Chapter 4

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I woke up to a long series of ringing causing me to groan. I sat up slowly, struggling to open my eyes. I whined softly before finally getting up, and walking to my kitchen.

I look at my cat's food dish and fill it before grabbing myself a snack. I walk to my bedroom, grabbing a white button-up and knitted vest. I took off my shirt, realizing I forgot to take off the makeup to cover my tattoo. I quickly grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped it off before putting on and buttoning my shirt.

I slid on my vest over it, grabbed a pair of jeans, and put them on. I sighed softly before texting my pet sitter. I quickly grabbed my bag and grabbed my keys and phone before walking out the door and locking it behind me. I walked down the stairs, calling myself an Uber before stopping on the last step. I looked up slowly from my phone, only to see a man in a black button-up and black pants staring at me.

I looked up at his face and nearly screamed, "Atlas?" I slightly yelled. He backed up from the stairs and looked at me. I take another step down, stopping right in front of him. "Why are you at my- actually no, how do you know where my apartment is," I questioned. "Records, now cancel your Uber, I'm taking you to work today."

I looked around slightly, "won't people find it weird if I come in with my boss?" He shook his head softly before grabbing my hand and quickly letting go. "Sorry, but, cancel your Uber," I turned a little red before grabbing my phone again and canceling my Uber.

He started walking away quickly, causing me to run a little to catch up to him. 'Should I tell him that I can't stop thinking about last night?' I turned to look at him before quickly denying that decision. Why am I so nervous around him all of a sudden, all it was, was a hug to make up. I sighed softly, looking around softly.

"You okay?" I heard him say before stopping. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," I watched him slowly nod at my answer before pulling out his keys and unlocking his car. I went to sit in the back before I saw a hand stop the door from being opened.

I turned around to see him, "I'm your boss, not your Uber, now get in the front." I nodded slowly, before turning to the front door and opening it. I slowly got in, placing my bag in my lap. "Atlas," I said turning to him as he got in the car, "yes?" I looked at him before panicking, "Never mind, sorry."

I watched him shrug before starting his car and placing his hand on the back of the seat. I looked at his side profile as he backed out of his parking spot. I took in how his hair rested softly on his head and how his nose was perfectly defined, the faint scent of vanilla appearing again. I glanced at his lips before realizing what I was doing and looking forward.

I stared at my bag, grabbing my phone from out of it. I stared at my lock screen, it was an old picture of me in high school, adopting Leo. "He's cute," I heard Atlas say, "oh, his name is Leo," I said softly. "I wasn't talking about the cat," I heard him whisper, I quickly turned to look at him. He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He questioned before turning back to look at the road, "Oh, sorry I must have heard something."

I focused on the buildings passing by, resting my head on the seat of the car. I bit my lip softly, closing my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt the car stop. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in the parking place of the building.

I quickly sat up and went to open the door. I saw the door lock, "Atlas, I think you-" I was cut off by the feeling of his lips on mine, causing me to widen my eyes. I felt his hand move to the back of my head, pulling me closer. I separated our lips, catching my breath.

"Cy...?" I heard faintly, causing me to open my eyes. "Huh, oh, um, are we here?" I said turning to look at him. 'What the hell was I dreaming about?' "Yeah, do you need help out of the car or something?" I quickly shook my head and opened the door.

I stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath, recollecting my thoughts. 'I just had a dream about my boss kissing me?!' I quickly walked past him, not realizing it. "Cy, there's no need to walk so fast," I heard him say from behind me, "oh, sorry" I quickly apologized. I slowed down to walk with him, still thinking about what I dreamed about.

I walked into the building, and waited at the elevator doors with him. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to look behind me. "Oh, you're the cashier... this is probably a bad time-" I felt my arm being grabbed and myself being dragged into the elevator. "Call me later!" was the first and last thing I heard from the cashier at that moment.

I watched the elevator doors close, "what did I say about that cashier," Atlas softly said. "You didn't say I couldn't talk to him, At- sorry, Sir." I watched him exhale causing me to feel my eyes widen, "don't talk to him again, if he ever tries to talk to you, walk away." He said sternly.

I nodded slowly and waited for the doors to open, not enjoying the tension in the air. I was the first one to get out when the elevator doors opened, quickly stopping right outside the elevator. I waited for him to walk out as well before walking with him. I quickly went to open the door for him, closing the door behind me after he walked in.

I quickly grabbed my tablet out of my bag and opened his schedule. "Today, you have a meeting, and that's it," I said, looking at him. "When is it?" I looked back at the tablet and then the time. "In about an hour," I quickly said.

"That will be plenty of time," I raised an eyebrow at his words before looking at him. I felt him grab my wrist and pull me down to his level, attaching our lips. I felt my eyes widen, this was a dream again, right? I felt him separate our lips before standing up and pushing my hips against his desk and attaching our lips again, this wasn't a dream.

I placed my hands on his desk, pushing one of his papers off by accident. I felt him grab my arm, putting it around his neck, trailing his lips down to my neck, slightly biting on the skin. I sighed softly into his ear, causing him to slightly perk up. I felt him kiss my cheek before kissing my lips again.

I felt him separate our lips and lean into my ear, "maybe that will teach people to back off my property."

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