New co - actor

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New co-star 'jiya was introduced to everyone '

The set of the web series was bustling with activity.
Abhi and Jiya met for the first time, knowing that their characters were supposed to be deeply in love. They decided to make an effort to bond off-screen as well, but it wasn't always smooth sailing.

Abhi: (attempting friendliness) "Hey, Jiya, nice to meet you! I guess we're the on-screen couple."

Jiya: (enthusiastic) "Absolutely! It's going to be fun working together."

As they started rehearsing their scenes, Abhi found Jiya's enthusiasm a bit overwhelming. She constantly wanted to discuss the scenes and their characters. While Abhi appreciated professionalism, he couldn't help but feel that Jiya was a bit too eager.

Abhi: (privately to Manisha) "Manisha, ye achhi acting kar leti hai but bohot overexcited hai

Manisha: (smirking) "Abhi, she seems just as passionate as you when it comes to acting."

As Manisha continued to play her role as Jiya's step-sister on screen, she found it challenging to tolerate continue talking of jiya with abhi and being touchy with him and try to act cute.

The tension was evident, even if they maintained a professional demeanor in front of the crew.

Manisha: (frustrated, off-screen) "Jiya, can we focus on the scene, please?"

Jiya: (unperturbed) "Sure, Manisha, just trying to get it right!"

Despite the initial awkwardness and their personal dislike for each other, the three actors managed to keep the professionalism intact on the set.

As the shooting days passed, Abhi found himself amused by Jiya's unwavering enthusiasm, and he began to understand her passion for acting.

Abhi: (smiling) "You know, Jiya, your energy is infectious. It's been a pleasure working with you."

Jiya: (grinning) "Thanks, Abhi. I've always believed in giving my best, on and off-screen."

Abhi appreciated Jiya's dedication to her craft and started to respect her more. While they still had their moments of disagreement, their on-screen chemistry began to shine.
Manisha also appreciate Jiya's acting

Manisha: (smirking) "I see you and Jiya are getting along better now."

Abhi: (grinning) "Yeah, she's not so annoying after all."

Manisha: (teasing) "Who would've thought?"

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