Chapter 1

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When I was younger, I was told that the red thread was the reason why perfect matches exist, everyone who was fated was bound to stick together.

When I told my parents I was gay, they told me that I had a chance of getting fated with women and I was okay with it, but why, why was he the one I was fated with?

Atlas, he was the definition of a high school jock. He was the king of football, the king of the school, if you were on his bad side, everyone knew. I was the unlucky one.

I accidentally said one wrong thing and then became the laughingstock at school. I was the one being told off, I was the talk of the school for the wrong reason.

The day we found out who we were connected to was the day hellfire rained on me. I ended up being connected to my high school bully and everyone knew.

After that moment, I tried everything to change it, but nothing worked. I accepted the fate that I was his soulmate, but he obviously didn't. So we became enemies, but I had nobody on my side, everyone was on his side, so I filled myself up with work to avoid the attention.

He took that as a chance to annoy me by himself. We didn't even have classes together, and yet he still annoyed me.

"Hey, princess, stuck doing homework again?" He whispered in my ear, it caused me to slam the book shut from pure embarrassment. "Stop calling me that..." I mumbled, staring at the table. "No thanks, you didn't answer my question also."

I sighed softly, "I'm just distracting myself from everyone." I watch him smirk, "I can show you another way to distract yourself." That caused me to quickly stand up, grabbing my bag.

I felt his hands slither around my waist, "can you stop! You always do this!" I finally shout at him. "You're gay, you're supposed to like it" I slam my backpack against the desk, turning around.

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like every guy I lay eyes on!" I shout, he only took this as a chance to pull me closer. I push his hands off me, "If you keep doing that people with think you're the gay one."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, "We are soulmates, so let's act like it." I frown slightly and push him away. "Let's never see each other again, okay? If we meet again in the future, maybe then I will give it a chance."


Years later, no sign of him left, and honestly, I was happy, if this meant I didn't need to see him anymore that was plenty for me. I got a job offer, a nice apartment, and a Siamese cat, and here I was, taking a cab to my job offer, simply praying that I get in.

I fiddle with my thumbs as I look out the window, looking at the tall, large building. I feel the car engine stop and the moving car break. "We are here," the driver told me. I smiled and paid him before waving and getting out of the car.

I looked at the building in front of me and took a deep breath before walking forward. I watched the doors open as I got closer, letting me walk straight forward. I looked at the inside, my eyes widened.

The inside looked like an extremely fancy shopping mall, there were coffee places and small shops run by workers. There was an area where two long couches lay and a long coffee table right in the middle. I smiled and walked to the front desk, patiently waiting for the lady to finish her talk on the phone.

She looked at me and put the phone down, "Hello, how may I help you?" I smiled softly, "I'm here for an interview, Cyrus Lee." She looked down at the computer, making a confused face before looking back at me. "Just go up to the top floor, and straight, knock before opening the door."

I looked at her questioning why she was so specific but I shrugged it off. "Thank you, have a nice day," I mumbled before looking at the closed elevator. I walked over slowly and pressed the button, waiting for it to come down.

I watched the elevator doors slowly open causing me to step inside quickly. I pressed the top floor button and waited for the doors to shut and the elevator to move.

I listened to the music playing in the elevator before hearing a small and quiet ding, notifying me that I was on the floor needed. I walked forward like the girl stated and knocked on the door in front of me.

I heard a small "come in," causing me to slowly open the door. "Hello, I'm here for the interview, Cyrus Lee," I slightly mumbled hearing him chuckle after hearing my name. I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Come, sit down," I nodded quickly and walked forward taking hold of the chair and pulling it back.

I put my bag on my lap and I looked forward, my eyes widening when I saw his face. "A-atlas..." I stuttered. I heard him chuckle, "Long time no see, Princess," I gulped slightly.

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