Chapter 6

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I watched the girl leave, causing me to release the grip on my pants. "Where were we," he said turning to me, "my hours are over, Atlas." I watched him raise an eyebrow, "what did I tell you about that." I scoffed slightly, "What's so different about this time, hm? I've called you it before, just this morning I called you Atlas."

I watched his hand come to my mouth, covering it. I looked at him, with no emotion on my face. I hated it when he talked to others, but why is it taking such a toll on me now? Why am I so much angrier now? "Are you mad at me," he questioned. I nodded slowly, "I'm just going to go home."

I get up from the couch, grabbing my bag. "Get home safe," I said while walking to the door. I felt his hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me to him. "I'm taking you home," was all he said before dragging me out the door.

I watched him hold tightly onto my wrist in the hallway waiting for the elevator to open, all the way from standing into the hallway. When the elevator went to the first floor he dragged me out, and any employee who was cleaning up still saw it. As I was being dragged out I made eye contact with the cashier, or at least I thought we were. He was just staring at my neck, causing my face to turn from slightly surprised to red.

I struggled to keep up with him since I was slightly dragging my feet to keep up with how quickly he was walking. I heard his car unlock and looked at him, he wasn't angry, he was serious for once. He had a look of concentration on him.

I watched him open the car door for me and I quickly got in. As soon as I closed the door he was already in the driver's seat, I put my seatbelt on quickly. I watched him start his car and he quickly drove out of the parking lot.

I bit my lip, slightly panicking, I wasn't scared of him, I was scared of what was going to happen. Before I knew it we were at my apartment. I watched him get out quickly causing me to get out. I walked towards him and he quickly grabbed my wrist again.

"Which apartment," I looked at him, "third floor..." I mumbled. I watched him quickly walk up the stairs and go up to the third floor. I walked to my room and put my keys in. I let him walk in before I walked in myself. "Sorry if it's messy..." I mumbled again, taking my shoes off.

I bent down to pet my cat, smiling softly. I watched him also take off his shoes and see his jacket. He looked back at me, "What size is your clothing," He questioned. "Large," I answered, standing up. I walked to get my cat's food and filled his dish, bending down to put it with his water dish.

I walked back to the kitchen, putting a mug I forgot to take care of inside of the sink. I looked up to see nothing, I turned around and saw him standing there. "Why did you want to come to my place..." I mumbled. I watched him lean down to my level, his hands on the counter, trapping me.

I gulped softly, looking at him, his hair blocking a little bit of his eye. I moved it slightly only for him to grab my wrist again. "So why-" I was quickly cut off by his lips on mine. This time it was rougher and more needy than before. Why was he needy? I felt him place my hand on his shoulder, gripping my hip with his hand.

His other hand was brought to my neck, I ran my fingers through the back of his hair. He separated our lips, catching his breath slightly before speaking. "Where's your room," I pointed to the room a little farther from the door. He quickly attached our lips again, running his hand up my shirt.

I sighed softly, causing him to smirk. I pulled me away from the counter, still kissing me while we walked. I struggled to open the door from behind me so I flipped us over so I could open it. I watched him slightly stumbled falling lightly onto the bed.

He pulled me down onto his lap, not letting go of his grip on my hip. Then I realized, I was on his lap, the exact thing I have been imagining to happen. I felt his hand go to my thigh, gripping tightly onto it.

Why is everything I needed earlier coming true, "did you think I didn't notice you staring at me." I felt his lips attach to mine as soon as he said those words. Why was he so needy all of a sudden, I could feel his struggle to keep off of me. I felt his hands go under my thighs, lifting me slightly only to push my back against the bed.

He connected our lips again, playing with his shirt. I couldn't even think straight, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hands messing with the buttons of his shirt, only causing my face to turn red. I watched him quickly take his shirt off after the buttons were undone.

I felt the temptation to run my hands across his upper body. I felt him detach our lips only to rip my vest off. I quickly gripped the buttons of my shirt, trying my best to unbutton them. I felt his patience run and he quickly ripped my shirt open.

I felt his lips go onto my neck, then down to my collarbone. I watched him bite softly on the skin, bringing his lips back to mine. He slowly bit my lower lip, causing me to slightly groan. I quickly shifted myself before flipping us over so I was on top.

He stared at me, tracing my curves with just his eyes, he took in every single change in my skin. I lowered myself to his neck, kissing his skin. Then images of that girl popped into my mind, causing anger to flip in my mind.

I pushed his chin up, slowly leaving hickeys on bits of his neck, in spots where they can be noticed. I kissed up his jawline, hearing a soft sigh leave his lips. I gripped tightly onto his hair, forcing him to get closer. I felt him grip tightly onto my hips, only causing me to go crazier.

I ran my hands up his torso, gripping onto his sides. I felt his hand go up my back, "Where did this come from, fuck, I love it." I felt him grab my face, making me stop, "what's wrong" I heard him mumble, "nothing," I whispered, trying to continue. He grabbed my shoulders, lifting himself.

He grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him on his lap, "I can tell somethings wrong." I look away from him, slightly biting my inner cheek. "Look at me," he said sternly grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.

"What's wrong," he said sternly this time, "it's nothing important." He poked his cheek with his tongue, "If you don't tell me what's wrong I'll make out with you in front of everyone." I widened my eyes and quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

"That girl... from earlier... when she walked in and stuff, I just, didn't like how she was speaking to you, I guess, and when she-" he quickly cut me off by gently kissing me. "Sometimes you are so adorable then sometimes I feel like I can't get enough..." he says leaning in slightly, kissing my cheek.

"Do you have pajamas I can wear," he mumbled, looking up at me. I nodded, going to get up, but he quickly stopped me. "I just needed to know," he mumbled, resting his head on my shoulder. "I normally go to bed around this time..." I softly spoke. He groaned softly before letting me get up.

I slowly got up, grabbing pajamas and softly tossing them at him. I grab a pair of my pajamas, "I gave you one of my larger pairs, I hope they fit." I grabbed my towel, "I'm going to take a shower, if you want, you can after me."

I walk out to the bathroom and take my shower. I ran through the thoughts going through my head. I sighed softly, remembering how his touch felt on my bare skin, I felt it before but it felt better this time. The way his frame felt against my hands, his waist tinier than I thought it would be.

I finished up my shower quicker than usual before grabbing my towel and drying myself. I put on my clothes and went back to drying my hair. When I left the bathroom I saw Atlas sitting on the couch petting Leo. I smiled softly at the sight, walking up to him, I pet Leo, smiling. "Someone's cheered up," I looked up at him, he had a small smile on his face before patting my head and getting up.

I realized he was already changed, "don't want to take a shower?" He nodded, "I don't like taking showers in other people's homes." I smiled softly, "I'll sleep on the couch if you'd like" As soon as I said that he grabbed my wrist pulling me to my room.

I walked in with him, lying down on my bed. I waited for him to get in with me before moving closer to him. "I like the vanilla," I mumbled, "I'm kind of glad you didn't shower, I didn't want you to lose it." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

I placed my head gently onto his chest, wrapping my arms around him. There it was, the faint scent of vanilla. The scent I loved, the scent that I needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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