Chapter Fourteen

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Akira's body trembled as she carefully made her way down the hall. She wasn't sure whether it was a good idea, but she knew she couldn't lose two dolls in this place. She paused at the end of the hallway when she heard faint shouts in the distance.

She stepped in the direction of the sounds. They were coming from the children's waiting room. Of course they were. It sounded like the same kids from before, continuing their squabble. Akira stepped closer, straining her ears. She heard a loud whack that put an end to the shouting, at least momentarily.

"Cut it out, you two!" Akira heard a girl hiss. Probably their older sister. "Can't you go anywhere without acting like a pair of morons?"

"It's so boring here," one of the twins whined.

"We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you, Dawn," the other one added.

"I'm not happy to be here either," Dawn retorted. "But Mom said the doctor would help me with my sleep schedule. I wish I could sleep through all of your arguing. Didn't you have enough fun running around trying to steal Hazel's doll?" Akira winced as her suspicions were confirmed.

"It wasn't her doll," one of her brothers reminded. "She said she found it here. And she stole it as well. Just to show her brother."

"Well, it's none of your business," Dawn said shortly. "I'm just relieved her baby brother is being checked out right now. If he was still here, you'd probably try throwing him around as well."

Akira gasped. She really had taken the doll to show her brother. What would Rosemary do around a baby?

"Finally! I feel like I've been waiting forever." She vaguely heard Dawn exclaim in relief over being called to see the doctor.

"I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep, like you always do," one of her brothers quipped before their mother scolded him.

Akira stood there, lost in her thoughts and terror. She wished she could warn Hazel about the doll, but she had no idea where her brother's checkup room was. She groaned. She should have told the girls the doll belonged to her as soon as they saw it in the bathroom. Why had she been such a coward?

She was broken from her thoughts as a pair of kids – the twins – raced past her. She stumbled and fell to the floor, caught off guard.

"I told you someone could get hurt with your messing around!" Their parents scolded them while the twins hung their heads.

"Are you alright?" Dawn reached a hand out and helped Akira to her feet.

"I'm okay," Akira muttered.

"Are you sure?" Dawn asked. "I'm so sorry about my brothers. They can be such pests."

"Actually, I... I need to ask something," Akira admitted. "Have you seen any dolls lying around here?" She wasn't even sure which doll she was asking about.

"Was that your doll?" Dawn gasped in surprise. "The one the other girl had in the waiting room? Oh, it's too bad. Now she's taken it to her brother's checkup."

"Uh, no. Not that one," Akira assured. "I mean, a rag doll. A small rag doll. I brought it here to show my mother. But then, I lost it..."

"A rag doll?" Akira glanced over as one of the twins walked over.

"Jake, quiet," Dawn scolded. "Haven't you caused enough havoc? You knocked this poor girl over."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," Jake apologized. "It was an accident. But did you say rag doll?"

Akira nodded hopefully. "She had long, yellow hair and a red dress. Have you seen her?"

"Yes, actually," Jake admitted. "Only because I tripped over it while chasing Jason. Then I dropped the other doll and the girl took it to show her brother."

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