chapter 3

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"It's strange... the stress I've accumulated over these past three days thinking about my return to Hogwarts has dissipated. I no longer feel the anxiety that had taken hold of me some time ago. Anyway, I have no intention of staying there for more than a year; I'll do everything to avoid it.

I've already bought my supplies and everything I need, and, of course, I have Comet with me; it's impossible to have any other pet. A doorbell sound pulled me out of my thoughts. I got up and opened it without hesitation. Oh, it's the mail!

- "Is this where Mr. Nicolas Flamel lives?" the mailman asked, trying to remember. I nodded, "Yes, dear sir, I am his disciple."

He looked at me a bit doubtfully. Did I have something on my face?

- "Well, it's an important letter from what I've been told, so I must deliver it to him in person."

- "No problem, I'll give it to him, don't worry," I replied, but he didn't seem convinced.

- "Well, young lady, far be it from me to upset you, but I've been entrusted with the task of delivering it to him and him alone. You understand that there could be a misunderstanding." I sighed in front of the old man.

- "I give you my humble word that I won't open the letter without my master's permission," I said solemnly.

The mailman seemed to hesitate before handing me the letter. I politely thanked him as he walked away. I closed the door and sat back on the couch with a little biscuit. I checked the time; my master shouldn't be too late to arrive. My gaze landed on the small red letter among the white ones. It appeared to be particularly well-crafted with a charming little British stamp. I picked it up to examine it, but wait... it's not the Hogwarts logo, is it? It looks like... my fingers slid across the paper until its opening, and I stopped. But no, I gave my word! I have principles; it's none of my business... it's none of my business... it's none of my business. I paced around the room before glancing at the letter. It could be the police!! What did he do to attract the attention of law enforcement? No... no... I'm mistaken; maybe it's a marriage proposal? But what am I saying, he's over a century old! No woman interests him... or a promotion? Ah, no, maybe he's getting a promotion? No, no... he's a solitary old wizard who doesn't like to mingle with the crowd, what could it possibly contain? I picked up the piece of paper with determination. Well, it seems I have no words or principles! To hell with the mailman's instructions.

I delicately opened the letter, taking care not to tear it. Inside was a small piece of paper with nearly illegible writing. I squinted, turning it upside down. This person must take my master for a beggar... I analyzed the contents carefully and finally began to read it out loud.

- "Dear Nicolas, as agreed, Hagrid went to Gringotts Bank to retrieve the object of our attention. It seems that the stone-"

- "May I know what you're doing?"

I let out a scream of surprise, and behind me stood Mr. Flamel, with a stern look that wouldn't leave him.

- "Ah, sir, I didn't see you come in! Uh, it seems that a letter of very high confidentiality was entrusted to me to deliver to you!"

He raised an eyebrow, a bit irritated.

- "Why did you open it?" I sighed.

- "Curiosity got the better of me... I'm sorry, Professor, I shouldn't have. My apologies," I said, lowering my head a little ashamed. He took the letter from my hands before calming down.

- "It's a very important letter! You shouldn't have acted that way."

- "Yes... I'm so sorry, sir. Please accept my most sincere apologies," he sighed deeply before nodding in acceptance.

- "Whew... I was afraid you would be mad at me! For a moment, I really thought you were going to get married at Hogwarts!" He looked at me incredulously. "Get married?" Oops, I shouldn't have said that.

What the letter said continued to bother me during our training session. Mr. Flamel sent me flying miles away several times. After the 23rd time, the professor started to wonder. He came up to me to question me. I shook my head and massaged my arm, sore from the falls.

- "Nothing serious!"

- "Are you sure nothing is bothering you? Well... I'll go a bit harder."

I jumped. "We need to review your spells; there's still a lot to do, so we need to accelerate." He got into a defensive stance.

Well, what can I say? A real disaster! He knocked me down a million times. What a shame... after I-don't-know-how-many times, my teacher agreed to finish the lesson.

The result: a broken arm the day before school starts, what a delight. Back at the apartment, I busied myself preparing a goodbye cake since I wouldn't see my professor for a while. He knocked on the kitchen door several times that I had locked. After THREE hours of preparation, I finally succeeded with the chocolate cake! I filled two small glasses with freshly squeezed orange juice and rushed into the small room with the tray in hand. I made sure everything was in place. There! I stood up proudly, admiring my work. I rubbed my hands together while waiting for his arrival.

- "Gigou? What are you doing-"

- "SURPRISE!" I shouted with joy. I'd pay dearly to capture his reaction!

- "Is it for me?" he asked, astonished.

- "Yes, sir," I said, urging him to sit down. He didn't say a word and complied. I took my place.

- "Well, first of all, I'd like to say that even though I'm going to Hogwarts, you'll always be my mentor. My leaving doesn't mean I'll forget your invaluable teachings... honestly..." I rubbed my head. "I don't know how old you are, but... uhm, ujm," I cleared my throat.

- "Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday, Professor! Happy birthday to you !" I sang heartily, while my master looked at me, surprised . When I finished singing, he just smiled sincerely. I think I've never seen his gaze soften like that, as if i awaken something in him.

- "I was happy to be your teacher, and I still am. Thank you for this attention, even if..." he smiled, "it's not my birthday." I imitated him, and we started to cut the cake.

- "Oh, lord... I've burned the half of it ! " He chuckled while I repeatedly slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand.

The evening ended well; I had time to pack my things and get organized. Tomorrow is the big day. I thought about it as I slipped into bed; I should go and see that cursed school, that cursed Dumbledore... I turned in my bed, contemplating the crystal of the necklace. I remembered my master's words:

"Don't leave it , it was specially made for you. Keep it precisely, it's the only souvenir you have of me." I fell asleep with that thought, leaving behind my grief and apprehension.

Tomorrow is a big day!

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