'•~Everyone Is a Suspect~•'

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Before the party we decided to pick out a few movies to watch at the party. I was practically stuck talking to Randy and Stu. "coming to my fiesta?" Stu asks Randy

"Yeah I'm off early, curfew you know?"

Some girl comes and talks to Randy "what's that one movie with the werewolf and E.T's mom in it"


"The howling, Horror. straight ahead" I say to her cutting Randy off

"oh ok thanks"

Randy notices Billy standing in the horror section. "oh now that's in poor taste"

"what?" me and Stu both say and we turn are heads to see Billy

"If you were the only suspect in this blood bath, would you be standing in the Horror section?"

Stu looks at me and then back at Randy "It's just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything" Stu says defending Billy

"You're such a little lap dog, He's got killer written all over his face" Randy says

"Yeah he's right, maybe he's the killer"

"They why'd the cops let him go, smart guy?" Stu says to Randy.

"Because obviously they don't watch enough movies"

"why would be he wanna kill his own girlfriend?"

"Who knows maybe a sudden urge to kill" I say to Stu who is standing next to me.

"Exactly they're is always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend"

"ok so what's his reason?" I ask

"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him" Randy mumbles

"what?" I say

"You heard me" Randy says

"I know but it was funny the first time" I say to Randy.

"What she's saving herself for you?" Stu says laughing

"I don't know maybe" Randy says. ok this tim I couldn't hold in my laughter "Do you think did would go out with me"

me and Stu look at eachother and laugh. This was the first time in a long time I actually laughed with Stu.
"No I don't at all, no." Stu says and I laugh "You wanna know who me and Y/n think it is-"

"don't bring me into this conversation Stu, I'm leaving" I say and I walk away.

~•°Time skip°•~

I heard that Billy confronted Randy at the video store a couple of minutes after I left. I decided to go to the mall before curfew. I bought a dress for tonight, a really pretty blood red one. The color almost reminded me of when I was stabbed. but not by Stu by someone else. Whoever it was wanted me dead. I had to make one more call before the massacre and that was Sidney she was staying with Tatum ever since she been attacked.


"hello Sidney" I say into the phone

"No what do you want from me?"

"not a lot, how does it feel to think your little boyfriend Billy is the killer?" I ask her

"Just leave me alone"

"you shouldn't answer random phone numbers" I say to her

"You called, I answered." she says

"hmm acting brave?" I ask her "tell me Sidney."

"Tell you what?"

"what's your favorite scary movie?"

I heard her phone drop and it disconnected. She was afraid to answer the question. Why was she afraid?
Why was I afraid?

Everything has changed since I decided to do what I do now. The killing, the calls. Me. I changed- "Knock, Knock" Stu says

"come in"

"Hey have you called Sidney yet?" He asks me

"Yeah I did, I think I scared her" I say to him

"Good, good we need that" He says to me kinda laughing

"Yeah I guess we did" I shrug my shoulders

"Ok talk to you later?"


"alright bye goofball" he says and messes up my hair.

"bye Stu."

Stu shuts my door and I hear him walk downstairs "Hmm? Goofball?" I say to myself "I haven't heard that nickname in a long time."

I looked at my calendar, today was the day the massacre would take place. I wanted to back out of it so badly, but I couldn't if I didn't take part in the massacre, I would be killed. At least I think I would, because Stu already threatened me sooooo....

I can't help but think about who it was two nights ago, when I was attacked. My shoulder hurts pretty badly, but the stab got stitched up and I was excused from any running because I was stabbed in my leg. The thing is, is how am I gonna participate in the massacre if I can't chase my victims??

(The End of Chapter 3)

Words: 757

Stab ~°Johnny Orlando x Y/n - CROSSOVER (SCREAM)°~Where stories live. Discover now