Chapter Two

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~Luke POV~

As I come into a screeching halt in the parking lot, turning a little more than usual as I come a little closer to a girl, lucky she moves out the way.

I hear as I am stepping out of the car.


I hear the voice of an angel and I like it. I walk over to where she is standing and stop right in front of her.

"I apologize, I hope I didn't hurt you, Did I?" I see her holding her breath lightly from how close I am to her, making sure her eyes lock onto mine so she can't look anywhere else. I slightly smile from this beautiful sight.

"No" That angelic sound again as she speaks.

"Glad to hear that, I wouldn't want to have a pretty lady like yourself hurt."

I see she's holding her breath again, I can't help myself but to have a slight smirk.

"I am fine, just be careful next time and maybe don't drive so recklessly" Her tone turns into a snarky remark.

"Understood I will try miss."

"Yea ok bye whatever your name is."

As she turns to walk I say, "The name is Luke and yours?"

I watch as she pauses and I know she has heard of me, wonderful.

"The name is none of your business, but nice meeting you Luke."

"Hm ok, nice meeting you too no name'

I watch as she walks to her car and leaves, Miss no name was beautiful.

I will get her name, I will know her name. Even if it's the last thing I do. I have a feeling she will be fun to play with.

I walked up to my apartment exactly right on top of her, I made sure I was near her and the same college! I have never wanted to go to college let alone my fathers because of the stories that hide in it and for the stuff male students get into, but once I heard her in high school, I knew I just had to do whatever to get her to be mine! Of course, I know her name, but I will not let her know that until she tells me.

Oh, Aria how I have dreamed over you, it will no longer be a dream now. I will make you mine!

Surprisingly she doesn't remember me from high school though, but it does make sense over summer I have changed my look over the time, when I look in the mirror, I don't even recognize myself.

As I enter my apartment I sit on the couch and look at my phone as it rings, I pick up.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" "Yes, I understand"

"I am sure I want to go forward with it as long as our deal is still sealed."

"I'll see you at the office tomorrow then, and we can discuss more then.'

"Bye dad" I then hung up.

I drop my phone and turn on the tv and lay on the couch.

Today's been a long day. Having meetings with my father about the school since I kinda enrolled a little late, but also for other things. I feel so tired and the first day of school is tomorrow. I think I am just going to watch a little bit of tv then go to sleep.

Laying on the couch watching tv I drift off to sleep.

25 mins into sleeping my phone goes off I pick it up seeing it is Ryder calling.

"What do you want dude?" I say barely even being awake.

"Woah calm it grouchy I am just calling to see if you're going to do it tomorrow?"

"This couldn't have waited until I saw you at school?" I say in a tired irritated tone.

"I mean it could've but then I couldn't have pissed you off tonight."

"I'm going to hurt you Ryder remember that" He honestly loved missing me off.

"You love me, oh your little girlfriend yea she's sleep>

I sit you feeling wide awake. "How do you know that?"

"She left her window open, and I was going back to my room."



"Yea I'm officially going to hurt you, after I go see my little one."

"Yea ok lover boy, you better go see her soon before I go and do it first!"

"You go near her, and I'll cut your eyes out."

"Now is that any way to speak to your best friend?"

"Yes, when he wants to do stuff to get me mad."

"Understandable bye lover boy, I'm coming up now."

"Bye I'll be heading out for a little."

As I am walking out the apartment, I see Ryder and as we walk past each other I punch him in the arm!

"What the hell dude?"

"Shouldn't have said what you said."

The night was alive with the muted sounds of the city, and Ryder and I continued our banter, laughter acting as our constant companion. Ryder had been my partner in mischief since second grade, and our friendship had only deepened over the years. We had a shared penchant for adventure and a knack for finding trouble, often pushing the boundaries just to see what lay beyond.

College had brought us both to my father's alma mater, a decision made not just for education, but for the promise of shared escapades. Weekends were no longer enough to satisfy our thirst for thrill; we craved the chaos of campus life, the unpredictable moments that could only happen in a bustling student environment.

As I stepped outside into the cool night, I noticed her window, adorned with the inviting glow of red LED lights. Aria's room, her sanctuary, was distinguishable from the others in the apartment complex. The temptation to take a closer look seized me; the urge to understand her world became an obsession.

Carefully, I scaled the balcony, my movements precise to avoid making a sound. As I peered into her room, I found her peacefully asleep, unaware of my presence. It was a moment both exhilarating and eerie, a glimpse into a world I was not meant to see.

Watching her, I felt a strange sense of calm wash over me. Her rhythmic breathing, the rise and fall of her chest, became a hypnotic melody. Despite the ethereal peace, my actions were laced with guilt and a nagging awareness of the intrusion.

Suddenly, as if sensing my presence, she stirred. Panic surged through me, and I darted away from the balcony, pressing myself against the glass doors, barely daring to breathe. Her eyes, a captivating shade of reddish-brown, scanned the room, searching for the unknown disturbance.

In that moment, I felt the weight of my actions, the invasion of her privacy gnawing at my conscience. Regret and fascination warred within me, leaving me with a turbulent mix of emotions. Yet, despite the remorse, an inexplicable pull kept me anchored to the shadows, my eyes fixed on the enigma that was Aria.

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