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First's POV:

I came back from college and went home to have no one at home. It's usually always like this. I'm not a person to do bad things but I do it to get noticed by my parents. They come back home only when they hear from my college.

But at sometime it actually kinda felt ridiculous to me and I stopped being a bully to everyone the day Joongdunk came public.

I honestly admire how brave they are to accept their relationship. I mean I wouldn't hide mine for sure, if he tells yes.

You guys might be wondering who that "he" is? Yes as you guys guessed it is Khaotung. No one actually knows this. There are so many things people don't know about me.

The parents right now I call as mom and dad, are not my real parents. They are my foster parents who adopted me, when I was 9. My parents made sure no one knows about this.

They were actually really good to me, when I turned 12. My mom was pregnant they still treated me the same. But she lost the baby in her womb when she fell over the stairs. It bothered them very much, they started working and stopped worrying about me.

Honestly, I get it why they turned that way. I came to middle school that's when I met P'Earth, Joong and Pond. They became my bestfriends and whenever something was wrong with me, P'Ed used to find out. They were my family.

But there was always something missing in me. That part of me that belonged to only one person. When I was in orphanage, I never knew who my birth parents were. Sister (the one who takes care of the orphanage) said that I was here since I was a just born baby.

There was this boy, Tung who was my bestfriend because we walked our first steps together, our first words were each other's names, we were literally each other's childhood.

One day, when we were playing around in the park. We found a cat, we took him to the orphanage.

"Can we please keep him, sister? We found him at the park. He's lonely." Tung said.

Sister couldn't resist Tung's cuteness and agreed to him. He always has a way with his cuteness. We named him Ray.

Sister Maria, the one who took care of me and Tung when we were younger. She always had a soft spot for us. So she bought us a necklace with 'T' and 'F' as pendants for Christmas. We were so happy.

We wore each other's initials. I took 'T' and Tung took 'F'. All this while we grew up without the fear of being away from each other.

Then came a day, where I was gonna get adopted. I didn't wanna go, leaving him and Ray alone. But we had no choice left. Khao hugged me the whole night, the day before i had to go. We were a crying mess.

I hated to see him cry so I couldn't control mine. But I promised him that I would contact him every day and come visit him every week. He agreed to it.

But when I reached the house I was gonna stay. I asked my mom.

"How can I contact, Tung? Do I get a phone or should I use yours?"

"Darling, we would like to tell you that you no longer can be in contact with the orphanage people and no one should know that your adopted. Call us mom and dad from now on."
My mom replied. I was scared, I didn't want them to be mad on me so I agreed.

Every single night, past 10 years all I've ever been able to dream is Khao's crying smile when he sent me off. No matter how many people I met, I never could take away Khao from my mind.

At sometime, I realised that the love and care I have towards him even though I haven't seen him in years is not just any friend love but indeed a special love.

The moment I realised, I decided that I would give up the whole world when I see him and I don't care about anything but him.

I met Khao after 10 years. The moment I've waited and dreamed off for ages. I didn't know that it was Tung so we had a fist fight, the day we saw each other about some random issue.

The same week we had a fight with each other. I again went near him, to tease him and he said something offensive back. I had his Tee in a fist when I pulled him near. I saw 'F' pendant the same one Sister Maria gave us.

That's when I connected the dots and I realised that he's Tung, my Tung. The one I've been searching for, the one even Sister Maria didn't know about.

But he doesn't that I'm First, the First he was bestfriends with, the one he used to hug when he had nightmares, the one he loved so much.

I came to know the truth around a year ago and I haven't told anyone this because I don't know if he will accept me, is he angry on me, I mean he already hates my guts.

So I let it go, I'll wait for the right time and that time I'm ready to do anything he wants me to. But I still act that I hate him is because he's fun to tease and my parents have spies around me at school.

So I'm scared they'd come to know about Tung, after he comes to know that I'm First I don't care. But now no one knows and it's going on good, I don't wanna mess it up.

I heard a sound from kitchen that's when I realised that I have been lost for a long time starring at the TV. I shook my head off the thoughts, kissed our chain.

I had dinner when it was 8:00 and I went to sleep with the thought of Khao with Ray when we 7 years and before I knew I was fast asleep with the excitement of meeting my baby tom.

Second done.
This is kinda eng and thai mix. The only friends fans would know Ray.

Another thing to clarify,
Tung, Khao and Khaotung all are same but diff nicknames of our baby by our big baby First.😂🤍

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