Cg Poe/Little Ranpo

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This is a Halloween special

It was finally the 31st of October. It was finally Halloween, which so happened to be Ranpo's favorite holiday, which came as no surprise because it was the holiday that you got the most candy in. It was only the morning, and the festivities would only really start when the night arrived, but Poe already had an excited regressed Ranpo running around the apartment.

He already had his costume on that he was going to go trick-or-treating in later. It was a raccoon costume that Ranpo had made himself that was inspired by Karl. Poe had helped Ranpo with making the costume, but Ranpo had mostly put it together himself.

"Poe! Poe!" Ranpo called as he ran over to Poe. "What is it, sweetheart?" Poe asked him as Ranpo stopped in front of him. "When we goin twick-o-tweating?" Ranpo asked. Poe sighed. This had to be at least the fifth time Ranpo had asked, and it was st8ll nowhere close to the time they could start trick-or-treating.

"It's still a couple of hours away, love." Poe told him. Ranpo opened his mouth to start complaining, but Poe interrupted before he could. "In the meantime, whilst we wait, do you want to watch some movies?" Poe asked. Ranpo's face lit up, complaint forgotten as he nodded.

Poe led him over to the couch, where they sat down. Poe grabbed the remote that was on the arm of the couch before tugging the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch over him and Ranpo instead as Ranpo cuddled up into his side, eyes fixed on the TV as it was switched on. Ranpo chose to watch Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Corpse Bride to suit it being Halloween.

Once they finished watching all three movies, Poe glanced at the time. He had ten minutes to get all his and Ranpo's stuff together before they could set out to go trick-or-treating. He stood up, grabbing his phone and keys as well as a basket for Ranpo to put the sweets that he would collect inside. He made sure Ranpo was completely ready before taking his hand and leading the way outside.

The sky was beautiful. It wasn't dark yet, but the sun had started to set. Ranpo ran ahead before glancing back at Poe. Poe smiled at him and continued walking, Ranpo continued to go on ahead.

When he reached the first house, though, he waited for Poe. When Poe reached him, Ranpo took his hand, and they made their way to the door. They rang the bell, and a kind elderly lady answered. She smiled at them, commenting on how cute Ranpo's costume was as she put some candy in his basket. Ranpo smiled back shyly and thanked her before waving goodbye to her and heading to the next house.

This process went on for some time, Poe and Ranpo going up to a door, ringing the bell and being greeted by someone who gives Ranpo a few sweets and occasionally comments on his costume.

When the two eventually returned home, they were exhausted. Poe was carrying Ranpo with one Armand the basket of candy in the other hand. He set the basket down on a table before taking Ranpo to his room. He changed himself as well as Ranpo into pygamas.

They both settled into the bed under the covers, cuddling up to one another. "I love oo." Ranpo told Poe. "I love you too, baby." Poe replied, placing a kiss on top of Ranpo's head.

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