That Smile | LN4

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His light brown eyes gazed at her from across the McLaren garage

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His light brown eyes gazed at her from across the McLaren garage. Tracing over every detail in her even though he already had them memorised all of them. A smile lingered on his lips while his eyes glanced over her long, dark, glossy hair that was neatly tied back in a high ponytail. Then down at her face, her deep brown eyes and her perfect smile that rested between her plump lips; and when her smile faded her lips remained slightly parted leaving her front two teeth showing. That was one of his favourite things about her, her smile. It caused a chain reaction whenever she smiled so did he. He hated it when she would criticise her smile, she hated her teeth and her smile. However, he couldn't comprehend why, he couldn't see any issue with it or anything to do with how she looked. To him she was perfect.

She stood in the McLaren garage doing her final checks on Lando's car joking with the other mechanics before tightly pursing her lips shut after laughing. She hated her buck-teeth and could never understand why he loved them so much. She had tied her damp hair back into a scruffy high pony after rushing out this morning. Her basic dark brown eyes glanced up and spotted her boyfriend gazing down at her. The slight smile on his lips caused her to smile but she firmly bit down on her cheeks to stop her teeth from showing. She hated her smile and could never understand why her boyfriend loved it so much there was nothing likeable about it. To her she was hideous all because of her smile that he loved so much.


"You ready?" Lando asked as he walked out to Y/n who was stood in front of the full length mirror in their hotel room. She had failed to hear him because she was so engrossed in whatever she was doing. Lando looked over with curiosity as she smiled then huffed unhappily and that pattern continued. "What are you doing?" He asked making her jump and snap out of her trance.

"Practicing." She said before turning back to mirror "I just can't get it right." She grumbled to herself pulling the corners of her mouth up her cheeks.

"Get what right?" He asked curiously as she continued to smile with her lips closed.

"My smile!" She shouted on the verge of tears. "It always looks weird!" She waved her hands rapidly towards her face so she didn't start crying and mess up her makeup.

"Awh no." He shook his head and stood behind her before placing his hands around 2 inches away from her face in front of her mouth so she couldn't see the reflection. "Now smile, like you did when you saw me after my first win." He reminded her and nodded a nice smile resting on her lips. He moved his hands and she immediately clamped her hands over her mouth and shook her head.

"I can't go if I don't get this right!" She waved her hands grabbing a tissue from the box and dabbing her eyes.

"You don't need to smile okay?" Lando blurted out in an attempt to calm her down. She looked at him in confusion but at some point during the night she knew there was going to be photos.

"But what about the photos?" She asked placing her tissue on the side and turning to the mirror to make sure her makeup was alright.

"You don't need to be in them." He told her and she nodded before taking a deep breath in.

"Ok." She nodded after taking in a sharp breath. Lando smiled as she got ready to leave.


"Yeah." She said as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out their hotel room Lando following in pursuit.

As soon as they entered the venue and Lando began to talk to Carlos. Y/n slipped away to the bathroom.

She stood in front of the mirror still trying to get her smile right, becoming increasingly frustrated that it wasn't good enough for her. Many other people from the event had come and gone as she stood still smiling and huffing unhappily before repeating the process again and again and again.

Lando turned to his side around 10 minutes later to realise she'd disappeared.

"Did you see her leave?" He asked Carlos who shook his head. Isabel walked over as the two looked around the small room with around 170 people in.

"Who you looking for?" She asked as she saw her boyfriend and his friend attempting to see over everyone's heads.

"Y/n." Lando responded as he stood like a meerkat looking over everyone.

"Oh she's in the bathroom looking in the mirror." Lando let out a sigh before walking towards them and walking into the bathrooms. The venue had mixed gender ones so he didn't look out of place stood next to her at the sink.

"What're you doing?" He asked taking a step from the door towards her in the small 3 cubical room.

"Nothing." She shook her head avoiding his gaze.

"I told you it doesn't matter, you're prefect!" He emphasised but she just shook her head and continued to look away from him. "What's wrong with you then?"

"My smile, I can't get it right!" She echoed her words from the hotel room and Lando sighed.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked trying to establish why she could possibly dislike it.

"My teeth! I look like a bunny!" She told him now looking up at his face.

"I've already said, you don't need to smile tonight." He reminded her grabbing her hands from where they hung at her sides. "Let's do this again, except I've got a better idea so you don't see your teeth." He suggested. Y/n shrugged and turned to the mirror with her boyfriend behind her his hands around 2 inches away from her mouth hiding it's reflection. "Now smile like when I won my first race," Y/n huffed before he could continue "But, lightly bite the inside of your cheeks." She nodded and did as he said. "Done it?" He asked and she nodded he took his hands away and she looked happily in the mirror at her smile that didn't show her teeth. "Happy?"


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