Chapter 3:New Place To Sleep, New Mineta

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Welcome to chapter 3, this chapter may contain some swearing and violence so you have been warned, but enough of that let's get started on this Chapter.

(Mineta's POV)

Before I get out of my Dad's truck and good bye I put my UA Uniform on over my Weighted Clothes and told my Dad I'll see him this weekend as he tells me to give them hell and show the what I'm made of as I smiled at him and nod as he drove off. 'Strange now that it can since everyone power levels being weaker then my own, I'm not afraid of them like I used to.' I thought to myself as I walked into the building. "Oh look it the wea- oh wow um you look great know, have you been working out~?" One of the female students asked me with a blush on her face as smiled at her and nodded. I walked into my classroom and noticed no one is here yet so I sat at my set waiting for everyone to  show up, as soon as I got in my set Kirishima and Bakugou came in chatting until Kirishima noticed me with wide eyes.

"Damn is that you Mineta, you look like you sid some heavy duty training?" Kirishima asked with the biggest grin ever, Bakugou even noticed my change as a almost creepy smile appears on his face. The class was starting to feel up as Aizawa came into the room as he look at his papers as he looked up at me in shock. "Problem Child, you look different and more mature than the last time I saw you?" Aizawa asked me with a confused look on his face. "Thanks Sensei, I just need to work on myself is all." I said as I bowed my head at him but noticed that there was an extra set in the classroom. "Do we have a new student in 1A?" I asked curiously as Shinso comes in the room as he take his sett behind me.

"Yes, as you can see Problem Child Shinso has joined 1A so please make him feel welcome and wanted." Aizawa said to me in a serious tone but I just rolled my eyes at him. And I guess Iida saw that as he glared at me but I didn't care as Aizawa said it was time to go to practice sparing as we all left the room, "Hey Mineta, here's your phone back and by the way whoever you are getting your training with is doing a great job." Mina said with a smile on her face as she hands me my phone. "Thanks Mina, they did do a great job and I'm going back this weekend for more training." I said as we went our separate ways to the changing rooms.

(Denki's POV)

I'm happy to see my friend and was happy to see Mineta being respectful to the girls as he gets undressed but was shocked at his body. "Damn Mineta, Kirishima was right about you being ripped but what are those sweatbands and black shirt for, there not from here?" I asked as Mineta just put on his training clothes as he turned back to me. "Oh these are a gift from my trainer, there Weighted Clothes specifically made for me." He said with a smile on his face as took off his new boots. 'Hmmm..I wonder how much they wa-(CRACK)' "WHAT THE HELL?" I asked as me and the boys in the locker room watched Mineta take off his other boot as it hit the ground hard.

Mineta finished putting on his training clothes and he put his boots back on with ease as he leaves the locker room as sweat going down our faces. "Bro I don't think Mineta is playing around anymore, but this sparing match is going to be interesting to see." Sero said as we all finished getting dressed and heading to the training grounds. Mineta was doing some stretching as we all get ready for Aizawa instructions but noticed Mirko and Mt Lady are with him. "Alright Problem Children today you will be assigned sparing by Mirko and Mt Lady so be prepared." He said as Mirko spoken next.

"Alright everyone we have written your numbers on a peace of paper, you are to come up here and draw a name from this box and because there isn't an even amount of you here I have put my name in as well." She said with a serious smirk on her face as we all except Mineta flinched at this because she is the Number 5 heroine in Japan. Everyone got to draw a peace of paper and was sweating bullets but to our surprise Mineta didn't seemed fazed as he was the last one to draw number, he walked back with a smile on his face but to say Mirko and Mt Lady wasn't happy about his calmness was an understatement.

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