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Khao's POV:

I really don't know how Dunk manages those guys. Joong and Dunk have been dating for 2 years and they've been public for 6 months. So ever since they've been public, we are forced to sit together for lunch with "those guys" I mean The fallen devils gang.

I hate First, I hate his attitude that he shows everyone he's from a rich family and he gets anything he wants.. Ughh soo annoying.

P'Mix, (P' is used for elder people in thai to respect them) Phuwin and me are sitting on our usual table. Dunk is probably with Joong on the way to our table. P'Mix is eating lunch, he loves eating food and Phuwin is reading some new book he got. And as for me I'm on my phone listening to songs Artic Monkeys.

I heard a chair being dragged, I lift my eyes to see P'Earth, Pond and First sitting in our table.

"Swaadeekub,(hello in thai) P'Earth." Phuwin and I said.

"Wadee." He replied back and smiled.

Pond said, "Swaadeekub, P'Mix.. Wadee, Mueng." to me and Phuwin. (Mueng can be said for friendly terms in thai)

I nodded my head to him, Phuwin didn't reply and P'Mix replied back.

P'Mix and P'Earth are from the same class, they are 2 years older to all of us. Phuwin, Pond, Joong, Dunk, First and me are in the same grade and usually sometimes we are in the same class also.

P'Mix and P'Earth didn't greet each other. Pond greeted Phuwin but he didn't. First greeted Phuwin and P'Mix but he and me didn't greet each other. Basically, for Joong and Dunk we decided that we will talk to the ones who we don't mind and ignore the ones we have a problem with.

"Khao, are you not eating?" P'Earth asked me.

"No, P'. I'm not hungry, you carry on." I lied. I was actually hungry but I don't wanna eat because the person who gives me shelter told I'm fat so I shouldn't eat. I'm very insecure about my body. So I eat one meal per day if they give or else no.. I don't mind tho as long as I have a place to live at.

After I replied to P'Earth, he nodded his head but First saw me with a weird look, we had an eye contact but immediately shifted our eyes to do our work. Pond was flirting with someone on our next table which annoyed Phuwin, he hates playboys.

So he said, "I'm leaving to class, it's getting annoying here." and left.

I heard Pond chuckle,

I told him, "Stop annoying him before he actually kills you." We both laughed and he went back to eating, I went back to listening songs.

Joong and Dunk came to our table,

"Took you both long enough." First said and shook his head laughing lightly. This is the first time I heard him talking today.

"Sorry, mueng." Joong told and chuckled. Dunk turned to me and asked where is Phuwin?

"Pond tried to annoy like usual, he got annoyed and left to class." I said.

He saw Pond,

"Don't look at like that, I'm innocent." Acting innocent. All of us looked at him as if he had grown two horns on his head.

Dunk said, "All of us here know how innocent you are, asshole" sarcastically.

We all chuckled and went back to our business.

The bell rang so we all got up and went on our ways. But while I got up, First and I were face to face as we were going the opposite directions, I was fighting the urge to not hit him and so was he. P'Mix pulled me away and P'Earth pulled First away.

Dunk asked me while going to class, "I don't know, why do you hate First so much?"

I replied, "I just do and there's no explanation to it, I agreed to sit with them for you but I won't give up on that asshole's matter."

Dunk just shook his head. We went to class. The other half of the day went like breeze because I was sleeping in class. I sleep through the day and the teachers don't mind me because I ace in all of my exams.

I got up when the bell rang loudly, shit my head.

"Dude, wake up bell rang, let's go." I heard Phuwin telling me. But I whined like a kid not wanting to get up. He basically had to pull me from my chair.

We met Dunk and P'Mix outside,
"Usual place?" P'Mix asked.
And we all nodded our heads.

After class, we go to our usual hangout place. This is our routine. There isn't a day that goes by without us visiting here. It's a small coffee shop, run by an old couple. It's called as, "Meow" weird i know but when we asked them why they named that, they said it was because they both love cats. They love us so much, that they let us have a discount every single day we visit.

Actually, both Falled devils and violent angels hangout at the same place but at different tables. After Joongdunk's relationship we are sitting together on one table.

Phuwin, P'Mix and I are sitting next to each other. The same way Pond, P'Earth and First are sitting in front of us. Joongdunk are sitting on each other. That sounded bad but yeah they're actually sitting on one chair. We finished our business, we went back on our ways.

I took the bus to my home, if only I could call that place a home. I lost my birth parents when I was 3 years old and my own blood left me in an orphanage. I grew up there but when I turned 10, I was taken in a by a nice family. A sweet mom, caring father and a brother who accepted me with open arms.

I thought I had it all but when I lost my mom in an accident after 2 years. The man who took me in became a alcoholic, I never really took him as my father after my mom passed away. My brother, he was my second best friend. My first was someone else but that is a story for some othe day.

My brother, P'Jeff who is 4 years older to me, was my best friend before our mom passed away. He was always very protective over me, comforted me when I had nightmares, wiped my tears away, made me laugh but the good things always have to go away at some point, for a unlucky person like me it'll be surprising if I have good things in life.

He started keeping his distance with me when we lost our mom. It's not that he blamed me for mom's death but he ignored me, not completely just nodded his head whenever we cross paths.

I reached my place, went inside to see beer bottles everywhere and to see my dad on the sofa lying completely high. I cleaned everything up. Checked the fridge only to find nothing in there. I took water, when I was drinking water. I saw some cash on table with a note saying,

"Buy groceries and keep rest of the cash for your food.

It's been days since I've seen P'Jeff because he moved out the day he turned 18 so I rarely see him. He usually drops by to check on dad. I took the cash and decide I'll go the grocery store tom, went up to my room, took bath, and once again I slept with an empty stomach after a long day.

Author's note:
Don't kill me if it isn't nice, this is my first writing so yeah, go ahead.✨️

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