Chapter Five

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Amy's screams were muffled as she struggled, kicking as wildly as she could to get away. Her attacker grunted as he struggled to hold her still. Someone else came to her attacker's aid and restrained her further. She threw her head back in an attempt to daze one of them, but had no success.

Tears stung her eyes and blurred her vision. Cold fear crept up her skin at the thought of what might happen to her. She couldn't think of any way out of her situation, and she couldn't call for help from Shadow. There was no indication as to what they wanted, and that made her all the more nervous.

She was confused when they started heading in his direction. But she didn't stop her attempts at freeing herself, despite being so overwhelmed.

When the makeshift camp came into view,  Amy could see that Shadow was in just as bad of a situation. He was shirtless, and the attackers restrained his arms behind his back so tightly that some of his stitches were coming undone. Amy struggled harder. If those stitches came out enough, and the bleeding wasn't stopped he could end up being beyond saving.

"This is the guy from the posters," one of the masked males holding Shadow said. 

"I have no idea who this one is though," the one behind Amy grunted, struggling to keep her still. His partner bound her wrists so tightly she could feel the blood pumping in her fingers. When he was done, the one holding her tossed her roughly to the ground.

The jarring impact sent her head spinning. She felt the shock in her bones and tried to regain her breath as she lay in the dirt. Amy vaguely heard Shadow growling something at her attackers, but she couldn't make it out in the daze she was in.

"Jesus, dude, you didn't have to throw her so hard," someone said, coming closer to her. She felt hands grasp her upper arms to pull her up into a sitting position.

Amy blinked the tears away and fought back cries of protest. Her entire body shook with the stress and she just hoped she didn't have a concussion. She was very likely the only one with medical training and that put her in a difficult situation if she were to be severely injured.

"You try and hold her when she's struggling and bruising every bone in your body, man," the one that threw her responded.

"Amy, are you okay?" Shadow asked, staring at her from across the fire.

She winced as her neck protested to her looking up, but she nodded at Shadow to keep him from worrying. She was more concerned with getting away from these guys and fixing his stitches before there was no more that she could do.

Amy finally took a good glance at the attackers. There were five of them. The one that had helped her up knelt on the ground behind her, two were holding Shadow's arms behind his back, and the two that had Amy stood a little ways to her right. They were dressed in all black, and they had masks that covered all of their faces. But from what she could tell, she guessed they were some sort of felines. They all had lithe body types, and some of them had a long tail that swished behind them. Though what type of cats were beyond Amy's ability to tell.

"Who are you people?" She asked, looking to the one she was assuming to be the kindest, behind her.

"Sorry you got caught up in this, Miss," he said. "From what we were told, you were simply kidnapped by this traitor."

"I told you, Kazim, she was off in the woods over there. I'd hardly say that a captive is allowed to roam so freely on their own. Nor are they known to treat their captor's ailments," the angry one that attacked her said.

Kazim sighed. "You and I both know that's not the case. She could be a victim of Stockholm's Syndrome," he said calmly.

"In two days?" Amy echoed with the angry bandit.

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