Chapter II: Anxious and Awkward

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The next morning, Bella got ready for her first day of school, dressing warm for the day. She made sure she packed everything she may need, and headed out.

Pulling into the school and parking, Bella felt as if all eyes were on her. She anxiously avoided any and all eye contact with everybody around her as she went in.

She looks at the paper with her class schedules on it, trying to navigate to her locker and first class. She's pulled from her schedule by someone stopping her.

"You're... Isabella Swan, right? I'm Erik—the eyes and ears of this place. Um... anything you need—tour guide, lunch date... shoulder to cry on", Erik smoothly says as he introduces himself rather boldly.

No doubt surprised by the sudden introduction, Bella is thrown off a bit. "Um, I'm really more a 'suffer in silence' type", she nervously chuckles and replies.

"Good headline for your feature! I'm on the paper and you're news baby, front page", he cheerily tries to egg her on.

Her anxiety instantly flew through the roof, snapping up to look at Erik with frantic eyes, "No I'm not... y-you... aha... please don't have any-" "Woah woah chillax, no feature, alright?", he reassures her.

Bella takes a breath of relief with a small smile, her body easing slightly, "Thanks". The two continue to converse as they made their way to Bella's locker.

After settling her things into the locker, Erik escorted her to her first class with a never ending grin on his face the entire time.

The day went by slowly and awkwardly for her, attending classes and sitting alone in nearly every one. It wasn't till her gym period that something happened.

She tried begging her gym teacher to not make her play volleyball—as she's never had an affinity for sports—still, they made her play regardless, so she awkwardly stood at the very back.

Praying hoping they would avoid hitting the ball in her direction, alas the universe had other plans. Despite staying clear out of the way, the ball was hit her way.

In a panic she moved her head and hit the ball away from her and into the back of a boy's head. He groaned as the ball bounced off him, rubbing it sorely.

She rushes to him, "I'm sorry! I told them not to let me play...", she apologizes to him. The boy turns around, his face turning from pained to mesmerized.

"Oh... nonono that's- don't- you're uh... Isabella, right?", he asks her. Bella cringed at her full name being used, "Just Bella".

He reaches a hand out to her with a gentle smile, "Hey uh, I'm Mike Newton". Before she could reply to him, a girl comes jogging over from the volleyball court. She smiles and nervously chuckles, "She's got a great spike, huh?", she jokes.

Nervously, Bella looks at her—intimidated by her sudden appearance. The girl laughs, "I'm Jessica by the way. Hey you're from Arizona, right?", she asks.

Bella nods, "Yeah" "Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be like... really tan?", she asks with a teasing chuckle.

Going along with the joke, Bella nods and smirks, "Yeah, maybe that's why they kicked me out". Both Jessica and Mike laugh at her joke, "You're good", Mike tells her with a pointed finger.

Jessica makes it no secret she's jealous, sarcastically laughing as she looks between the two, "That's so funny...", she says trailing off.

Noticing Jessica's jealousy, Bella silently puts her hands up in defeat and returns to her solemn corner in the back of the court.

Mike and Jessica exchange confused looks and also go back to their respective places, letting the awkward interaction go.

Once gym class was done, Bella hastily changed in the locker room and made her way to the cafeteria for lunch with Mike meeting her outside the locker room and walking with her.

He gets the doors for her and even pulls out a chair for her at a table where Erik was already sitting with Jessica and another girl.

"Hey, Mikey! You've met my home-girl Bella", Erik is quick to claim familiarity with her. Mike raises his eyebrows and leans on his fist with a mock expression.

"Oh, y-you're home-girl, huh?" "My girl", another boy cuts in. He kisses Bella on the cheek before pulling Mike's chair out from under him, initiating a chase.

Clearly uncomfortable with all the attention, Bella shrinks down into herself. Jessica scoots closer to Bella, "Oh my god... it's like first grade all over again".

She chuckles nervously, jealousy in her tone, "You're the shiny new toy". Before she's able to reply, the girl from across the table pulls out a camera and cheerily speaks, "Smile!".

Jessica is quick to smile, whereas Bella is surprised once again. The camera flashes and the girl sits down to inspect her work.

"O-Ok...", Bella shakily says as she looks down at her hands. The girl smiles with a friendly grin, "Sorry! I needed a candid for the feature".

Again, Bella is unable to get a word in as Erik butts in aggressively, "Feature's dead, Angela! Don't bring it up again!", he says before standing up and walking away.

Seeing it hurt her, Bella tries to reassure her, "It's ok, I just—" "I got your back baby", Erik chimes in from Bella's shoulder. Shaking her head, she sighs, "I guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking".

Thinking, Bella comes up with an idea for Angela, "You know you could always go for eating disorders or Speedo padding on the swim team".

Jessica and Angela light up at the suggestions, "That's a good one!", they both say. Happy she cheered them up, Bella cracks a small smile.

Yet as she looks to her right, she sees through the window four students wearing all white coming in. She can't help but notice how they're all absolutely beautiful.

She nods her head towards them, "Who're they?", she asks curiously. Angela and Jessica look over, to which Angela quietly replies, "The Cullens". Turning back around, Jessica continues for her, "They're um, doctor and misses Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago".

Agreeing with Jessica, Angela nods her head, "They... kinda keep to themselves" "Yeah, cause they're all together... like, together together", Jessica emphasizes.

From behind, the first two to walk by are two men, a taller more broad and muscular one with short black hair, pale skin and hazel yellow eyes.

The one next to him had wild red hair styled sticking up, with the same skin and eye color. He was slightly shorter and skinnier than the other guy. "Um, the hot guy with the sex hair—that's Edward, and the big dark haired guy—Emmett—they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal", Jessica explains.

Angela rolls her eyes and slaps her on the arm, "Jess they're not actually related" "Yeah but they live together, it's weird", Jessica stands her ground.

The other two who were behind them enter after them, "And— um, the little dark haired girl is Alice—she's like, really weird. And um, she's with Jasper—the blonde one who looks like he's in pain".

Bella examines the four foster siblings, seeing how they cling to their partners so closely, "Um, doctor Cullen is like this foster dad slash matchmaker".

Ignoring Jessica and Angela's continued comments on them, Bella sees from the corner of her eye a beautiful, blonde haired woman with piercing golden eyes. Her eyes are locked onto her as she walks into the cafeteria, wearing stilettos and high end fashion, "Who is she?", she asks.

Both girls turn to see, with Jessica rolling her eyes and picking at her food, "That's Rosalie Hale. She's pretty but ice cold and thinks she's better than everybody".

Everything around her seems to disappear as Rosalie walks by, Bella's eyes are locked onto her with awe. As soon as she sits down, she too locks gazes with her.

They each spend a long moment just staring into the other's eyes, unable to look away. It was one of Rosalie's "siblings" tapping her that snapped her out of it.

Bella did her best to fight the urge to stare at the beautiful goddess of a woman at the table behind her, especially since she felt Rosalie's eyes on her.

Still, she ate a tiny bit of her food and waited for the bell to ring and dismiss them to their next classes. She couldn't help but hope she had classes with this girl.

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