Chapter 15. Existential

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Chapter 15. Existential

When the Proxima B arrived at the L2 Lagrange location a million miles from Earth, Charles sat down next to Alice, who was occupying the pilot's chair and was busy guiding the ship into a safe Location.

"Looks like you found a home for us," he told her.

"Ah, you can take the pilot's seat," she said after turning to stare at him. "You're the pilot."

He smiled. "I think you're doing a pretty good job of piloting."

"Thanks," she replied while studying the screen to make sure she wasn't heading into a collision.

A few minutes of silence ensued while she brought the ship into a proper orientation to orbit the Earth and Sun in the dead zone of the L2 location. Then she turned to him. "That should do it." She turned back to the main screen for a few minutes before she said something else. "I would like to go over some rules that I believe that you and your buddies should obey."

He swallowed hard before he replied. "What do you have in mind."

"I believe that we've come up with a possible way to make this big slug travel faster than light, but before I discuss it with you, I would like you men to follow some practices."

He tilted his head and gave her a solicitous expression. "What did you have in mind?"

"We gals want you men to obey us, and we want you to accept it without any complaints."

"Why is that so important to you? We're not a threat to any of you."

"It would allow us to be satisfied that you won't discipline us. We need to be happy and have fun, and you men are the perfect receptacles for us to vent our frustrations."

"That sounds rather juvenile," he retorted.

"It's either that or we lock you up in the holding cells."

Charles didn't reply right away. He waited until his emotions subsided, and he was under control before he replied. "That would be an act of cruelty. I'm surprised that you would do such an inappropriate act, especially since we treat you women with the highest respect and kindness, and keep in mind that I risked my life to save some of you."

She swallowed hard and sighed. "You're right, but I had to see how you would react. Please accept my apology."

He stood up. "I think I need to go and think about this, and you should too."

She watched him leave the command deck before turning and sobbing. Her stupidity lost his respect, and she wasn't sure how she could get it back.

Hilary came into the command deck and plopped down next to her noting that her eyes showed signs of crying. "How did he take it?"

"He was royally pissed. I'm going to have to use a more subtle approach."

"You need to confront him when he's compromised," Hilary suggested.

Alice gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, but I don't think it's a good idea to prank him."

Hilary smiled at her. She realized that they were treading on dangerous ground.

The next day, Alice showed up at Charles' quarters while he was taking a shower, the perfect time to confront him. She waited until he came out of the air drier before she approached him.

"I'm sorry about coming here at an inappropriate time."

"That's okay," her replied, taking no effort to protect his modesty. "You've already seen plenty of me in the raw."

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