Message To The Team

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Loki POV

I woke up and Natasha was gone.
"Natasha!" I yelled. I looked around to see her clothes were gone. "Natasha?" I said as I materialized my clothes and armour. I walked out into the living room. She wasn't there. Checked the balcony, still not there. I walked out into the hallway, then I heard the screaming coming from the elevator shaft.
"Loki! Loki HELP!" Said the voice. It was Natasha. I ran to the stairwell and opened the doors to see her being dragged off by a group of Chitauri. She was about 20 stories lower than me. I couldn't yell or those things would know I was there. I silently stood up on the railing and I was about to jump when a hand caught me and pulled me back onto the floor. It was an older looking gentlemen wearing a plaid shirt. He had obviously seen me before and was quite furious with me.
"How could do this to the planet! You evil son of a bitch!" Yelled the man as he punched me. I pulled my legs in and in one kick I sent him flying straight up into the air. I sprang to my feet and caught him so he landed on his feet.
"Look I don't know who you are or what's going on, but I do know that my friend was just carried off by two of those aliens... I think they're called the Chitauri, and I need to save her. I seem to have forgotten everything that has happened in the last year. I need to know if you will help me save her?" I said as I looked into the man's eyes.
"But you made me build the portal... You set loose an alien invasion..." Said the man as I turned to leave.
"So I've been told." I said as I briefly turned back and then continued on my way.

Erik POV

I watched Loki climb up onto the railing again. He stopped and looked back at me.
"What was your name?" He asked.
"Erik, Dr. Erik Selvig." I replied. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't tell if Loki was being serious or not.
"Good to know." He said, and with that he jumped. I heard a clinking noise afterwards. I went rushing over to the edge. He was jumping down from railing to railing. I followed him down to the main floor and when I got there I hid behind an up turned car in the street.
"I see you decided to join me on my little endeavour." he said as we peaked out from behind the car. They had a few people on the ground in chains with their guns pointed at there heads execution style. Two of them were holding Natasha's arms so she couldn't move. They had a camera like thing set up on a tripod and they appeared to be sending some form of message to someone. Most likely shield. The one who appeared to be the leader said something to the ones behind him who had a hole of Natasha. At that moment they threw her on the ground while the leader held its weapon to he neck ready to slice it.
"They're going to kill her." Said Loki.
"Well what are we going to do?" I asked.
"I don't know..." He replied. "Something stupid I guess." He said as he looked around for a weapon he could use.
"Ah here we go!" He said as he grabbed something off the ground.
"Yeah, go ahead grab one. You take out the ones in the back and I'll take out the ones in the front" he said as he passed me a metal object.
"Seriously?" I asked when I saw what he was going to use.
"Seriously..." He replied with a smirk.

Clint POV

We watched in horror as the Chitauri got ready to slice her throat.
"We have to do something!" I yelled. They were going to kill her and all of those people including some children.
"There's nothing we can do." Said Director Fury.
"Well we can't just watch her die." Chimed in Rogers.
"I know but by the time we scramble the jets she will be dead. And besides whatever jets we sand out would be over run before they got anywhere close to Manhattan." Explained the director.
"Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, what's he doing?" Said Tony as he pointed at the screen. To our surprise one of the Chitauri in the back wondered off screen.

Loki POV

I got Erik to lie down on the side walk and make wincing noises to lure away one of the Chitauri. It worked. When he came over to check it out I grabbed him and choked him out behind the car. Erik crawled back in next to me.
"Now what?" He asked.
"Wait for me to call you over and when I do be very quiet." I replied as I got ready to exact the plan I had.

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