Chapter I: Welcome Home

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Bella had never given much thought towards her death, though she'd had reason enough to these past few months. But it's doubtful that she ever would've imagined her death like this.

Starting at the beginning is where everything was set in motion. Bella loved her mother, she loved her step-father—Phil—too.

Traveling the world for his minor baseball league, however, was just not for her. So, she opted for moving back to her hometown of Forks, Washington.

Her dad—Charlie Swan—eagerly accepted her proposal to return home and move back with him. She hasn't properly seen him since she was younger anyways.

And besides, she could finish high school in Forks for the time being. But despite her mother's reassurances of making lots of friends, she doubted it. Social awkwardness and anxiety didn't pair with socializing.

Still—on her flight back to Washington—she couldn't help but have this gut feeling of finding something there that could be life altering.

What it was time would only tell, for now she was just happy to be off the plane and back onto solid ground. Exiting the terminal, she comes face-to-face with him.

Forks police chief Charlie Swan, her father. He was a man of few emotions and fewer words, but his small quirk in his lip showed his happiness to see her.

Setting her bags down, she awkwardly reaches out and hugs him. His body tensed at first, not used to the sensation, but ultimately relaxed as he slowly returned the hug and a gentle squeeze.

Stepping back, he examines his teenage daughter, "It's good to see you again, Bells. You haven't changed much, how's Reneé?".

"Mom's fine, it's good to see you too, dad", she awkwardly replies to him. He nods with an affirming hum and picks up four of her 6 bags of things.

Despite the entire move from Arizona to Washington, she had little baggage. Most of her things were back in Phoenix, too permeable for the chill of Forks.

It was about an hour drive from Port Angeles down to Forks, the drive being silent during its entirety. Bella just looked outside the window, watching as the soft pour of rain trickled the landscape outside.

Once in Forks, Bella relives all her childhood memories as they drive to the house. Passing by restaurants and stores she visited as a child.

Making it home, she follows Charlie inside the oh so familiar home of her childhood. Upon entrance she sees that nothing has changed from her youth.

Well, except for the old TV being replaced by a brand new flatscreen. Still, it was the same old house, and she couldn't help but smile in comfort.

Heading upstairs, Charlie shows her to her old room. It had been revamped entirely. Walls painted from pink to a dark and deep purple with black like leaf patterns across it.

The old twin bed had been replaced with a brand new queen sized one, with matching purple bedsheets and blankets across it.

Fairy lights were hung across the walls, making the room softly glow. The nightstands and dresser were a dark mahogany, newly furnished.

Empty shelves, closet and a brand new desk with a small lamp lay ready for use. She turned around and smiled softly, "Wow, thanks dad".

He clears his throat, nodding as he slowly analyzes the room with his hands resting on his hips in a good old fashioned cop stance. "You're uh... you're welcome. You like purple, right?", he asks nervously.

Bella nods and gives him a small and brief hug, "Purple's cool", she replies to him. Taking it as confirmation, he turns to leave.

Stopping as he just leaves the doorway, he spins around, "Oh, and I cleared some room for you in the bathroom", he tells her.

Nodding and thanking her father once more, he leaves her to unpack and settle in. Bella loved that about her father, the fact that he doesn't hover.

A few hours pass and Bella is fully unpacked. Her pictures and treasures set up on the shelves, clothes folded and hung up. She smiled as she examined her room, it felt a little more like... home.

She's cut from her thoughts by the sound of two cars pulling into her driveway and parking. The doors slam shut while male voices chatter.

Rushing to her window, she looks out to see a red Chevy truck in her driveway. Next to it we're two men and a girl who looked to be of Native American decent.

Two had luscious long, black hair trialing their necks and backs, the other sporting shorter gray hair. One was in a wheel chair, wearing a black cowboy hat.

The other man was more casual, wearing a flannel, jeans and a trucker hat. The girl wore a hoodie with jeans, a beanie on her head. Charlie walks out to greet them, pulling the one on the wheelchair in for a hug.

Bella's curiosity urged her to go see what was going on.
Walking downstairs and outside the door, she's greeted by them.

Charlie takes notice and ushers her closer to them, "Bella, you remember Billy Black and Harry Clearwater?", he asks as he gestures to the men.

The one in the cowboy hat and wheelchair nods to her with a half smile, "Nice to see you Bella, seems you're all grown up" "Growing strong", Harry adds.

Harry steps to the side and ushers the girl towards Bella, "Oh, you remember Leah don't you?", he asks. Leah nervously smiles a cute, innocent smile, "Hey... we uh, used to make mud pies together as kids".

Memories flood Bella's mind as she remembers the girl her dad's friend used to bring over with him when they would go on hunting trips.

Bella smiles and pulls her in for a hug, "Leah! Oh my god it's so nice to see you again", she muses. Leah's surprised by the hug at first, but relaxes into it.

Behind them, their dads and Billy were messing around, playfully fighting. "Have they always been like this?", Bella asks with an eyebrow raised.

Leah sighs, hands in her pockets as she shuffles the pebbles underneath her feet, "Yeah... it's getting worse with old age". They share a small laugh, and Bella can't help but notice how beautiful Leah has become.

The three older men make their way back to the girls, Charlie stops at the side of the truck bed and taps it with his other hand resting on his hip.

"So, what'd ya think?", he asks as he looks up at Bella. Bella looks around confused, "What?", she asks. Charlie looks back at the truck, "Your homecoming present".

Bella's eyes widen as she takes in the truck, "This?", she asks in shock. Charlie nods, "Yep, just bought it off Billy here", he smiles.

Leah cuts in once there's a chance, "I uh... I rebuilt the engine entirely for you", she shyly admits. Bella's smile grows wide, "Come on... oh my gosh! This is perfect I'm not even joking".

She goes to open the door just as Leah tries to head around to the passenger seat, bumping into the door on accident with a chuckle.

The two girls get into the truck, Leah leans forward and points to the shift gear. "Um, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that you should be good", she directs her.

Bella puts her hand on the shift nob, looking up at Leah for confirmation, "That's this one?". Leah nods, "Yeah, yeah right there".

Switching the car on, Bella looks to her friend, "Do you need a ride to school sometime?". Leah's eyes slightly turn to disappointed as she looks down, "Oh uh, no no I go to school on the reservation", she says.

Disappointment can't help but overcome Bella's face, "Oh, well bummer. Would've been nice to know at least one person", she says to her.

Patting her on the shoulder, Leah tries to cheer her up, "But hey, we can always hang out when we're free... if you're um... if you're down", she meekly offers.

Bella's face lights up with a smile, "I'd love that". Both exchanged numbers, and soon after Harry and Billy were ushering her into their car.

They said their farewells and good wishes for school before their car zipped away. That night she prepared for her first day of school the next day, yet all she could think of was how beautiful Leah's lips and eyes were.

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