Chapter Four

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Shadow woke with a start. Where was he? He looked around. A waterfall, flowers, a pond. Oh... that was right. The place that the pink hedgehog girl brought him to. He remembered hearing a small waterfall. He felt his chest where the gash was. There wasn't any more pain. In fact it felt numb.

Where was she?

He looked to his side to see her sleeping peacefully beside him. Then he realized that they were dry and that they were under the cover of a large flat rock above them. She helped me last night. I was having a hallucination, and then... nothing. He didn't remember anything else. He must've blacked out or something.

The pink hedgehog stirred with a small groan. She rolled over to where she was facing him. Such a pretty girl.. Shadow thought guiltily. She could've had a nice life, with a nice guy and everything until I had to go and run into her like that. He inspected the bandages that she gave him. They were clean and snug. Wow.. she's really good at this. No wonder she had the confidence to find a cure to this thing... But of course, I know she couldn't, no matter how good.

The girl rubbed at her eyes and woke up slowly, pushing herself up. "You're awake." She observed.

"Yeah," Shadow nodded.

"You weren't kidding about those hallucinations," she said turning to grab her pack.

"I wish I were," Shadow said, looking for his linen shirt. He pulled it over his head and looked to the girl. "I haven't gotten your name yet."

"Amy Rose," she answered bluntly, standing up. "Come on. We have to get moving."

Shadow slowly stood up with her. "You don't even know where."

"Really now? I suspected we'd go to the capital to clear this whole thing up. Find out who's behind this. What exactly is going on. How to stop it, yada yada yada..." She said.

The black and red hedgehog laughed. "You make it sound easy." He rolled up his sleeves and sighed, looking up at the sky. It was blue and bright, as if the storm the night before had never even occurred. He thought about what Amy said. They definitely had to find out what was going on, but they couldn't exactly go straight to the capital and expect to find out everything they wanted. Besides, they would need evidence for everything.

He pushed himself up slowly, being careful of his stitches. The pain was almost nonexistent, which Shadow was grateful for.

"Careful," Amy said, helping him ease up. "You may not feel it but you can still pull your stitches."

"Thank you, for helping me," he said. "You saved my life, and I'm in your debt." He stared into her eyes, letting her know how serious he really was.

Amy only smiled. "Part of a days work," she whispered. She looked away from his gaze and stood up and held a hand out for him. "Lets go. I know we at least have to get moving somewhere."

Shadow let her pull him up and they gathered everything they needed. Shadow sighed, he wished they had horses. It would make their travels a lot easier on the both of them. Amy stared off in thought, and Shadow became curious. He saw her mess with a small pendant that she wore around her neck.

"How do you feel about cutting your hair?" Shadow asked.

The pink hedgehog blinked, and ran her fingers down her long hair. "I.. don't know. I've never had short hair before, really," she said.

"It might be easier for you to get around without being recognized that way," Shadow said.

Amy nodded. "I suppose you're right." She pulled her pack over her shoulders and checked around to see if anything else needed to be taken.

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