chapter 2

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"It was very cold; I put my small hands in my pockets to warm them. Ever since Professor Flamel's thunderous announcement, I've had a hard time not thinking about it. I'm quite apprehensive, to be honest... the mere idea of having to imagine being there disgusts me to the highest degree, ugh! Cursed Dumbledore!! I leaned against the wall of a shop on Diagon Alley, watching people pass by silently while Mr. Flamel was talking to the wand seller in the store. I didn't feel comfortable; the paths were covered with snow, and a thick layer of white was on the old houses of the small town. In this winter weather, I would give anything for a hot chocolate right now. I buried my head in a scarf I was wearing around my neck to protect myself from the biting cold when suddenly, a little squirrel sneaked into my coat pocket.

'What? Get out, you nasty creature!' It quickly darted out, but in searching my pockets, I realized it had made off with my glasses and disappeared from my view onto the roof of a house.

'Come back here, you little psychopath!' I hurried to a ladder to access the roof; the ground creaked as I got closer to the little squirrel. 'Come on, please, I'll be strangled if I break them!' People looked at me strangely; some shouted for me to come down, fearing I was depressed. I tiptoed cautiously, trying not to lose balance or pierce the wood. 'Come on, come here, please!'

It looked at me with wide eyes, then jumped to another building. 'You thief -' I felt the roof break beneath my feet, and I fell to the horrified cries of the people around me. When I opened my eyes, I was afraid to find the worst: the house I had pierced was actually Ollivander's shop. I had fallen onto his desk, which I had destroyed, buried beneath a pile of magical wands! I struggled to get up while seeing Ollivander standing there with a jaw-dropped expression, along with Mr. Flamel, who snapped his fingers with a furious look. I could only turn my head in shame, realizing the chaos I had caused.

'May I know what you're doing here?' The tone in his voice indicated his anger; I had rarely seen him so disappointed. 'M-Mr. I'm really sorry, I -' A squirrel suddenly appeared on Ollivander's shoulder; my eyes widened. Holding a chair in my hands, I accidentally rushed towards the poor man, intending to take my revenge on the squirrel.

Mr. Flamel toke his wand and immediately cast 'Accio,' which had the effect of pulling me towards him. I dropped the chair, which crashed to the floor with a deafening noise. This time, I was done for. I glanced at Ollivander, who got up with some difficulty. 'Child, why such violence...' I waved my hands, and mumbled some hurried apologies before my professor took over. He politely and methodically found the right words to soothe the poor seller and quickly changed the subject to find my own wand. I stood behind Mr. Flamel, unable to say anything, overwhelmed with shame.

We quickly proceeded to test the wands, exploding vases, creating clouds of smoke, and singeing the seller's hair before finding one that was particularly interesting. Made of acacia and thunderbird feather, we immediately reacted in symbiosis and perfect harmony. Ollivander was pleased, but my master seemed skeptical, and I didn't care. It's true that until then, I had only used basic wands for my training.

I saw Mr. Flamel pull Ollivander aside and discreetly speak to him; Ollivander's expression changed after a few exchanged words, becoming neutral and slightly worried. I approached slowly, and they immediately changed the subject. Strange...

I left the store not to disturb them, wrapped in my warm scarf. I found a corner, took out some crumpled paper and a pencil to write a little note.

'Dear Kiara, dear Lena. It's been a while since I've seen you. I hope you're doing well... I hope you're not too worried. I'm still studying with my professor. We're in a somewhat isolated corner of Paris, far from any potential disturbances to my studies in sorcery. I'm making lightning-fast progress, and Mr. Flamel is proud of me. I've done some mischief again, it seems... nothing serious, just a little fatal fall from a building onto very hard wood. I've been through worse! I'm not sure what to think about my return to Hogwarts, but one thing's for sure. No matter what happens, know that I don't want to change or listen to nonsense. You know me well, haha... I can't tell you everything because I'm running out of paper, but I miss you both. There are no cousins like you. Sending you all my love, Your favorite little witch, Gigou.'

I finished the letter on a more affectionate note, my frozen hands trembling from cold and somewhat fear. I adjusted my hijab while my professor exited the shop, politely greeting the seller. I simply remained silent, expecting the worst.

'A Butterbeer?' I raised my head with surprise. 'Huh?' What? No reproach? Nothing at all?

He gestured for me to enter the small establishment. I smiled warmly and took a step inside."

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