Chapter Five

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Akira..."

Akira smiled as she heard her family singing to her. She had been busy playing dolls with her mother again in the living room when the rest of her family burst in. They had been so busy playing, they had barely noticed the cards on the coffee table or the balloon hanging near the ceiling.

"Oh, goodness!" Mrs. Miyamoto dropped Rosemary, causing her to fall on top of Amelia. "I'm so sorry, Akira. I completely forgot that it was your birthday today."

"It's fine, Mama," Akira assured as her mother hurried to the kitchen to take out the cake.

As she turned her gaze to the dolls on the coffee table, she jumped in surprise. She could've sworn that they had moved slightly. Now it seemed like Rosemary was cradling Amelia's wool body with her porcelain arm.

Akira shook her head. She was just seeing things.

"Happy birthday, Akira." Akira was broken from her thoughts as Mrs. Barker placed a present in front of her.

Akira began tearing open her presents, surprised to see that her brother had gotten her one of his model airplanes.

"What do I do with this thing?" Akira demanded, holding up the wing and inspecting the shiny paint. "Can it even fly?"

"Akira," Mr. Miyamoto scolded. "Your brother got you something."

"And it's such a noble sacrifice on my part," Michael added. "Do you know how long it took to make that thing? Now you can destroy it to your heart's content while leaving the rest of my things alone."

"I won't," Akira teased, making the plane fly through the air. "I'll still mess with your other things."

When her mother came out with the cake, Akira was so excited that she almost forgot to move the dolls out of the way. Mrs. Miyamoto straightened and stretched after placing the strawberry cream cake on the coffee table.

"I almost dropped this cake. I don't know why, but I've been feeling awfully lethargic lately," she groaned, stretching her arms above her head. "I need to start working out more."

Akira stared at her mother in surprise, but she quickly smiled, changing the subject. "Don't worry about me, dear. It isn't my special day. It's yours. Do you like the cake, honey?"

"It's my favorite!" Akira exclaimed eagerly, quickly forgetting her mother's words as she observed the eight candles glistening on top.

"Make a wish," Mrs. Miyamoto instructed while lowering the knife over the cake. Akira reached to help her, but her mother gently pushed her hand away.

"Remember last week? I don't think we want a repeat of that," she reminded, before yawning. "I really do feel stiff. Maybe I should take a bath later to loosen my joints."

Akira closed her eyes, trying to come up with a good wish. She hugged Amelia to her chest while thinking. When she opened her eyes, she could've sworn that Amelia's button eyes had shifted slightly, so that she was staring to the left at Rosemary instead of at her owner.

Akira told herself she was seeing things. There were much better wishes she could make, but having the doll close to her only brought one to the forefront of her mind.

"I wish..." she began, closing her eyes again.

"Don't say it out loud," Mrs. Miyamoto warned.

I wish that the dolls remain dolls, Akira thought. That I can play with them forever without them ever coming to life.

It was a stupid wish. But when Akira opened her eyes, Amelia seemed completely still again. Feeling relieved, Akira placed the rag doll on the coffee table while leaning over to blow out the candles. She had gone around the table to blow out seven of them when she paused on the eighth one, wondering if she should make another wish.

"Would you hurry up?" Michael urged. "I want to eat the cake as soon as possible."

"It isn't your birthday, Michael," Mrs. Barker scolded. "Let Akira take her time."

"Wait, Akira—" Mrs. Miyamoto started to protest. "Be careful—"

Akira realized she was craving the sweet confection as well. The delicious scent of strawberries and icing excited her. She leaned forward to blow out the last candle.

As her mouth was inches away from the flickering wick, she felt her hair being pulled. Pulled so hard that her head jerked forward — right into the burning flame.

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