, and you haven't eaten breakfast." He said as he opened the door.
"That sounds nice." At this point I think he was stalling for me. When I walked through the door there was a table set up with some wine and some food. For me there was some Caesar salad and pulled pork with toast on the side... Which is my favourite?
"How did you know I like Caesar salad and pulled pork?" I asked.
"Well I looked through your memories while you were sleeping on the couch earlier and found your favourite food and then I used magic to get it." He said as he pulled out the chair for me. He pushed it in when I sat down and then took his seat in front of me. He also had a salad but it wasn't the same as mine. It had more chicken and other things, but all he had was a salad. We talked and ate for a while, my stomach hurt a lot at first but then Loki did something and it went away, and after a few drinks of wine I was feeling a little more optimistic about the whole ordeal I was about the to go through. When we finished eating we moved to the couch with a little champagne and continued to talk. We both were probably borderline intoxicated by that point, well at least I was. Together we drank nearly 2 bottles of both wine and champagne. We had really gotten to know each other that evening. And by the time things started to heat up it was already 7:00pm.
"And my entire life I was brought up to think I came from Asgard, but really my father and mother were frost Giants." He said as he tucked his left leg under his thigh.
"That's terrible, you think they would have at least mentioned it to you when you were little." I said as I shakily set my drink down on the table. I was going to have a hard time remembering this in the morning. I felt a cold chill shoot up my arm. I had almost forgotten about the Joten sickness. I looked at my arm to see frost creeping it's way up it.
"Hey..." Whispered a soft voice from across the couch. "I think it's time." When I looked over at him he seemed less rugged and heartless than ever before. I felt like I could really trust him this time.
"Okay..." I whispered. Slowly he started to crawl his way over in a seductive fashion. My legs had been stretched out in front of me on the couch, so he kissed my legs as he came up. I was enjoying it much more than I thought I would. He stopped for a brief moment when he came to my crotch, but then he continued on his way up my body. As he made his way up I slowly laid back until he was completely over top of me. He was grinding hips on mine ever so gently as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I could tell he was searching for my sweet spot, he didn't stop until he found it. When he did I let out a soft moan. I swear I heard him chuckle and say "that's the spirit". Eventually he made his way up to my mouth. At first it was just closed mouth kissing but when he licked my bottom lip I opened up for him. His tongue forced its way passed mine and started searching my mouth. I let out another moan as my hands found their way up to the back of his head. I started to wrap his hair around my fingers. It looked greasy but was actually quite the opposite. It was soft and well washed. He pulled away.
"Why don't we move to the bedroom?" he said. "There's more space for us in there." He said as he got off and picked me up. When we got to the bedroom he practically threw me on the bed. I bounced two or three feet in the air and before gravity could bring me back down Loki had me pinned to the bed.
"Loki!" I laughed.
"Sorry." He chuckled.
"No you're not." I whispered.
"You're right." He laughed. Our clothes disappeared and the room dimmed. "Do you want the top or the bottom?" He asked. His face suddenly became very serious.
"Top... For now. Just so I can get used to you." I said and with that he collapsed to my side and pulled me up onto him. I could feel how erect he was. I reached my hand down to feel him. He wasn't fully erect yet, he must not have noticed me reaching down because when I did his eyes shot open and his groin clenched slightly at my touch. Soon he relaxed and closed his eyes again.
"You minx..." He whispered in his low, croaky voice, and to be honest it was kinda turning me on. I sat there and stroked him for a while until he was at his full length and width.
"You're big, very big." I whispered.
"Yes, and you're a tease." He whispered back. I lowered myself so I was I level with his organ and I began to lick the tip. I looked up to see his response. A smirk ran across his face. Had I not known better I would have though he had fallen asleep. I took hold of the bottom of his shaft and slowly started to drag my hand across it. The smile disappeared and his breathing hitched.
"That feels fuckin awesome..." He mutter under his breath. I picked up the pace a bit and he started to get impatient. He started moving his hips. His cock was blood red and I could feel it pulsing in my hand. He didn't just want it... He needed it, he needed me. But I wanted to play with him first.
"Hold still." I said as I held his hip down.
"But it's starting to get painful. And you keep this up I'll have to hold you down and fuck you if need be." He smirked.
"Threats don't work with me." I said as I started to crawl my way up his legs. I slowly lowered myself onto him. He stretched my walls to their limit and I stopped halfway down. I could see he was trying his hardest not to thrust the rest of the way in. He flipped me over and in one move he was on top of me again. We never broke contact.
"Wait! Let me adjust first!" I exclaimed. I was afraid he would lacerate my insides, but it took me a few seconds to realize he was completely still and that so far he had made no attempt to move any deeper yet. He was staring right into my eyes. Slowly he started to make a trail of kisses down to my neck. He started to suck on it again. Slowly he reached his hand down to my clit. He started to rub it and it made me even more wet than I already was. Soon he had me wanting him in all the way. I started to rub my hips up and down him slightly. He responded by moving in slower and slower until he filled me to the hilt. It felt so good. I started to moan when he started his slow rhythm in and out. Gently he pushed faster and faster. I could feel my walls clenching tightly around him as he let out a quiet groan. He brought his other hand up from my clit and used it to prop himself up again. He held my arms down as he started to go faster.
"Oh Loki!" I moaned as he started to suck on my nipples. He started to pick up the pace even more now that he knew I was enjoying it.
"Oh Loki...... Ohhh, I'm so close...." I moaned.
"That's it love... Cum for me." He whispered in my ear. Suddenly his helmet started to materialize on his head and in one swift move I was on top of him again.
"Ride me!" He said as he placed my hands onto the horns of his helmet. Effectively pinning his head into the pillow as I bounced up and down on his shaft while he reached up to grab my hips. He slammed my hips onto his harder and harder. As I started to come undone he sat up and his helmet disappeared as he pulled me close to his chest. He bit into my neck as he continued to bounce on the bed springs. The feeling was indescribable. I have never felt something so pleasurable and intoxicating in my entire life. I felt his warm seed fill my body as he flipped me over and continued to piston in and out of my wet pussy. Slowly his thrusts became sloppy and slower. He collapsed at my side. After a few seconds of lying there catching his breath he rolled over back on top of me and started making little trails of kisses all the way down to my aching cunt. He started to lick and suck on my clit as I ran my fingers through his unruly raven hair.
"We don't have to continue if you don't want." He said as he paused for a moment looking up at me.
"Loki don't stop it feels so good." I moaned as I threw my head back against the pillow. He immediately drove his tongue as deep as he could reach into my swollen pussy. He just kept plunging his tongue in and out and only when I came a second time did he let up. He crawled back up my body and continued to kiss and nuzzle his face into my neck. He rubbed and massaged my entire body until there was not a tense muscle left. He kept the top half of his body over me while the rest of him stayed off to the side, just enough so I could feel his growing erection on my hip. I reached down and began to massage his shaft. He moaned somewhere deep in his throat. It was at such a low tone I almost couldn't hear it, but it was powerful nonetheless. His neck and shoulders went back as he straightened out his spine and shoulder blades. As I went to sit up he allowed me to push him back onto the bed. I sat at his side as I began to lick his swollen cock. His hips moved up and down gently as I began to deep throat him. When I moaned he could feel the vibrations from deep in my throat and he let out a raspy moan.
"Damn you're good." He chuckled.

With Loki's HelpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora