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Friday, 2:05 pm

Calypsis 's POV

As I packed up my stuff and prepared to leave, Mrs. Martin's voice rang out, "Make sure to bring your assignments up to my desk before you go, everyone!"

The sound of zippers and shuffling feet filled the classroom as students gathered their things and headed towards the door.

"Did you change your mind about the party?" Simon questioned for the millionth time today. "I don't know Simon, I got assignments to finish" I replied.

"Come on Calypsis it's just one night plus it's Friday you can finish later..."

"Simon..." I dragged. "Fine I'll think about it" I lied so he could leave me the fuck alone.

"Cal you've been saying you wanna loosen up, this is our sophomore year in college and you're still a virgin." He reminded me.

"Bro why would you say that here?" I quickly said looking around.

"Chill no one's here." The class was in fact empty but you never know, Ion need people in my business.

"Look Calypsis" He started as I put my book bag on my shoulder. "I know you don't like parties but it's an opportunity to meet new people and loosen up. Who knows meet someone, you could find yourself a girl or sum." He spoke as we walked up to the  front and put our assignments on Mrs Martin's desk. "If you keep it up you'll die single." He added

"I'm ain't gon get myself a girl at a college party. Only if I wanna have a one night stand, I'll probably never see her ass around this big ass school."

"What you think you was going find the love of your life in college?" He snickered.

"No but I'm not having sex with a stranger either." I replied.

"Calypsis you're really going let me go to the party alone?" He questioned frowning.

As much as I hate being in public places, he won't stop till I say yes.

He's so irresponsible if something happens to him I'd never forgive myself. I sighed before I spoke up.

"You win I'll go." I finally said.

" Fuck yes!!" He shouted gaining the attention of some students that were in hallways.

"Where the party at? And what time?" I asked.

"At Alexia's, her cousins slash roommate Danny, is the one who's throwing it." He explained like I know who the hell is Danny.

"Who's Danny?" I questioned as we walked down the hallway.

"Seriously? I thought you were gay"

"What does me being gay gotta do with know who's Danny?" I questioned mugging him.

I swear this nigga ignorant as fuck.

"Well she's a stud like you. Just a little more athletic." He exclaimed.

"Just cause she's a fellow homosexual doesn't mean I know her." I exclaimed.

"My bad, she fine as fuck not gon lie,  not on sum gay shit but she is fine as fuck. I'd show you a pic but she doesn't post on her socials. She's just like you."  He stated "

"What you mean by that?" I questioned.

"Mysterious, introverted, anti-social" He replied. 

"But she throws a party?" I snickered.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 (𝐒𝐱𝐒)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz