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Osana smiled brightly, listening to the conversation Raibaru and Hanako were having. Raibaru trapped her chin, thinking while Hanako continued to speak,"It would be helpful for me to learn Martial Arts, don't you think? My brother and I would use it for protection in case danger comes to the school. You'll never know." The other female continued to think to herself, processing the words the younger student said,"That is true, but Kaga would never let anyone or anything dangerous enter the school. We do have the student council to protect us from harm. They have pepper spray to use in case there is something dangerous or someone trying to hurt us."

"What if the pepper spray gets knocked out of their hands? They don't have the physical strength to fight back."

"Kaga does, though."

"Hm.. Well, what if he's not there when it happens? We have to protect ourselves somehow. I know you will be a good teacher to my brother and I! We will learn many things from you. You can even invite the president of the Martial Arts, too."Hanako forced an innocent smile at Raibaru, who was still thinking,"Just think about it, will you, please?"

Raibaru stared at Hanako before her expression softened. She nodded,"I'll think about it." Osana watched the two interact, being quite happy to see her best friend and Hanako getting along well. Her eyes glanced over at Taro, who was quiet for almost the whole interaction. Osana could immediately tell Taro was spaced out. She nudged him gently, getting his attention.

Taro glanced over at Osana, staring at her with a blank stare. Osana flashed him a small smile before narrowing her eyes towards the double doors that lead inside the school as a sign that she wanted to talk to him privately. The male simply nodded before standing up. Osana did the same before excusing herself from Hanako and Raibaru. The childhood friends made their way inside the school again, standing in front of the locker area. Osana glanced around as the students walked past them, or some standing a few feet away from them chatting with each other. She turned her attention back to Taro,"Are you alright? You have been quiet- well, you're always quiet, but you're quieter than usual. Is something on your mind?"She asked, staring at him with worried eyes.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something."

"Which is?"Osana slowly spoke, wanting Taro to continue. The raven-haired male got quiet at the question, glancing away from the girl in front of him. The pigtailed girl watched him, seeing the reaction she got from him, she let out a sigh,"Is it... about your condition?"She asked, whispering the last word to him.

Taro slowly nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"Do you want to tell me? You know that I'm here for you, right?"Osana gave Taro a small smile as reassurance. The emotionless male finally looked at her,"I know. I'm just thinking about my future. What if I live like this forever? A life where I still feel this empty and hollow feeling, something I can't get rid of?" There was no response, but quietness minus the talking in the background. The orange-haired female reached out her arms and wrapped them around the male, giving him a tight embrace. Taro watched her, staring at her with a blank expression. His arms wrapped around her, returning the hug. "I'll be here. I'll be right here to keep you company. For you and Hanako, I'll be right here if you need someone."Osana pulled away from the hug. She grabbed onto Taro's shoulders as her eyes met with his.

Osana smiled gently at the male she cared for the most in the world,"Ever since I've met you, I knew that you were different. I never understood your condition, but I was willing to learn about it through your father. I decided to keep myself by your side all of these years."


"Oh sweet Osana, my son is different from the rest of the kids. The condition is quite rare. No doctor knows about it or the reason behind it."Nanashi spoke, glancing down at the 6 year old girl standing in front of him. Osana listened to him, keeping her eyes on him. "This condition can't let you express emotion like a normal person. For example, Taro doesn't show happiness, anger, fear, disgust, and much more. However, you feel that and express it well, just like every kid in this block."Nanashi gestured over at the group of kids who were laughing and smiling. Osana's eyes shifted over to the group of kids playing tag with one another. Her eyes studied the smiles, the sounds of laughter, and the spark in the eyes of the kids.

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