Death's Peace

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Loki POV

My entire body felt like it was on fire. Especially in the places she touched. I could remember what my alter ego had done... As soon as Clint had thrown me in the sauna... As he called... I regained control over my thoughts and actions. As we stumbled down the hall I remembered Natasha contacting a medical team for me. When they got there they put me on a stretcher. It burned so much. After the removed my leather armour they found new open wounds and burn marks. I couldn't take the pain so they gave me something that would allow me to sleep. It felt so relaxing to not feel pain.

Natasha POV

When Loki woke up in the hospital he could barely move. He started to mumble things to me.
"I-I-I'm so s-sorry.... For w-w-w-what I s-said..." He slowly mumbled. He stumbled on the w's more than anything.
"Shhhh, you need to rest... It wasn't your fault okay?" I said as I rubbed my palm across the top of his forehead. He was...... Cold, and getting colder. He started shaking. Like he was having a seizure but not as violent. Slowly he started to turn blue agin. His bright red skin started to fade away as it was replaced by the dark blue. The patter returned on his face as his eyes turned a dark crimson. Slowly he stopped shaking and his body started to loosen up. He could move around but refused to let me touch him. Thor came in.
"Lady Natasha step away from him. He will give you a terrible frost bite if you touch him." He warned as I stepped back.
"I feel so bad for him... And now we can't help him." I said as I looked at Loki. He was so helpless.
"I remember what I did now... I don't deserve to be pitied. I wouldn't be surprised if you just left me to die." He struggled to say as he mumbled.
"Loki if I was going to leave you I would have done it already."I whispered as I bent down next to him. I slowly put my hand on his forehead. At first it stung... But then slowly he got warmer, until he was back to his normal colour again. He had a few burns left on him here and there, but otherwise... He was fine. I had to help him up and to walk, to eat, and he even needed help getting into his bed. I noticed he had new wounds that were starting to get infected. We had them cleaned and sewn up again... He would have an episode once or twice a week where the old mind control Loki would show through... But the longest was one which lasted an entire 24 hours.... But none of the others came even close to matching that time. They typically only last on hour or two... But he was getting sick... And slowly day by day, he was starting to give up. He just didn't have enough energy to fight off whoever was controlling him... And the more Loki got sick... The more his strength started failing him. He was so pale and after about a month or so he couldn't even leave his bed. He would get dizzy and pass out or he would suddenly loose control of his actions and hit his head off something. We had to have someone monitor him day and night. I brought him soup and most of his other meals. I spent as much time as I could with him and I would often relieve the officers on duty so that I could stay with him. I knew if we didn't do something he would die... And I couldn't let that happen.

"I know my lady but there is nothing I can do..." Said Thor. "If his strength is failing him the best we can do is make sure he's as comfortable as possible until he rises from his malady. Until then all we can do is hope." He said as we looked through the the window of the operation room. One of his kidneys had failed and they needed to remove it so that a new one could grow in its place. Even with all of his illness he still had the strength to re-grow his organs. That just shows he is still fighting.

Soon everyone was starting to worry about Loki. Even Clint felt bad. Loki is so tired nowadays he has to fight to keep his eyes open for more than a few minutes each day. He slept most of the time and when he did wake he was always in pain. He stopped eating a while after his surgery and he barely drinks. At this point Thor and the rest of the team fears he may not live to see the end of the week. Every time I go and visit him which is at least 3 times a day, it brings a tear to my eye to see him like this. Especially now that I know he's not really evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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