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Chapter 61

Qi Zhoudu resignedly helped Qin Chumeng to lean on the sofa, went to the bathroom to get a wireless hair dryer, adjusted it to the lowest setting and slowly blew Qin Chumeng's hair.

Qin Chumeng's hair was very thick and soft, and it looked like fluffy clouds when blown.

Qi Zhoudu gently helped Qin Chumeng blow dry her hair until her hair became dry, then placed the hair dryer on the coffee table, reached out and hugged Qin Chumeng and walked toward her room.

Probably because he was tired during the day, Qin Chumeng didn't wake up.

Qi Zhoudu lowered his head and looked at Qin Chumeng's eyebrows. Her skin was smooth, delicate and slightly red, as quiet as a sleeping flower.

Maybe this is the only time when I can look at her unscrupulously.

Qi Zhoudu turned on the light in the room. Qin Chumeng was very thin and she hugged her easily.

She put Qin Chumeng on the bed, tucked her in and turned away.

The moment she turned off the light, she whispered good night to Qin Chumeng.

No one responded, and no one needed to respond.


Chumeng woke up to the alarm sound of her mobile phone. The moment she opened her eyes, she was a little confused and forgot where she was for a moment.

She kicked off the quilt and looked around before realizing she was in her own room in the suite.

last night.

Wasn't it on the sofa last night?

Qin Chumeng yawned and kicked up his legs on the bed to do simple stretching exercises.

My head doesn't seem to hurt at all.

Weird, she usually would have a headache if she went to bed without blow-drying her hair, but today she woke up with clear eyesight.

So it was Qi Zhoudu who brought her here last night?

Just as he was thinking about Qi Zhoudu, Qi Zhoudu's voice sounded at the door.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"Are you awake?"

"Awake." Qin Chumeng stopped and replied.

"Okay, let's go out and have breakfast." Qi Zhoudu looked down at his watch. At this time, he should be able to have a leisurely breakfast before starting today's recording.

Qi Zhoudu didn't wait at the door. She sat in the restaurant and waited for Qin Chumeng to come out to eat.

"Why don't you eat?" Qin Chumeng walked to the dining table and saw Qi Zhoudu sitting there, looking at the meal in front of him.

"Waiting for you." Qi Zhoudu looked at Qin Chumeng and replied.

Qin Chumeng smiled slightly and sat across from Qi Zhoudu: "It's okay if you don't wait for me." "

No." Qi Zhoudu shook his head and looked at Qin Chumeng firmly: "I want to wait for you to eat together."

Qin Chumeng looked at Qi Zhoudu She didn't know what to say. It had been a long time since she had a meal with someone face to face. The most recent time was with Qi Zhoudu.

Pulling the timeline further back, before her mother passed away, she thought that these nearly three hundred days of continuous struggle for her dream would make her forget the past.

But I still think about a meal that the family had, and then her father and her occasionally ate, and then she ate by herself all the time.

But now someone told her to wait for her to eat together.

It's like having family again.

This feeling is exactly the same as when Qi Zhoudu told her that he would celebrate her becoming the heroine of "The Mist".

"Did you sleep well last night?" Qin Chumeng saw the bruises under Qi Zhoudu's eyes. Her skin was very white and there were no bags under her eyes. She could tell she was tired at a glance.

"No... I slept well." Qi Zhoudu picked up the knife and fork and said to Qin Chumeng: "Eat quickly." Qin

Chumeng pouted and felt Qi Zhoudu's avoidance, she picked up the knife Eat breakfast.

What are you worried about?

Qi Zhoudu put her hand on her neck and twisted it. The discomfort coming from her neck made her turn her head from time to time since she woke up.

I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up and fell asleep in and out. It seemed like I had a dream but it seemed like I didn't. When I woke up, I couldn't remember anything but felt a headache.

After Qi Zhoudu sent Qin Chumeng back to his room, he took the decanter and goblet, sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and drank glass after glass until there was not a drop of red wine left in the decanter.

She looked at her figure reflected in the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows and thought a lot about the past, the future, and the things she feared the most but had slowly accepted.

"Does your neck hurt?" Qin Chumeng asked looking at Qi Zhoudu's movements.

"One thing, I may have slept in a wrong position last night." Qi Zhoudu replied, kneading the right side of his neck with one hand, and putting the pan-fried cod into his mouth with a fork in his other hand.

"Let me rub it for you." Qin Chumeng put down the knife and fork and volunteered.

"No, no, no, let's eat first, otherwise the food will get cold after a while." Qi Zhoudu waved his hands repeatedly.

Seeing Qi Zhoudu's rejection, Qin Chumeng didn't say anything more. She speeded up her eating. After eating, she walked behind Qi Zhoudu and put her hand on Qi Zhoudu's neck without any explanation.

"You...don't need..."


"...Thank you." Qi Zhoudu's neck was a little stiff, Qin Chumeng's hand was soft and cool, and he placed it on it The pain in her neck seemed to be relieved a little.

Qin Chumeng massaged Qi Zhoudu's neck and shoulders.

Qi Zhoudu swallowed the last bite of food: "That's enough, it's much better."

But Qin Chumeng's hand movements hadn't stopped yet. She felt that Qi Zhoudu was a little shy and embarrassed. This was just a simple effort.

