Despondent Akane!

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      Aizawa was breathing heavily after Ultima withdrew the enormous blade from his throat. The tale the young hero told after he pushed the sword through the air itself to vanish altogether made no sense to the sleepy hero. In less than five minutes, this mystery kid who apparently Nemuri knew very well shattered his worldview. But worse was the intense aura of death the boy exuded when his anger rose horrified the hero. He listened to the fantasy the brat said, but deep down, he knew it had to all be lies. He just needed to prove it. As no kid under 18 has ever been a hero. Nor had any quirkless. Yet the kid obviously had a quirk. A powerful one by his estimates if he was somehow more powerful than that buffoon Yagi was. 

    He listened to the story as he eyed the boy with caution. Yet once his story was done, his powerful cyan gaze fell upon Aizawa once more. "You may not believe me, zombie. But ask Nezu. He'll back me up on everything I said, especially as he's the reason I'm already a pro." As if he had read Aizawa's mind. The sleepy deprived hobo, uhh, I mean hero, flinched by the boy's deduction. When an all too familiar killer intent was aimed at him. Swallowing hard, Aizawa squinted in fear as he looked to Nemuri. He knew he was not going to have a fun night by the look of absolute fury she aimed his way. He looked to Mic for some support, but what he heard next almost gave him a heart attack. "Uhh. You're on your own, Sho." Present Mic said as he trembled.

    Izuku smirked as he stood next to Nemuri and watched the zombie quake in fear of the dominatrix inspired heroine. "You know I may still be furious to no end but damn that's fucking hilarious Nemu." He said as the heroine blushed. Mic and Eraser blinked before looking between themighty green teen and Nemuri after hearing that. Only poor Izuku to kiss Nemuri's cheek before spanking her ass and vanishing. Nemuri moaned loud as Izuku kissed her and spanked her ass before pouting as she rubbed her thighs together. "Dammit! I'll get you back for getting me hot and bothered and not sealing the deal, Izuku!!!!" She roared before redoubling her furious aura as she stomped towards a terrified Aizawa who shrieked so loud even Hizashi had to cover his ears.

     Akane held Momo in her arms as she sat in the ambulance. Her mind reeled from the loss of her husband as well as so many other innocents. Only she and Momo survived the battle. All her staff, who in her eyes were her most valued friends and family, were all killed simply to try kidnapping Momo once more. Momo, at this point, had fallen asleep after crying rivers for her father's and the staffs deaths. Leaving Akane to be lost in thought.

   As she relived the past hours events, she hadn't noticed Izuku's return, at least not until he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Auntie Akane. If I had just gotten here sooner, I could have stopped this. But I did, however, get vengeance for Uncle Ken and stopped the villains from escaping." He said with a voice full of sorrow. Tears fell from Akane's silver eyes as she pulled Izuku into a hug. She thanked him profusely for ensuring the criminals responsible for this tragedy would face justice.

    As Izuku hugged his auntie and Momo, he did his best to keep control of his fury. Twice now, Momo had been targeted for kidnapping. Only this time by a monster, he knew he was no match for the way he was now. He lost his uncle as Akane and Momo lost a husband and father, respectively. "Come to our place, Akane. I messaged Tifa and Mitsuki about what has happened, and they're on their way home now." Too tired to fight it Akane simply nodded as she clutched onto Izuku and Momo with all her remaining strength.

   She yelped when the mighty teen easily picked her up and raced through the streets, carrying the mother and daughter with ease. In mere moments, they arrived at Izuku's home. Akane had been blushing the whole time in awe at the strength Izuku has gained these past six months. As well as his willingness to not only face monsters but to ensure those who slayed Ken would be punished.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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