Start of a New Legend!

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     Mitsuki Bakugo was in tears at the hospital with her little 12 year old nephew Izuku. Today Inko Midoriya, her best friend and Izuku's mother, passed away from cancer. She lost her best friend. He lost his mother. Life was already hard enough for little Izuku being quirkless. Now, an orphan abandoned by his own father it was about to be even harder.

    Mutsuki and Masaru came to an agreement. After Inko's funeral, she will take Izuku to her old friend Tifa's home. She desperately yearned to raise Izuku. Unfortunately, their ass of a kid would not be good for Izuku in his current predicament. She texted her friend the situation, and as expected, she wholeheartedly agreed. "A-Auntie....wh-what happens to m-me n-now?" Asked a mournful Izuku.

    Mitsuki hugs him close. "Izu-chan, much as I want to adopt you. I know you and Katsuki aren't really friends anymore, are you?" Izuku sniffles and shakes his head. "I was afraid of that. Inko and I have a friend who can adopt you, Izuku.... this way, you can grow up safe and strong. I....I wish I could do it instead, but I am afraid of what would happen between Katsuki and you. I know you will have a great life with her. Just promise me something, okay, Izuku?" Izuku wipes his tears and looks to her. He nods as she smiles.

      "Be strong, Izu. Strong and happy. Masaru and I will not abandon you. You can always reach us, so just promise me to grow up strong and happy, alright?" She smiled at him tearfully. He smiles as best as he can and nods. She tells him that until Inko's funeral, he will stay with them as Katsuki will be at his aunt's to prevent any problem.

     As the days pass, Izuku and Mitsuki pack up everything from Inko's home and spend almost every minute together. After they pack everything, she sends it to Tifa. The day of Inko's funeral was one of the saddest days of their lives. Inko was an amazing mother and friend. The three were in tears the entire time. More for the next day's event. As he was now orphaned, Aldera expelled Izuku. No school would accept him.

   As Mitsuki and Izuku loaded into the car and bid farewell to Masaru, Izuku asked. "Auntie....can I really never be a hero...." Which broke her heart. They all knew his dream. The day he was given the diagnosis, both her and Inko sat him down and told him that if he works hard, studies, and puts his heart into it, any dream can be achieved. "Who said that Izu?" She asked, and his trembled. "Kacchan, my classmates, my teachers, everyone but you, mom, and Uncle Masaru...I do my b-best, but..." Mitsuki tears up and leans down.

    "Tifa will help you, Izuku. If you really want to be a hero, she will help you become one. Her late husband was quirkless, and he was the strongest guy I knew. In three years, Izuku, you will be just as strong if you listen to her and train hard. We know you're smart. We know you hate when people hurt others. You're the kindest, nicest, bravest boy I have ever known. Do not let what idiots think hurt you. Okay, honey?" He sniffled and smiled as she hugged him.

    "You're my little Izu-chan. Nobody will ever convince me you aren't good enough to be a hero, Izuku. Understand?" He nodded as she hugged him close. Smirking at his blushing face as she mashed him into her breast. "Aww, there's my cute little Izu-chan. Hehe, you're so adorable when you blush." He squeaks as she kisses his forehead. 'Katsuki, you will regret ever hurting Izuku. I'll hold back for now and let him be the one to put you in your place!' She roared in her mind. "Hehe, you always blush when I hug you into my boobs hehe guess we know your type Izu-chan!" She giggles with a wink as he squirms in his seat.

     Smirking at how much Tifa is going to enjoy teasing him. They drive for a couple of hours, and Izuku falls asleep as Mitsuki remembers every moment of her life with Inko and Izu. Sadness fills her heart at being separated from him. But she knows they can always keep in touch and even visit from time to time. She sighs as she pulls into the Strife Delivery Service parking lot. She gets out of the car and heads to the passenger side, opening the door she ruffles his hair. Kneeling down, she smirks. Undoing his seat belt, she leans forward and kisses his cheek. "Hey, cutie, we're here." Making him start to stir.

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