Chapter 9. Possibility

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Chapter 9. Possibility

Beverly's carbon fourteen tests on hair samples from corpses they found on Earth only added to the confusion that the blackout event caused.

"The results I've gotten don't make sense," Beverly revealed. "They indicate that these people died only two or three years ago. That doesn't seem possible."

"The only possible way that could be the case is if the Venus event was short lived," Charles said.

"Or, the blackout event corrupted time," Carl suggested. "We have no idea what sort of time effect we've experienced."

"I think the real confusion is the fact that our crew and Dave's crew experienced the blackout even though we were separated by four lightyears. This suggests a cosmic event, but it's inconsistent with this Venus effect on Earth. We should have suffered more severely out here in space."

"Unless these two events are not connected," Carl suggested. "Maybe the Venus effect is unrelated to the blackout."

"I take it that you've eliminated the alien attack theory," Hilary said.

"Yeah," Charles said, running his hand through his hair. "It doesn't make sense that aliens would be attacking us in two locations separated by four light years. Why would they even bother."

"Is it possible that we've been changed by this time screw up?" Alice asked.

"Are you suggesting that we've been altered physically?" Charles asked.

"Yes. Maybe we've been time shifted by the blackout event and that's why we can't appreciate what we're seeing."

"That's possible," Charles replied. "We do have a medical lab on this vessel that is capable of performing thorough physical exams."

"Yes," Vicky said. "I was trained to use that system."

"Why would they do that?" Hilary asked her. "You're an astrophysicist, not a physician."

Vicky grinned briefly. "As a matter of fact, I was. I changed course when I was accepted into the Space Academy."

"In that case you're recruited to do the tests." Charles told her. "I'll volunteer. We should also have a female subject."

Hilary raised her hand. "I'll do it."

"Good," Charles said. "Maybe this will help us understand what's going on here."

Charles went with Vicky to the medical lab, which was next to the hibernation chamber.

The A-156 model medical exam module dominated the lab. Vicky activated it and made it run through a system check before she tried to use it.

Charles looked over her shoulder at the readout screen. "Is the robot doctor ready, doctor?"

She turned to give him a teasing grin. "Yes, it is!"

"I'm ready," he proclaimed.

She offered him an ornery smirk that morphed to a more serious demeanor. "Ah, you have to disrobe for this exam."

"Everything?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"Yes," She replied, with a constrained but still teasing grin.

She continued to program the medical unit for a complete exam while her willing subject undressed. When he was finished, she turned to survey his body.

"I like your birthday suit," she said, with a sly smile on her beautiful lips.

"Thanks," he replied while giving her a mock scolding expression.

"Raise your hands and spread your legs," she commanded. "I have to stick sensors onto to you."

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