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“How are we going to sabotage that?”Hanako questioned, looking at her brother. Taro remained quiet, thinking to himself,”Hm… I can always steal the book, but I would want Ayano to completely lose her trust in him. The book is an important object in her family. We can destroy the book,”He suggested. Hanako blinked,”And how are we going to destroy it?”

“Excellent question. We'll have to keep an eye out for Kyuji. We need to follow him during lunch and see where he goes to read. However, we need a distraction.”Taro mumbled before a huge smirk formed on his lips. Hanako raised an eyebrow, staring at her brother. “And I think I know how.”

“And…?”Hanako questioned, wanting her brother to explain. Taro let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms,”We'll use the kitten as bait. Kyuji adores cats. We can easily distract him with the kitten. Who wouldn't want to help a lonely kitten?”

“People who hate cats.”Hanako responded.

“Besides them. No one would deny helping an animal who needs help. You can bring the kitten to where Kyuji ends up reading the book. I have a feeling it might be here in the plaza. It is quite a peaceful place to read, and it's quite empty when it's lunchtime. I've read here before many times.”Taro spoke, glancing over at the fountain and staring at it. His eyes stared down at the water and smirked widely,”We can push it into the water. Who knows what material that book is made of. Maybe the material that made the book wouldn't resist certain liquids. It will destroy everything within that journal.”

Hanako listened to him and glanced over at the fountain as well, “That would completely destroy her.”

“Exactly. If the book is destroyed because of Kyuji’s ignorance, she would be devastated. She trusted him with a book that was valuable to her family.”Taro looked at his sister again, “She would lose trust in him at that moment. However, knowing how understanding she is, she’s going to give him another chance.”  Hanako looked back at her brother. Taro stood up from the bench, “Let’s go put our bags in our desks.”He turned around and started to walk inside the school building again. Hanako stood up as well and followed her brother quietly and closely. The two Yamadas walked inside the school building and walked towards their left to the classroom Hanako was in. Taro stopped at the doorway. He watched his sister enter the classroom, making her way towards her desk, and placed her bag down on her desk. Hanako returned back to her brother. The two siblings started to walk again to the staircase, making their way to the third floor where Taro’s classroom was on. They talked among themselves as they looked around at their surroundings. There were students walking around and club members as well: The Light Music Club, the Art Club, The Cooking Club, The Gardening Club, The Martial Arts Club, and the Science Club. Most of them were walking around or doing their activity they always did during the morning hours before class started. 

Hanako could hear the loud music coming from the Light Music Club along with a club member playing her instrument next to the storage room where the science club member stepped out, holding a box with materials. Hanako stopped on her tracks and stared at the male, mostly at his visor he was wearing, “Who’s that?”She asked her older brother. 

Taro stopped and glanced over, spotting the club member, “Oh, that’s Yaku. He’s one of the members of the science club.”

“Why does he wear a visor?”

“Not sure. I assume for personal reasons.”Taro shrugged. Hanako watched Yaku walk back upstairs with the box in his hands. 

“Morning Taro!”A voice exclaimed. The Yamadas glanced over at the individual. It was Budo. Taro forced a smile and waved at him, “Morning Budo.” Budo smiled, waving at them both before walking off with his club downstairs. Hanako watched, “And who’s that?”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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