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Chapter 111

After Qi Zhoudu finished speaking, he put Qin Chumeng's hand aside, and the brief touch left a smooth and tender feeling in her hand.

Qin Chumeng looked down at the hand hanging by his side. There was still a little warmth from Qi Zhoudu on it: "No...it doesn't hurt?" "Yes, it doesn't hurt." Qi Zhoudu curled his lips and looked at Qin Chumeng. laugh


Seeing Qi Zhoudu's overly "bright" smile, Qin Chumeng was a little confused. Was it really not painful or was he resisting her touch?

"cmmm seems a little disappointed."

"I'd say this Qi Zhoudu just doesn't know what's good and what's good." "

Hey, it's you who didn't let Qin Chumeng get close to Qi Zhoudu, and now you say this again."


Zhou Bingxia: "Please Qin Chumeng's team came first to select the materials used for [Sea Drifting]."

"Let's go, they're calling us." Qi Zhoudu said.


"Now there are four materials for making rafts in front of the guests, namely wooden sticks, bamboo, plastic buckets, and wooden boards. Each group will choose among these four materials and use the selected materials to make them. The ship goes to Yongji Island over there."

"What? Did I hear you correctly?" Zuo Xiuyuan looked shocked. Do you want to build your own ship?

Xue Qiuyue shook her head and cast a comforting look at her.

Zhou Bingxia pointed out the direction of Yongji Island to the guests, and the staff on the side also moved a large screen to show the guests the route to Yongji Island by raft.

"Just use these materials?" Bu Hanliang looked incredulous. Can these planks, sticks and a pile of materials scattered on the beach be combined into a raft?

Lu Mengfei hit her head with her hands, and looked at Wu Jingwan: "Jingwan, you will give me instructions later, I will work, my brain is not good." "Okay." Wu Jingwan agreed, and she looked at the things placed on the beach

. Of those four materials, I thought about which one to choose for a while.

"Lu Mengfei is too upright."

"Just say that my brain is not good."



Zhou Bingxia: "Has the Qin Chumeng team decided on which material to choose?"

Qin Chumeng tilted his head and asked Qi Zhoudu: "Choose. Which one?"

"Bamboo." Qi Zhoudu pointed.

"Then bamboo." Qin Chumeng turned to Zhou Bingxia and said.

"Are you sure?" Zhou Bingxia asked again.


"Okay, Qin Chumeng's team chose bamboo as the material for their raft, and Lian Yewei's team will make the selection next." Five or six staff members came to help Qi Zhoudu and Qin Chumeng select the bamboo they chose. Hug him

to the open space aside.

Qi Zhoudu: "Why did you choose bamboo?"

"Didn't you just point to bamboo?" Qin Chumeng asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Qi Zhoudu paused: "I mean, do you have the materials you originally wanted to choose?"

Qin Chu dreamed for a while: "I also want to choose bamboo, but can you use these to make a raft?"

Qi Zhoudu squatted He lowered his body and fiddled with the bamboos, feeling a little confused: "I've never done it before, but I can give it a try." "

Lian Yewei's group chose plastic buckets!"

"Xue Qiuyue's group chose wooden boards!" "

Then Wu Jingwan's group can only use It's a wooden stick."

Wu Jingwan glanced at the wooden board with a regretful face, she liked the wooden board more than the wooden stick.

"Jingwan, can a wooden stick work?" Lu Mengfei asked.

"It's okay if it doesn't work."

Bu Hanliang: "How to do it?"

Lian Yewei: "These materials must be combined with something."

Although Zuo Xiuyuan had previously expressed shock at the fact that she needed to make her own raft to go to another island , but he was already sitting on the beach playing with the board, with a serious look on his face.

"We won't just let them build it by themselves."

"It looks very difficult, and I don't know

how to do it." "What if the raft they make sinks in the sea?"


Ten minutes have passed, and each group has Except that the materials were placed a little neatly, there wasn't much progress.

A man in a black sportswear ran towards them in the distance.

Seeing the man approaching, Zhou Bingxia said: "Dear guests, are you confused about making a raft? Now we have asked our instructor to show you how to build a raft reasonably. In addition, other materials needed to build a raft have been placed over there. Guests can collect it by themselves according to their needs."

Qi Zhoudu and Qin Chumeng gathered around the instructor and listened carefully to her explanation, trying to understand the key points of what she said.

"Okay, now our instructor has finished explaining. Guests, please go back to the previous position to make the raft. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the instructor for help, but the instructor will not participate in the process of making the raft." Zhou Bingxia looked around. said.

After listening to the instructor's explanation, Zuo Xiuyuan took the necessary materials from the pile of other materials on the side. Instead of being lazy before, she directed Xue Qiuyu: "Qiuyue, come and help me put this board over there."


"Qiuyue, take this rope. Now let's tighten it together, right."

Xue Qiuyue followed Zuo Xiuyuan's instructions and worked hard with her.

"Zuo Xiuyuan is so serious now!"

