Chapter 3

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2 hours passed and I started worrying about my cat at home, I knew he said I would leave with him but this was getting ridiculous.

"Sir, perhaps, I could go home, I have someone waiting at home and I really need to head there," I slightly pleaded. "Who?" was all he said. "My cat, he needs to be fed and I didn't expect to stay so long."

He pondered for a second before nodding, "Go ahead, but next time get someone to take care of him." I heard him say causing me to quickly grab my bag. "Thank you, sir!" I slightly shouted before quickly walking out of the door. I closed the door and started clicking the call button for the elevator.

I stood there before seeing a shadow overcast the floor that wasn't mine. I turned to look and saw Atlas causing me to jump slightly. "I thought you were going to stay a little longer..." I slightly mumbled.

"I do not need to stay, besides, everyone's leaving and I don't feel like being alone," I looked at him quickly, seeing no shift in his face after he said that. "You sound lonely when you say that," I mumble. "It was meant to sound lonely," he says quickly. I cross my hands over my thighs, waiting for the elevator.

"Cy," I quickly turn to look at him, "back in high school," I quickly went to cut him off, "let's not talk about that, it was an ugly sight..." I watch him quickly look back at me. I stood there for a moment while looking at him, holding eye contact. We stood there for a little, not looking away before the ding of the elevator interrupted us.

I quickly looked away and got into the elevator, waiting for him to step inside before clicking the ground floor button. "A lot of the girls I hung out with had a crush on you, you know before they found out you were gay and linked with me," I stared forward.

"I'm sorry for being a dick back then, and everything to be honest, I was jealous of you, you had the smarts to get into anything and I was jealous of that, even though I had a scholarship there was always the chance where I had to drop out because I was dumb," he said softly.

"You aren't dumb, you were smart, you just were too busy obsessing over me, my good looks back then were just, chef kiss," I joked. I heard him chuckle softly, "you were quite good-looking back then, you still are," he complimented. "You weren't that bad looking I guess," I softly chuckled, "but thank you for, apologizing I guess? It feels nice knowing you didn't exactly hate me."

I turned to smile softly at him, "Can I hug you?" I was caught off guard for a second before nodding. I watched him step closer to me and wrap his arms around me. I was slightly shorter so I wrapped my arms around his neck. We stood there for a second before I let go.

I looked at the elevator doors opening, "I assume you drove here, so is it okay if I stay here for a little to wait for my cab?" I questioned walking out. "If you want I can drive you home," he said following slightly behind me. "It's fine, I'll just call a cab," I mumbled softly. He slowly nodded, "I'll wait with you then," I bit my inner cheek at those words. "It's fine really, just go ahead and head home..."

He didn't budge, "I'm waiting with you." I sighed softly before grabbing my phone out of my pocket and getting an Uber. "I called an Uber and it said it will be here in a few minutes you can leave if you want," I said one last time, but he didn't move.

I sighed softly before walking to the door and pushing it open. I waited outside, looking at the fact it was dark now. I heard him walk behind me, causing me to slightly look back. I turned back forward and waited for my Uber to come. "Are you cold?" he said, causing me to jump since I already forgot he was there.

"A little, it's fine though..." I mumbled. "You mumble quite a bit," he said as he wrapped his jacket around me. "You didn't have to do that..." I mumbled again. "It's fine, just give it back to me tomorrow."

I looked back at him again before holding onto the jacket opening and pulling the two sides closer. I see a car pull up, feeling my phone vibrate to notify me my Uber is here. "Well, that's my Uber, thank you again, for the jacket and stuff, well, um, bye..." I mumble, before waving and walking over to the car and getting in.

I wait for the Uber to stop at my house, looking out the window and seeing the building dpass by. I looked down at his jacket, smiling softly. I waited for the car to break before I paid the driver and got out of the car. I walk to my apartment complex, go up the stairs, and arrive at my door.

I stumble with the keys before putting them inside the keyhole, unlocking my house. I quickly open the door and shut it behind me, taking my shoes off. I quickly greeted my cat, before walking over to his dish and putting food in it. I filled his food bowl and walked over to my washing machine.

I quickly put his jacket inside of it, put some detergent in, and started it. I walk away to my kitchen, making me some food, and waiting for the clothes to finish washing. I walked over to the washing machine after hearing it ding and put the jacket quickly into the dryer. I start it and sit on the floor by it.

I remember when he hugged me, the faint scent of vanilla on him. I hugged my knees, remembering how his hair felt against my cheek and arms. The way his hands felt around me, I quickly shook out of my thoughts after hearing Leo meow, causing me to look down and see him at my feet.

I gently pet him before I picked him up and put him on my lap. "Leo, do you think he's changed? Or is he just messing with my head again..?" I mumble, only to be responded with a meow. I chuckle softly and kiss him on his head placing him back on the floor. Getting back up taking the dried clothes out of the dryer and hanging them up on the door.

I look at the clock and see how much time has passed since I started washing the jacket. I quickly set an alarm on my phone before walking to my bedroom and getting changed. I jump onto my bed, put my phone on the charger, and drift off to sleep.

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