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I finally found her. After 20 years, I've finally found her: Ayano Aishi. She's what I've been waiting for, for so long, but I found her in my last year in Akademi.

Taro stared at the photo of Ayano he took with his phone, now on a wooden frame in his shrine. He smiled softly at the small smile Ayano had. She looked quite gorgeous even if she smiled or not. Ayano could easily make Taro's heartbeat uncontrollably. Taro reached out and ran his fingertips on the glass of the frame, "Oh Kohai, I finally found you after so long. I won't let anyone take you from me."His smile faded when his 10 rivals came to mind, remembering each one in great detail being close to Ayano on certain school days. Taro's hands closed the shrine, he turned around and walked to his clipboard on the wall of his bedroom, his eyes stared at the pictures on the wall of each rival he had to get rid of. Taro's expression darkened, glaring at the pictures one by one.

Kyuji Konagawa. The boy who used to be popular and sociable until a few weeks ago became very withdrawn and distant. Taro knew exactly why. That bastard has feelings for Ayano. he could easily tell by the way his body responds to Ayano being close to him. Taro wasn't sure if Ayano knew this, or she couldn't tell if Kyuji had feelings for her. Either way, Taro needed to get rid of him.

Shoku Tsuburaya. The president of the Cooking Club. He is known for his sweet and gentle persona. Everyone loves him, adores him, and respects him. His idotic dream is to be a world-famous 5-star chef. Cute, isn't it? That pest could easily win Ayano's heart with his ridiculous peace signs and smile Taro wanted to cut off with a knife.

Tsuruzo Yamazaki. The president of the Drama Club. Many people don't like him, but they do respect him sadly. He is known to be an aspiring actor with a penchant for giving melodramatic speeches, even when he's not onstage. Ayano would never fall for someone like him, but then again, Tsuruzo can be quite unpredictable. His acting skills could easily make a good tool to win Ayano's heart.

Shin Higaku. The president of the Occult Club. The loner boy of the school who is in a weird and idotic group of the school. Everyone respects him , and Taro never understood why. He and his little group didn't belong to Akademi. Taro didn't understand why the school let a club like his in this Akademi. Shin is a nobody, but someone who is obsessed with black magic, ghosts, and demons.

Iruka Dorufino. The president of the sports club. Iruka is a quiet student who rarely speaks. He is always in the gym, the track, or the pool. He takes the club activities very seriously, which would make him a good leader, but with that information, Taro could easily get rid of him.

Otohiko Meichi. A feminine boy who is always in the infirmary for his poor health. Why would someone like that win Ayano's heart? Hm, well, it's called empathy. Ayano had a heart of gold- most of the time, but she cared for her classmates, and Taro knew that there was nothing to stop her from helping this frail, clumsy, and sickly boy. He'll be easy to eliminate considering he's surrounded by deathly substances and tools.

Toga Tabra. A boy who doesn't know what to do with his life after graduating. He joined every single club in Akademi, but he didn't feel like he belonged in any of them. Now, he is just wandering around the school, deep in thought, contemplating his future. Hm? Taro wasn't sure how to get rid of him. Maybe expelling him? He's always walking around the campus. He'll always be surrounded by people. That was not good.

Umeji Kizuguchi. The leader of the delinquent gang. Umeji was known for his violent background. Everyone was scared of him, even Genka herself, the guidance counselor. However, Umeji somehow developed a soft spot for Ayano for her bravery and determination to stay by his side. Ayano wasn't scared of getting hurt by him or anyone. Something Taro admired about Ayano, but Umeji needed to be eliminated as soon as possible. Taro wasn't going to let his precious Ayano go into that lifestyle.

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