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I picked at my skin with anxiety as I waited for peter in the park. I brought a knife just in case, you never know. Anyways, picking my skin was a horrible habit but I did it whenever I was anxious. Nobody ever noticed. I guess that's why I never stopped. Nobody told me too. My thoughts were interrupted by a bright light.

"Peter?" I called out. I saw Peter motion to a giant colorful portal from far away and I ran towards it. I didn't get dressed up for him, I got sort of dressed up for me. I wore a short white skirt with a lowcut black body suit, pink shoes, pink hair pins, pink cross necklace (or just pink necklace), and pink earrings.

"You look cute," Peter smiled awkwardly. I didn't say a word to him and just stuck my middle finger at him. "uhm.. well shall we?" I rolled my eyes and walked through the portal. As much as I hated Peter, I trusted him. I knew he wasn't lying when he said there was other spider people. He always told me there had to be more.

I stepped into an area and saw hundreds of spider people/things with all different colors, suits, designs, styles, etc. It was amazing. Until I felt it. It felt like my body was being torn apart and then put into multiple different places. I felt hundreds of eyes on me. I screamed in agony and Peter came out of the portal behind me.

"[NAME!]" I heard him shout. The pain didn't stop. The spider people started to rush around me. I heard low whispers of "why hasn't the glitching stopped?" and "is she a new?" I screamed louder. I heard a loud guitar sound off.

"aight everboday out (t)he way," I glanced up as I clutched my body in pain at the sound of a cockney accent. A tall spider person with spikes on his mask, a sleeveless leather jacket which had multiple pins on it, ripped jeans, and high ass shoes. He pulled me up and I screamed again. "sorray sorray," He winced and slid something onto my wrist. I sunk into him once the pain stopped. I felt faint and weak. My heavy breathing slowed. "Aye, ont' pass ou(t) on me now," he scooped my limp body up into a bridal style pose. He glanced up at Peter and I rested my head into his chest. I felt my vision slowly leave and my mind slowly blank but I heard. "she aint' one of us, is she?" His jaw clenched. "why the ell would ya bring er here? Specially' wifout even a day pass!" he snapped. "f' Miguel don't kill ya, I will." I looked up and even with the mask on I could tell he had an icy expression on his face before I blacked out.

I woke up on the hard floor. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly. I glanced down to see another pair of legs wrapped around mine. I turned around and looked back at the pillow I was leaning against which turned out to be the spider person from before. The eyes of his mask were closed and I assumed he was sleeping. I glanced to our side to see his spikey bracelets on the floor along with his spikey necklace. I smiled slightly at the thought that he took them off so when I woke up I would be comfortable. I started to get up but then I noticed his arms were wrapped around me. He tightened his grip. "if ya get up now you'll faint again," he mumbled. I slowly shifted so I was straddling him and tried to lift his mask. He grabbed my wrist. "did you think I was gon show you my secret identity?" His masks eyes opened. I flinched slightly and he let go of my hand. He leaned his head forward as if to motion for me to take it off. I pulled his mask up to his nose and I stared at his lips. He had a spikey piercing on the side of his nose which matched the rest of his sharpness. He had a lip piercing as he talked I took into account his sharp canines. "y agon keep starin or take the rest off," He grinned.

"taken out of context that's so inappropriate," I giggled.

"lovlay voice ya got ther" he smiled. I blushed slightly and looked down. "whats ya name then?"

"[name]," I started to pull up the rest of his mask. "and you?"

"(h)obie, (h)obie brown," He smiled. I finally pulled of the rest of his mask and his big poofy wicks shot in a bunch of different directions. He was gorgeous. I gasped in shock. I was genuinely taken aback from how handsome he was. "now ya know how I felt when I saw you," he winked. I looked down, completely flustered. He gently pushed my face up with his index finger. "m' assumin your eighteen, nineteen cs (p)eter from earth 80992 tol me yor is ex," He raised a brow. I nodded. "use ya words luv," he tilted his head.

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