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Khao's POV:

Remember when I said, whose my first bestfriend and that's a story for another day. At times like these, I miss him even though I'm mad on him.

I woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. He was always the one who had my back when I felt lonely or when I had nightmares, he used to hug me and sleep.

His name was First. No it's not my enemy First he's so much different from the First I know. The one who is my enemy is Khanapan and my bestfriend his name is only First.

We grew up in the same orphanage, he was always like a parent to me whenever I needed him. He was adopted a year before I was. He promised me that he would be in touch with me when he left, he would call me everyday and he would visit me every week.

But as soon as he left, I received no calls from him and he never visited also. Sister Maria also didn't know where he was. It was as if like he had disappeared in thin air.

I was so mad on him but at the same time I missed him so much that I waited for hours in front of the phone, waiting for his call. Whenever I heard someone was coming. I always hoped it would be him.

The amount of tears I shed whenever I couldn't find his arms to lay on when I had nightmares. He always used to save me from my bullies but when he left they took their chance and bullied me everyday.

I used run back to the orphanage, with tears flooding through my eyes. Ray missed him as much as I did. No matter how much I was mad on him, I never stopped waiting for him and I still do.

So, I decided whenever I missed him. I'd write the memories we shared together. I've written 12 books in 10 years and yet he still didn't return.

I haven't told about my cat I mean our cat. Fir and me found him in a park and brought him to our orphanage. When I got adopted, my parents let him take him home because even P'Jeff liked cats.

Ray is at the vet right now, he's been there for 2 days. He's having fever so the doc said to let him stay at the vet for a while and then take him home. I gotta a call from the doc a while back telling that he's doing better now. I could pick him up tomorrow.

I miss him and his other owner. I never understood why I miss him so much even though he would've forgotten about me by now.

No one knows about Fir, I don't open about him no matter what happens. The boys have asked me so many times about the chain on my neck. The one Sister Maria bought us when we were young. But I never said them who 'F' stands for and I would not tell them until I find him.

I kissed my chain and went back to my bed, opening my laptop to continue watching stranger things.

I watched until the alarm rang. I turned off my laptop and the alarm, went to the restroom, looked at myself and said.

"Wow, can I look more dead?"

I shook my head and started getting ready for college.

I wore a black sweatshirt, black jeans and black leather jacket on top. I came to down to see my dad on the couch, sleeping drunk. I decided that I'll come back and clean it up and left.

I was waiting at the bus stop. The bus finally decided to show up. I was pretty early to college so I thought I'll go to the field until everyone's back.

I went to the field and no one were there, I started playing football with the ball around. I'm actually pretty good at football, I know that but I don't dare to join cause my dad would kill me if I do.

It's because we have to pay for everything if I want to join the club. My dad won't be ready to pay me extra. I'm on scholarship now and not on the fees but he still blames me for draining all of his money.

I was invested in thinking and playing football. I didn't realise that First was here and he was staring at me playing. I turned the way he was and said.

"You got any problem, come to me. Don't stare at me. It's weird."

He raised his hands like he's surrending and replied.

"Hey, I'm here in peace. I'm just thinking that why don't you join the team when your this good at it."

I was surprised but yet I said.

"Yes, I like playing football. But I don't love it so much that i would miss classes for it."

He laughed and said.

"You afraid of missing classes? Don't lie, Thanawat. You sleep through all the classes. We are actually in need of a team member and try it out if you could."

Damn. That Thanawat sounded so good. Wait, what am I saying? I looked at him and he was looking at me. This is the first time I'm actually seeing him without anger.

We got distracted by the bell. I shifted my eyes and started walking out of the field. I remember I still haven't replied him. I turn back to him, to see him looking at the grass lost in his thoughts.

"I'll think about it. Thank you, Khanapan."

He looked back at me and saluted. That looks so familiar. Fir used to do that always when we were young. I felt like I was seeing him. I shook my head and started walking towards class.

I went and sat at the last bench of the class. I usually sit there. People started whispering, I honestly don't care, it's always like this whenever any member of the violent angels and the fallen devils.

Probably some random rumors are being sent around. I don't know, I don't care. The boys are in the parking lot, on the way to class.

Phuwin and Dunk came in, again they started whispering. Phuwin sat infront of me and Dunk sat next to me.

"Wadee, Mueng." Both greeted.

I nodded my head towards them.

"Wadee, Where's P'Mix?" I asked.

"You didn't see him?" Dunk questioned.

"How dumb are you Dunk? Why the fuck would I ask where is he if I saw him?"

Don't get me wrong I love Dunk but that boy acts like he's lost his mind sometimes correction all the fucking time.

"Fair point. He came in early today and went to the library to read. You didn't see the message he sent in group."

I shook my head. The teacher entered started taking lessons and attendance.

I was playing football when P'Mix texted that's I didn't know. The thought of football reminded me off First again, the way he spoke to me calmly without the anger and actually complemented my skills in football.

I was genuinely surprised but with First's thoughts I dosed off again in class.

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