Izuku's Rage! Gaining Members!

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   Bruised and bloodied Akane wept as she dug through the rubble in search of her family. The villains responsible watched as they cackled and made cruel jokes at her expense as she searched for her husband and daughter. Yet she heard nothing as she frantically searched. However, her hopes that they were okay nearly shattered as she found what was left of her husband's body. Ken Yaoyorozu was dead. Akane's terror built as she pulled his body into a hug, and tears fell like waterfalls cascading on the ruined body of Ken.

    However, as she wept, a noise reached her ears. A noise that restored her hope. "M-Mother...." Momo's weak voice, which was barely audible to anyone else, was as loud as a fog horn to her mother's ears. "Momo! Where are you, Momo!? Mother's here just say something. Anything and I'll find you!" Akane cried out as she scanned the surrounding rubble. Once more, she heard her daughters voice call out to her. In a flash, Akane raced to where she heard it and began to tear the rubble off of Momo.

    Seconds passed by before she had freed her wounded daughter from the rubble. Only to whimper as Momo was pierced by rebar through the stomach and spine. "Oh God, no! Momo, I'm so sorry. I'll fix this. I will. I won't let you die!" She shouted as she sobbed, holding her dying daughter. She hated lying to her, but she wasn't about to let Momo's last moments be ones of futile hope. The villains howled with laughter as they stalked their way to the mother and daughter. Their cruel jokes only increased as they surrounded the weeping pair.

    "Heh, well, what d'ya know least the two fuckholes survived. Eh, one of them anyway. So who gets the girls cunt as I take the Mother's?" A tall crocodilian man asked as a smile revealed his sharpened teeth. Horrifying the Yaoyorozus as they begged in their minds for someone to help them. Making the bastards laugh even louder as they all argued about which chick they get to rape. However, if these fools knew just what they started, they surely would have refused the job. "You can take the mom. I wanna deflower that bloody rose!" A man covered in coarse brown fur and the head of a bull snorted out as he unzipped his pants and walked towards Momo and Akane.

    Yet this would result in him no longer having any family jewels whatsoever as a powerful voice roared, and suddenly, the bull man felt his manhood no longer. "Get awaaaay from theeeeem!!!" Bellowed a voice the two Yaoyorozus knew all too well. As for six months, they had seen the boy near daily. Their prayers were answered as the boy stomped the bull man's castrated dick and balls. The boy stood wielding a massive sword with such ease it was akin to a dagger. His cyan eyes bored into the rest of the villains as he stood with a look of absolute fury on his face. Izuku Midoriya has arrived, and hell has accompanied him to the battlefield. He raised his blade to the sky as the tip began to glow bright. Winds whipped up around him as his voice boomed through the clouds two words.

    But you may be wondering, dear readers, just how this came to pass. To know that we must wind back the clock to the day after saving Momo from being kidnapped and informing her and her parents about his powers. He accompanied Tifa and Mitsuki to the vaunted halls of UA. Much to his surprise as the pair had managed to keep their friendship with the principal of UA secret from him. His eyes danced across the hallways and rooms as they walked to the principals office. He saw several pro heroes as they taught their classes, and much as he wished to get their autographs, the two women kept him on course to Nezu's office.

   After being ushered in by the ratgod himself, Izuku's mind was in overdrive. "Hello, nephew. It's been far too long since we last met." Came the cheery voice of Nezu as Izuku froze by his words. "W-We met b-before?" The tiny powerhouse asked in surprise. Nezu and his aunties chuckled before the hero looked seriously into his nephew's eyes. "Yes, we have. It's thanks to your family that I was saved from that lab all those decades ago. Nana Shimura, your grandmother and former Number One hero Paragon, saved my life and even helped me become a hero. As such, it's my duty to help you become the mighty hero Inko and us all see within your heroic spirit. Even though your old school had done its best to make you seem like a villain with all the black marks, they put in your record." Nezu said as he remembered the call Tifa made the day after Izuku came to live with her.

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