Chapter Six

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Amy watched Sunni and Kajji carefully. They were the ones taking care of Shadow for the moment and she wanted to be sure they didn't do anything to him.

Kazim walked next to her, eyeing her with the same care that she had with his companions. "You needn't worry," he said. "I gave them orders to be careful with him and they don't disobey my orders."

Her green eyes flicked to him briefly. "Comforting," she said dryly.

The cheetah chuckled. "I shouldn't have expected anything different."

Amy sighed, still watching Shadow. "Where are you taking us?" She asked.

"My home," Kazim answered, not looking at her.

"Why? Who are you guys?" Amy asked.

Kazim smiled. "All in good time, Miss."

"Stop calling me that," Amy said bitterly. She was irritated with not having any answers, and her feet hurt from walking for so long. They wouldn't let her talk to Shadow the whole time, and she didn't like having to walk with Kazim by herself. He was kind, but Amy knew that they were still captives, and she didn't trust them.

He laughed. "Then what should I call you?"

She sighed. She didn't want him calling her by her first name, lest she imply that he was anywhere near friends with her. "Doctor Rose," she answered.

The cheetah bowed his head to her. "I will respect it, then, Doctor Rose."

She nodded her appreciation and looked up as the woods opened up. What appeared to be a treetop village lay before them. All types of forest cats walked around. Some were up in the trees and some were walked in on the ground underneath the massive thing. Shadow and Amy both gaped in amazement. Neither had seen anything like it. Kazim watched them with amusement just before he was nearly knocked over.

Amy and Kazim looked down to see four cubs attached to Kazim's legs. They looked up at him with big eyes and spoke all at once.

"Kazim, you're back!"

"Who are these hedgehogs?"

"Did you get a new girlfriend, Kazim?"

"Woah! Woah! Calm down, little ones," Kazim exclaimed. "I'm just taking care of a little misunderstanding," he said. He shooed them away. "Another time, alright?"

Amy watched with curiosity. Everything she saw wanted to push her at ease. Kazim seemed kind. Now more than ever she needed to regain her focus. She shared a look with Shadow. She wished she could talk to him.

Shadow watched Kazim with the same curiosity. His brow was furrowed in thought as his gaze followed the cubs. Sunni and Kajji were both standing patiently for new orders. Kazim approached them with Amy close on his heels.

"Take them both to one of the secure guest quarters. I will check to see if the Chief is ready," Kazim said. He turned to Amy. "They'll be some supplies that you can use to stitch your friend back up." He gestured to Sunni and Kajji. "Let one of them know if you need anything specific and I hope we can provide it to you."

"Thank you, Kazim," Amy said. She bowed her head slightly in respect.

"You're welcome, Doctor Rose," Kazim said before he began walking away.

Shadow gave Amy a curious look and she shrugged, waving it off for later. They followed Sunni and Kajji through the woods, watching everything with big curious eyes. Amy noticed that despite his cooperation, Shadow's hands were still bound. Amy bit her lip in irritation. Although they were being kind, it was a hard reminder that they were still captives.

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