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I bounced my leg on the couch while I waited for Hobie to get home. I needed to talk to him. Something was bothering me that I needed to get off my chest. This morning, after what happened, we went to sleep and when I woke up he was gone. He left me a note saying he went to the spider society and it got me thinking about Peter. How Peters soulmate was MJ. Does Hobie have a soulmate? Am I falling for a guy who could do the same thing peter did to me? I grabbed my phone, I hadn't touched it since I 'moved.' I turned it on and missed messages started to flood in.





I clicked on max's contact. He was a close friend of mine from med school, he would always check up on me. He was there in my darkest times. I heard the phone ring three times before he picked up.
"[NAME!]" he screamed into the phone. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN? ARE YOU OKAY? HOLY FUCK I'VE BEEN SO FUCKING WORRIED!" Max rarely swore.

"I'm sorry Maxie," I smiled into my phone. "I missed you too," I started to cry.

"Where are you, I'm coming to get you from whatever fucked up situation you got yourself in," his voice cracked.

"I'm not coming home," I sighed. The other end was silent.

"You're my best friend," he whispered.

"I'm sorry Max," I cried into the phone.

"you're gonna stay in touch, right?" He sounded like he was crying too.

"I'll try," I heard a slight sound behind me, but I paid no attention to it.

"Where are you?" he whispered.

"Somewhere where I can't come home," I cried.

"[name], please!" He shouted.

"I'm safe, I promise," I sighed.

"Okay," his voice cracked and I knew he was crying.
"I love you max, okay?" my voice cracked as well.
"I love you too [name]," he sobbed and I hung up. I felt terrible leaving him behind. I finally turned around and I saw Hobie. I wiped my tears.

"Hey Hobie," I walked over to him and tried to hug him. I needed comfort but he dodged me. "what's wrong?" I frowned.

"nothin," he brushed me off and turned around to the kitchen.

"Okay," I wearily stepped behind him. "Can I ask you something?" He hummed in response, till not turning to face me. He was gripping the edge of the counter. "Do you have a 'soulmate' like peter?" I put air quotes around soulmate even though he couldn't see me. "Like a Gwen or Mary Jane or something?" I mumbled.

"So, what if I did?" He finally turned around. My stomach dropped. "It's not like it'd matter anyways," He stared into my eyes. "We're just friends yeah?" He leaned back on his elbows which smoothly rested on the countertop. I felt tears come to my eyes. Part of me wanted to yell, "FRIENDS DON'T DO WHAT WE DID!" but another part of me wanted to just cry. Unfortunately, my emotions went with the second option. I looked down as I started to cry.

"Mhm, yeah j-" My voice cracked. I swallowed before continuing my sentence. "just friends," I turned around and slowly walked to the door.
"[name]," Hobie followed after me. I wiped my eyes before he came around the corner as if he wasn't right in front of me watching me sob. "where ya goin?"

"out," I bit the inside of my cheek.

"ya gonna go see ya fuckin boyfriend or something?" He scoffed. It was really out of character.
"hobie, do I need to remind you I haven't left this apartment," I took a step forward. "this is YOUR dimension, YOU are the only person I know," I took another step forward. "and if I had a boyfriend it would be YOU. I left everything behind for a first feeling I had for YOU," I pointed at his chest. "but you and I are just friends correct?" I snapped. I rushed out the apartment and slammed the door. What was his fucking problem?

3:00 AM

I stared at the time in the 24-hour convenience store. I started to get up and as I was about to leave the cashier called out to me. "hey!" I turned around. He ran over to me; he looked maybe 15-16. He handed me a pocketknife. "be safe mame," He smiled. I glanced down at the knife. "I'm assuming your new around here, can I walk you home? These parts are really unsafe, even with spiderman around, he can't save everyone you know?" He smiled.
"I grew up here," I lied. "I just got into an argument with...." I thought for a moment. "My roommate and I rushed out. I'll be fine but thanks for the offer," I smiled back.

"At least take the knife," he sighed. I nodded and waved him goodbye. I walked through the streets, the knife in hand and open. It did seem sketchy but then again it was just the city. I saw what I remembered to be Hobies apartment, and I threw the knife into a random alleyway. I didn't know if it had a tracker or something, I was just being safe. I slowly made it up to the apartment and knocked on his door. The door opened within seconds and Hobie pulled me into a deep hug. He was shaking slightly. I was actually surprised he didn't follow me.

"Bloody hell, where the fuck were you? I went through the entire city three times," he gripped my shoulders.

"I was just at the convenience store down the street," his face went white.
"Did he give you anything? Did you let him walk you home, [name] this is so important, please," he held my face.

"The kid at the counter gave me a knife and offered to walk me home but I denied the offer," Hobie sighed with relief.

"Do you have the knife?" I shook my head.

"I threw it into an alleyway."

"thank fuck, he's known for tracking girls then doing horrid things but there's no solid proof," Hobie sighed. He kissed my forehead and pulled me into the apartment. "I'm so glad you're smarter than that," he led me to the couch and pulled me down onto his lap. I was straddled on his lap and he kissed my neck. "It was fucking stupid to run out like that though," he growled. I pulled away and nodded.

"We need to talk about why I ran out. Cause this," I motioned around us. "Isn't really friend behavior," I raised a brow. "first, do you? Do you have a soulmate or whatever? Second, why did you think I had a boyfriend."

"okay, no I don't. I had a best friend who was a girl, but..." He looked away. "She passed." I hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's in the past," He smiled. "Fo' the second question, I heard you on the phone with a max guy, but after your little speech I think I won the choosing," he proudly smirked. I laughed out loud.
"Hobie, there was never a 'choosing'" I did air quotes around choosing. "Max is engaged," Hobies eyes widened. "to a man." His mouth dropped.

"wait a minute, aren't you eighteen?! How old is he?!" He looked really shocked.

"he's nineteen, he's convinced him, and his fiancé are soulmates, I hate his fiancé! he's an ugly, pick me bitch," I rolled my eyes. Hobie chuckled and held me tighter.
"m' glad we sorted that out," he completely ignored the drama I just told him. "I just wish you didn't have to stay out till three am," he frowned.
"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"I'm sorry too [name], I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions," He kissed my lips ever so gently. "Let's go to bed yeah?" He picked me up and carried me to his (our) room. He set me down onto the bed then layed down next to me.

As I drifted to sleep I could have sworn I heard the words.

I love you.

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