"She seems to understand very well. Currently, their raft progress is the fastest among all." "

I didn't expect that rowing is not good, but making rafts is a good hand."


Qi Zhoudu Squatting in front of the bamboo, arrange the bamboos into parallel layers, placing one layer on top of the other according to the steps explained and made by the instructor before.

Qin Chumeng squatted beside her and followed Qi Zhoudu. The midday sun was a little dazzling. She turned to look at Qi Zhoudu, put down the bamboo in her hands, and formed a photo frame with her hands to frame Qi Zhoudu inside.

Qi Zhoudu turned his head and saw Qin Chumeng's movements and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Are you tired? If you are tired, go to the side to rest." "Click -" Qin Chumeng pressed the thumbs and index fingers of both hands at the same time, in memory.

Lieutenant General left this scene behind.

"Qcm wants to take a picture of qzd!"

"Give them the mobile phone! I'm sure! Let her take the picture!" "The

screenshot has been taken! Send it to Zhuangzhou Mengdie CP Star Chat immediately."

"Menghua shook her head, Menghua sighed, Menghua closed her eyes . "

"It's my first dream... [Speaking with sincerity and sincerity.jpg]"


"Ah?" Qi Zhoudu was stunned, and a slightly embarrassed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.





Qin Chumeng turned his body to change different postures, and took pictures of Qi Zhoudu with the camera formed by his hands: "Seven consecutive shots!"

"Are you taking pictures?" Qi Zhoudu understood: "How do you develop the photos?"

Qin Chumeng gently tapped his temple: "The photos are all here."

Qi Zhoudu looked at Qin Chumeng's smile and felt like Stung by something, she put down the bamboo in her hand and imitated Qin Chumeng's example, making a photo frame with her hands and photographing Qin Chumeng with the camera in her hand.


Qi Zhoudu looked at Qin Chumeng from the "camera".

It would be great if she had a real camera in her hand. She could use photos to freeze the moment of Qin Chumeng.


Qin Chumeng stood up and changed poses in coordination, while Qi Zhoudu's lips raised slightly.

The one I have is not bad at all, and it will remain in my memory forever.

"Ahhhhh, what are they doing?"

"Give them mobile phones! Give them cameras! You're really not joking!" "

I really want to see them take photos of each other! What a little couple's trick!"


"What are you talking about? Well, this is normal behavior between friends."

"Don't spread rumors!"

"It's normal for friends to pat each other."


"Now they are friends again. Before, I wished Qi Zhoudu was far away. Okay."

"Now I hope Qi Zhoudu stays far away from Qin Chumeng."

"Seven consecutive shots!" Qi Zhoudu imitated Qin Chumeng's example and took seven consecutive photos.

The "camera" in her hand seemed to be really magical. As long as her thumb and index finger touched, a photo exclusive to Qin Chumeng appeared in her mind.

Qi Zhoudu was about to put down the "camera" in his hand, but when he saw Qin Chumeng in front of him, he clicked two more pictures.

"Nine consecutive shots!"

Qin Chumeng knelt down and reached out to Qi Zhoudu to ask for it: "Where are the photos?"

Her cheeks were slightly red, and there was a bit of anticipation in her eyes.

Qi Zhoudu stretched out her index and middle fingers, closed her eyes, pointed at her temples with both hands, and muttered something in her mouth: "Dudududududu——" After a while, she opened her eyes,

took out a "photo" from her forehead and handed it to Qin. First dream.

Qin Chumeng took the non-existent photo with both hands, looked at it, and shook it with his hand to make the ink on it dry faster.

"Hahahahaha, what are they doing?"

"I just came in, can everyone see what Qin Chumeng has in his hand? Is there something wrong with my equipment? Why didn't she take anything?" "

Hahahaha, the victim has appeared."

"Let's learn about the non-physical performances of excellent actors."


"This is just one picture." Qin Chumeng frowned slightly, and his mouth was slightly pursed with dissatisfaction. He only received one picture: "I took nine photos here, just give me one. How will the boss do business in the future?" "Okay

, Xingfu Photo Studio will develop other photos for you right away. Please wait." Qi Zhoudu said again. Putting his hands on his temples, he completed the previous actions.

"This is your second photo."

"This is your third photo."


"This is your ninth photo."

"Is the first dream coming true?"

"Qi Zhoudu is accompanying you. It's so fun to watch her act."

"They are so nice, I don't understand why some people are so hostile to Qi Zhoudu."


Qin Chumeng took the last "photo" with a smile on his lips: "Yes, the service attitude of your store is good. I will recommend my friends to come to you in the future." "

Okay, it is my honor to make you satisfied." Qi Zhoudu bowed and saluted: "This small store is only for Just go ahead and get in touch if you need anything else."

"I laughed until I cried!"

"I didn't expect to see a melodrama in this variety show!"

"The two people's cooperation is perfect. I thought they had rehearsed the script in advance."


Qin Chumeng looked at Qi Zhoudu who was bending down in front of him.

That sentence "Only for you" still stuck in my heart.

Is it possible that the person in front of her only belongs to her?

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