coffee at his friend

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Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on the shorter person, unwavering and intense, The other alpha, filled with concern, approached the shorter, He examined the sore spot with gentle care, cupping the shorter person's cheek in his large, reassuring palm. It was a display of comfort and intimacy that suggested they were no strangers to each other's touch.
The alpha's concern was evident in his worried expression as he leaned closer to the shorter person. He asked with genuine care, "Are you okay?" The shorter individual, though still pouting from the collision, managed a nod and replied softly, "Yes," as he rubbed the sore spot to alleviate the discomfort.

The alpha, after ensuring the shorter person was alright, shifted his gaze toward Jungkook. He noticed how the CEO, Jungkook, was silently observing the scene, his arms crossed over his chest, and leaning against his car. Jungkook's eyes were fixated on Jimin, the shorter individual.

In an attempt to regain Jungkook's attention, the alpha cleared his throat, a subtle yet deliberate signal that he had something to say or ask, hoping to draw the CEO's focus to him.
Jungkook turned his full attention to Taehyung, who had been trying to convey something, perhaps an apology. Taehyung's body language told the story - he initially lowered his head in a gesture of remorse and then straightened up, maintaining a posture of respect. He used a hand to point toward his car and spoke, "Sorry if we caused a problem for you, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook observed the younger alpha, probably younger than him by four or five years, he still has boyish charm of in face, he nodded at alpha acknowledging his apology, his eyes flicker to the short person next to him, at the other side of Jungkook's car standing next to the alpha, looking small. his own embarrassment evident, bit looked apologetic. His forehead bore a slight red mark from where he had bumped his head.

He turned his attention to the shorter individual and, with a demanding tone, asked,"Don't you have to offer an apology?" He rised his eyebrows, questioning.

Jungkook, by nature, was not the kind of person to force an apologies from others, especially when someone appeared genuinely sorry, as the shorter individual did. He usually preferred a more understanding and forgiving approach. However, there was something deep within Jungkook that seemed to nudge him, pushing him to say those words, Perhaps it was a curious part of him that yearned to hear the shorter person's voice but Jungkook quickly brushed those thoughts aside, refusing to dwell on them.

The shorter person mumbled something, but the alpha beside him applied pressure to the back of his neck, effectively forcing him to bow his head. Following that, the alpha gently corrected his posture, prompting the shorter individual to stand up straight. Frustrated by the interference, the shorter person shot a glare at the taller alpha.

As a result of the somewhat rough handling, the silk scarf wrapped around the shorter person's neck shifted slightly, revealing a portion of the area covering the scent gland. This unintended exposure of the scent gland carried significance.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly as he caught a soft, delicate scent wafting toward him. His nostrils flared involuntarily a subtle shift in his posture and a hint of unease played across his features, a testament to his instincts as an alpha. as he subconsciously inhaled more of that enticing aroma. The scent was emanating from the shorter person, and it carried the distinct qualities of a sweet, soft, and flowery fragrance, probably a levander,

The nature of the scent hinted at the possibility that the shorter individual might be an omega, and this realization added an intriguing layer to the ongoing interaction. Jungkook found himself calming by the subtle allure of the fragrance , it's calming and soothing aroma, floral breeze, carrying hints of herbal notes.

wafted into the air. In a rush of anxiety, omega swiftly adjusted his scarf and deliberately turned away from the two alphas, creating a noticeable physical distance, his gaze lingering on the intense focus with which Omega retied the knot of his scarf.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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