Chapter One

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Amy tied her long hair back as she prepared to pull up the roots she needed. The people in her village have been catching a strange illness that she had never seen before and she hoped that the roots she would spend the day gathering would be able to help. She was the only healer around for a large area and a lot of people depended on her abilities. She knew a lot about her craft, but this absolutely stunned her.

The forest was quiet, save the occasional chatter of the wildlife. It let Amy do her work while allowing her mind to wander. After a couple of hours, she found all that she could without going too deep into the forest and she picked up her heavy basket, preparing for the long trudge back home to make her medicine.

A repeated thudding sound caught her attention and just as she was going to turn around, something larger than her collided into the small female. The roots spilled out all over the ground and Amy hit the hard ground along with whatever had hit her.

The female hedgehog lifted herself up to get a look at what was her apparent assailant. It, or "he", for that matter, was a black hedgehog with red stripes, and white chest fur that poked out of his white linen shirt. He had red eyes, and wore brown trousers with dark boots.

"Who're you?" Amy blurted.

The hedgehog only glanced back the way he had came and pulled Amy up abruptly. He took hold of her wrist and said, " We have to go," then with one glance back down the trail, he attempted to drag Amy with him.

Amy pulled herself away and snapped at him sharply, "Excuse me?! What's this, 'we', about? I don't even know you!"

The hedgehog tried to hush her and warn her of the danger that was coming, but she kept going, "I won't run off with someone who-" she stopped and turned around to see why she heard the sound of hoofbeats. Six knights with huge battle horses were closing in on them, and fast. Before Amy had a chance to protest, the male hedgehog took a firm hold of her wrist and sprinted, dragging her with him.

Amy didn't know how long they ran. The hedgehog's grip on her wrist was too strong to break from though, so she had no choice but to try and keep up with him. She tripped on a branch strewn across the trail and her hair was snagged on one above her. Amy cried out in pain as her hair tie was pulled out along with some of her hair. The black hedgehog winced, slightly feeling guilty for the pain that he caused her, but he had to keep running.

They pulled off the trail and into a nearby grove that was hidden by the thick group of trees. There, the two hedgehogs attempted to catch their breath as the sound of hoofbeats grew softer and softer.

"That was close," the male murmured to himself in relief.

Amy huffed in annoyance. "Close?!" She snapped. "You nearly got me arrested! Killed, maybe!"

The black and red stranger looked up at her curiously. "Sorry, but you were in the way, and I was in a hurry."

"You were-" Amy stopped. It wasn't worth it to yell at this guy. She fixed herself up and looked at him. "Well, thanks to you, I don't know where I am, so if you'd be so kind as to point me back to my way home-"

"You can't go home," he told her.

"Excuse me?"

"You can't. Those Knights think you're with me now. They know your face, they'll have you arrested," he explained easily, as if it should've been an everyday occurrence.

Amy was dumbfounded. "Why would they want to arrest me because they saw me with you?" She asked in a quiet voice.

The hedgehog didn't answer at first. His face went dark and he looked away from her.

Amy began to panic. "Excuse me!" She shouted at him. "Why can't I go- Mmph?!"

Her mouth was covered in a flash when the black and red hedgehog stood up. "Be quiet, you'll bring them right back," he warned in a low voice, glaring sharply at her.

Amy glared right back, her eyes sharp. She smacked his hand away from her and huffed, crossing her arms and closing her eyes. She needed to think.

All of her roots and plants were scattered back at the trail that the hedgehog dragged her away from. It would get dark soon, so someone would come looking for her if she wasn't back soon enough. She couldn't go home without the ingredients though.

"Fine," she told the hedgehog. "Don't tell me the way back. I'll just find it," she declared, spinning around and beginning to walk away.

"Wait a minute, didn't you hear what I just said?" The hedgehog asked, following after her.

"I did," she answered simply, not turning around or stopping.

"You're going to get arrested!" He told her, taking her wrist and turning her around to face him.

Amy pulled away sharply. She was losing her patience with this petty thief, or whoever he was. "I don't care. I have sick people to take care of that will die if I don't do something to help.

"If you think that I'm going to abandon them because I'm scared of getting arrested for something I didn't do, you're dead wrong. You just bumped into me during your little escape attempt, and as far as they know, you took me as a hostage and I escaped. They can't do anything to me for that."

The hedgehog sighed irritably. "They won't listen to a thing you have to say."

"And why not? What it is that you could've possibly done that makes being seen with you so dangerous?" Amy asked, seething.


So, what do you guys think? Is this a good idea? I might edit this chapter and add a bit more to it. I don't really know yet. I don't usually edit my chapters anyway, but I might make a change and start doing it.

But either way, I just wanted to post the first chapter and see what people thought. Comment your honest opinions :) Be as brutal as you want, ahahah I can take it.

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but haven't had much inspiration. So maybe, I thought if I posted the first chapter, you guys would give me a little push to continue. I know I haven't been around for a while, but I haven't given up on writing ShadAmy yet :D

So yeah. The usual. Vote and Comment!! Tell me what you think!

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