Five Preggles (part 2)

114 1 7

Why do I keep listening to you. 

Five Pebbles still doesn't want to believe that he (keep the words "He"  in mind.) Is PREGNANT.

How could this have happened? He hasn't... Done anything karma 2 related with anyone, and even stranger, couldn't iterators not even do that if they wanted to? They do not have the ability to do so, do this has him even more confused.


I sit in my room at my desk, staring at my computer screen. I had been up almost the entire night before throwing up. This was not a pleasant situation to be in, not at all.. I had multiple tabs open, still trying to figure out how.. this could have happened to me.

It's baffling. I tilt my head heavenward (god this word.) and sigh, my antenna lowering lightly.


I groan and rub my forehead, folding my arms together on my desk and laying my head down with a huff. I lay there for a moment before moving one hand down to my stomach once more, trying to figure out if that was just my imagination messing with me.


Nope, that's realI keep my hand on my stomach and blink, my antenna lowering a bit. I could technically tell Moon about this, she would understand, right?

I sit there for a moment longer, rubbing my stomach. It helped stop the pain that was currently being experienced, but I knew it was just going it get worse from here.


Poor Five Pebbles, he doesn't know what to do. He's pregnant, which is confusing enough for him, and he's scared. He doesn't know how this happened, and he's afraid to tell anybody else about this.

What Five Pebbles doesn't know is that it's gonna get a whole hell of a lot worse from here..

Uh oh there's multiple parts, they are evolving. 

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