Just like Qin Chu's dream, Qi Zhoudu felt a little uncomfortable. Over the years, she was used to working alone and working overtime until late at night. Neck pain was a common thing. She usually kneaded it a few times and got over it. How could it be like today? Qin Chumeng also massaged her.

She tried to turn around but was blocked by Qin Chumeng's hand.

Until the program staff came to ring the bell.

"Ding dong!"

"Okay, I'll open the door, thank you." Qi Zhoudu gently pressed Qin Chumeng's hand, stood up, walked toward the door, and opened the door.

"Are you two ready? Today's recording is about to start."

Qi Zhoudu looked at Qin Chumeng and asked her with his eyes. After seeing her nod, he said to the staff: "Okay." The two sat down on the program team to arrange

The good car met up with other guests.

He didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or whether Qin Chumeng's massage technique was really good. Qi Zhoudu felt warmth on his shoulders and neck, and the stiffness and discomfort of not long ago were gone.

Today's itinerary was quite full. Following the arrangement of the "Journey of Life" program team, they first went to the most unique Lebu Fountain in Arcadia. The fountain would spray out every ten minutes, with a diameter of 19 meters. The maximum height of the jet can be as high as twenty-five meters.

Qi Zhoudu and Qin Chumeng looked at the spectacular scene in front of them and immediately looked at each other. Without any movement, just as they watched the fountain spurt out and reach its highest point, they looked into each other's eyes in unison.

It's like saying silently: At this moment, I want to have your participation.

Then they went to Wuse Bay. As soon as they got off the car, Qi Zhoudu saw the steaming white smoke from a distance. He heard the staff introduce that Wuse Bay is rich in geothermal resources and has been included in the city's heating system. .

"Hey! Good guy, it's just like a sauna!" Su Zhuyu couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the mist that filled her sight.

"This is so beautiful!" Shi Zuiwei took out a pen from her pocket and compared it. Without a mobile phone, her brain would be a camera.

Later they went to the Horsvimu Church, the National Museum of Arcadia, the Museum of Arcadia Art and other landmark buildings.

"Can't you really send me your cell phone?" Sun Lingqiao wailed. The places she went to today were so beautiful. If the program team hadn't put away her cell phone, she would have filled the memory today.

"That's right." Zou Niyun also thought the same: "Our memory is not as good as that of young people. We will look at it after a while. We can take some photos and show them later." "Yes, yes!" Seeing

Sun Ling Qiao and Zou Niyun both said this, and Yi Xiangwen also said that he was not interested in traveling, he preferred to see all kinds of beauties.

If "Journey of Life" hadn't had higher traffic than "Love Match", he would have participated in that celebrity love reality show.

"Hand out mobile phones!"

"Hand out mobile phones!"

I don't know who started it first, but the voices of the guests sounded loud and clear at first glance.

Qi Zhoudu turned to look at Qin Chumeng, who was also silent like himself.

During her previous travels, she would take pictures with her phone from time to time, but she knew clearly that the most advanced camera is the human eye, whether it is resolution, dynamic range, auto focus, focus, field of view, etc. No other camera can match it.

In short, the scenery seen by the eyes is always more beautiful than what can be photographed.

Just like Zou Niyun said, sometimes taking pictures is for yourself to see later, and sometimes it is for sharing with others.

And when Qin Chumeng stood next to Qi Zhoudu, she felt that it didn't matter whether she had a mobile phone or not. The person she wanted to share with was by her side.

The director shook his head repeatedly and did not agree to the guest's request.

She held a loudspeaker and said: "The modern fast-paced life has made people rely too much on their mobile phones, and their attention is grabbed by the various apps on their mobile phones. If I hand my mobile phone to you, you will carefully appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of you. Are you still so shocked by the beautiful scenery that you lose your voice? "Journey of Life" hopes that everyone can use their eyes to record memories, instead of just relying on the lens of their mobile phone. Go and experience the experience. Every scenery you see is treasured. Limited edition."

Qin Chumeng looked at Qi Zhoudu with eyes like bright stars in the dark night. Just as the director said, she wanted to engrave the limited edition Qi Zhoudu she treasured at this moment in her memory.

It's time again to decide where to sleep tonight.

"The next thing that will be carried out is the [tacit understanding competition]. Each group of two people will get a whiteboard respectively. They will answer the questions on the whiteboard back to back. The answer is the same as what the guest wrote before the game started. One point will be awarded. There are ten points in total. "Please answer seriously. In the end, the accommodation tonight will be allocated according to points."

Different from yesterday's "military fight", today is obviously a "literary fight".

Qi Zhoudu glanced at Zou Niyun and felt that today's game should be more friendly to their group. With so many years of friendship, they shouldn't have to worry about them tonight.

The order of the game was determined by drawing lots. Qi Zhoudu reached into the box and took out a 1.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the 1 written on her note.

"Qin Chu Meng Group, please take note, please sit at the designated position and listen to the question." "

Does the other party have someone he likes?"

It was a difficult question from the beginning. Qi Zhoudu opened the cap of the marker pen and kept his hand on the whiteboard. Know what to write.

Normally, managers would screen this kind of issues thoroughly. Qin Chumeng debuted less than a year ago, and this kind of issue...

Qi Zhoudu thought about it, and she felt that since the issue was answered in such a generous manner, If he proposed it, then Qin Chumeng probably didn't like anyone.

So she wrote on the whiteboard: No.

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