Chapter 5

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I just made out with my high-school enemy, my soulmate, and my boss!? Now he's acting completely normal!

I stood in the elevator, slightly fixing my shirt collar to cover the hickey he just left. I felt his words repeat in my head, "Maybe that will teach people to back off my property." He seriously is on something, there's no way he just said that on purpose. I quickly stepped out of the elevator, he just gave me a fucking hickey, and now he's making me get him coffee!

I walked to the coffee shop I went to last time, obviously with Atlas's permission. I sighed softly before walking to the register and fixing my collar again. "Just an Americano, please," I said, looking down at the counter. I handed him the card, waiting for it to be handed back.

"I thought you would at least say 'hi'," I heard him mumble, "sorry, I lost the paper, but I'm doing fine for now, if I need to I'll ask for it," I mumbled referring to his number. "Well, here's your Americano, and your card" I heard him say before handing me both items.

I nodded softly, "thank you," I mumbled before walking away. I quickly walked to the elevator, thinking about what happened earlier.

"Maybe that will teach people to back off my property." He whispered in my ear before backing up and looking me dead in my eyes. I looked back at him, blinking quicker, and felt my face get hotter. I felt his hand slither to the back of my waist, pulling me closer to him and off the desk. I gripped his shirt, breathing heavily.

I watched him check his watch before kissing me on the cheek and sitting down in his chair, manspreading. I watched him get the same card I used last time to get him coffee, "get me an americano, princess." It felt different hearing that from him now. I looked at him and then at the card before taking the card from his hands. "I'll be right back..." I mumbled.

Here I am now, sitting in the elevator with an Americano in my hand, a hickey on my neck, and slight anger brewing inside of me. I waited for the elevator to stop on the top floor before walking out and towards his office.

I opened the door and placed his coffee on his desk, not looking at him once. I stood next to his chair, staring at his desk, watching his hand reach for the cup. "Thank you, princess," I heard him say before taking a sip. I stood still, not answering. I heard movement and completely ignored it.

I felt a hand move to my chin and a hand slither around my waist. I watched him quickly and smoothly turn my body and my head, making me look at him. "Ignoring me now, hm? Are you sure you want to keep doing that? Now, I said thank you, now what do you say back?"

I gulped softly, adverting my gaze off to the side. "You're welcome..." I mumbled, "What was that, Princess?" I took a deep breath, "You're welcome..." I said slightly louder. "Good boy," he said, leaning into my ear. "Next time, I won't be so generous," I heard him whisper, causing my face to heat up.

He softly pecked my lips before grabbing his Americano, "Well I have to go to a meeting, I'll text you if I need anything." I watched him walk out of the room, breathing heavier. I fell to my knees, digging my head into them to stop me from blushing. Every emotion came crashing down on me at that moment.

The same word I held so much envy for is making me blush? Why does he even call me princess, why does it have such an impact on me now? Questions ran through my head as I ran through the whole situation again. Then I remembered his outfit, and the look on his face as he did everything.

I screamed quietly into my knees, why was he so hot at that moment? I never have seen him that way, why now? Everything kept replaying in my head, causing me to turn redder at every little detail I hadn't noticed before. I quickly fanned my face before standing up to sit on the couch in his office.

I crossed one leg over the other, tilting my head back slightly, trying to calm myself down. I sighed softly before going onto my phone. I looked at the time and then my lock screen. I sighed softly before unlocking my phone and opening Google.

'Is it possible to like your boss' 'Is it odd to crave your boss's touch' 'Why do I miss my soulmate's touch.' I looked up, and each question came up with the same answer, 'Perhaps you have grown so used to their touch and company that it has become unusual to not feel it.' I sighed softly, putting my phone away. I looked around his office, trying to find something unusual.

Every time he touches me, it feels like fireworks go off. It feels like I need him to keep touching me like I don't and can't handle it if it stops. Everything felt so confusing to me, like maybe, I needed him. Like I couldn't survive without him like my earth would come crumbling down the moment I lost him.

I craved his touch, I craved it like how people craved money. Without it I was nothing, I would be broken into little pieces. I craved him, I needed him, I wanted him to fuel the light inside of me. The more I thought about him, the more I looked at him, the more he held me, the more I needed.

I needed his touch on my bare skin, I needed to feel his touch on my skin and not have it broken by clothes. I ran my fingers through my hair, the more I thought, the quicker time passed. Before I knew it, I heard the door open causing me to quickly look up.

"Oh, welcome back, sir" I mumbled, sitting up straight. I watched him look at me, then my legs, then my waist, then my face. I needed his stare on my skin. "Your hours are almost over, would you like to do something?" You. "Oh, not that I can think of right now, I'll just stay with you for now," I watched him nod slowly.

"You can sit if you want, there's enough space for both of us," I watched him walk towards me and sit next to me on the couch. I watched him man spread, god how I wanted to sit there. I watched him drape his hand over his thigh, I needed his hand on my thigh. I watched his head tilt back slightly, I stared softly at his Adam's apple.

I wanted to be the reason he had his head tilted back. I looked back down at his lap, imagining myself sitting there. "How long have you had your cat," I heard him say, causing me to shake out of my thoughts. "Oh, ever since high school," I watched him look at me. "Maybe I can see him sometime," I nodded, I needed him to look at me.

"Maybe you can come see him tonight..." I mumbled, "If you're fine with it of course..." I added. "Sure, but I'm afraid I won't be able to focus on your cat..." He trailed off before leaning over to me, s his hand to my neck.

I felt him attach his lips to mine, taking both of my hands and pinning them to the armrest of the couch. I felt my shirt lift and his hand which was originally on my neck, slither to my waist. At that moment, I felt pure bliss, I felt his hand touch my bare skin, and that enough was to make me go crazy.

I bit his lower lip softly, causing him to smirk. He gripped tightly onto my hip, moving his lips down to my neck, kissing it softly. I felt him pause, before sitting up, and looking down at my stomach, I watched his eyes examine the sun tattoo on my stomach. I went to go sit up to fix my shirt but I was roughly pushed back down.

I watched him lean down, kissing the tattoo softly before going back to kissing my neck. I felt his hand grip tighter onto my hip and his thumb brush across my tattoo. "We truly are made for each other," he mumbled into my neck. I watched his hand, go up my shirt, causing me to gasp.

I felt him release my hands and untuck his shirt, showing off his moon tattoo. I looked at it before feeling my head being forcefully pushed up. I felt his lips touch each part of my neck, some parts longer than others. I felt him press his lips to mine, I felt him smirk against my lips.

I watch him separate our lips again and kiss my cheek before sitting up and getting off me. I sit up myself, slightly confused. I look at him, before feeling him kiss my forehead. I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, before hearing an elevator ding. I quickly let go of him and pushed him off me. I quickly go to fix his shirt and mine.

"Sir, may I come in?" I heard from the other side. "Yes, you may." I quickly stare at the door, before looking away and at the floor. I heard the girl talking to him, it made me mad. The audacity she had, interrupting our moment, and then talking to him like he's her fucking husband.

I just wanted to hold tightly onto him, hold his hand, and laugh in her face at the reaction she had over it. How she feels and looks after she finds out he's mine.

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