Jump🥸 jump jump 😎

52 3 4

I was in a grumbly mood for the rest of the day and everyone could tell. I mean, I wasn't exactly trying to hide my distaste for Hisoka. We met up with Tsezguerra's team later that day in a wide field, surrounded by large trees. I was bored out of my mind for the most part. That is, until Tsezguerra jumped really high up into the air. The boys' eye lit up and I watched them push their aura into their feet and jump. They easily shattered Tsezguerra's record, from the look on his face. The boys came back down and I stuck my tongue out at them. "Me and Artemis can do better!" I grabbed Artemis's hand and she rolled her eyes but crouched with me. We pushed our aura into our feet and let go of each other, shooting up into the sky.

Now I don't want to toot my own horn but, toot toot. I felt like I was flying. I could see everything. The calm breeze whirled past me and I sighed before falling back down to the ground. I had a rather rough landing and rolled my ankle. Actually, it was probably sprained but I ignored it and started to dog on Gon for having the least height in his jump. It was surprising actually, how much lower he was than me and Artemis. Gon was naturally springy but had lean muscles. It was obvious why Killua could easily jump to that height so I wasn't surprised that he was the second highest jump, Artemis just below him. I'm really not all that athletic but I have a decent build. Pretty average if you ask me. The only reason I got so much higher was because my nen was so much more advanced. Though, if I don't figure out my new nen ability they'll catch up.

Gon started whining about how I was bullying him but everyone else just watched with amused looks. "You smelly dingus, you're stinky feet weighed you down!" I blew a raspberry at him and he gasped before pouncing on me. "Y/n! Not nice! And I do not have smelly feet!" I just laughed and started calling him all of the childish names I could come up with. We wrestled for a while and laughed, until he tried to jump away from me and kicked me in the ankle. He might not look it, but Gon's a strong little bugger. I took a sharp inhale and felt the small crack in my bone become worse. The sharp breath I took brought a clump of blood to the middle of my throat and I tried to clear it discreetly. I don't know how I hadn't noticed that it was fractured earlier. Though, it hurt a lot less that you'd expect it. So, I simply brushed it off and tried not to put any weight on it.

I stood up and grinned, ready to lunge for Gon but a cold hand found it's way to my shoulder. I paused and looked back to see Killua almost glaring at Gon. It was a sight I never thought I'd see. Gon rose an eyebrow. "I think that's enough playing for now. How about we head back?" I shrug "sure, it's getting dark anyways." The adults talk at the front of the group, followed by Hisoka, then Gon and Artemis, and then me, Killua, and Apollo. It was a silent walk. Bisky had decided that we didn't need to use accompany to get back to the canyon. After a while of walking the pain in my ankle started to get to me and I fell slightly behind. "I can carry you ya'know?" I hummed and kept hobbling along. Apollo eventually rammed into my butt and sent me down to the ground in a pile of dirt.

I huffed and everyone turned back to look at me. "Nothing to see here, keep moving along." They shrugged, expecting it from me at this point. Killua sighed through his nose and helped me up. He tried to carry me but I waved him off. "I can walk just fine." He grunted "why do you do that?" I shrugged, barely hearing his muffled voice. "Do what?" He shoved his hands deep into his pocket and looked towards the ground as we walked. "Pretend to be ok when you clearly aren't?" For what seems like the millionth time today I shrugged. "Dunno, guess I could ask you the same thing." I heard him mumble something inaudible and proceed to sweep me off my feet. Quite literally. "Hey!" He quickly sat me down on Apollos back. Apollo simply let out a rumbling noise that resembled purring. I rolled my eyes but stayed put.

    After we had walked for what felt like forever we finally made it back to the canyon. I huffed and sat back down at our usual spot. Artemis kneeled down beside me and wrapped her hands around my ankle. "I fell on it and then Gon stepped on me." She nodded but then looked up. "Is there any cuts that are directly related to the fall? Anything external?" I furrowed my brows. "No, why?" She huffed "You forget that I can only heal external injuries for now. Your bones, are internal." I tched and watched the boys talking from afar. "So there's nothing you can do for a broken bone?" She frowned and shook her head. "I can't help it unless there was an injury on the outside of your body this directly correlated with the injury, or if the bone was protruding. Then I could push it back it back into place and heal it."

    "Snap my leg then." Her head shot up, eyes wide. "I can't just snap your leg! First of all, that would hurt like hell and second, I don't have that kind of body strength! I'd also like to keep living, if Killua saw me do that I'd be dead." I huffed and poked at my ankle before hissing. "But if I snap my ankle enough for you to fix it then all the pain would go away when you're done." She shook her head with an exasperated expression "no! There's not even a guarantee that it'll work, I've never done it before." I crossed my arms and glared at her. "No time like the present. Besides, I don't have time to have a bum leg. If you won't do it then I will." She stood up and started shaking her hands. "I won't heal you if you snap your ankle." I frowned "then I'll just have to make my own nen ability." I reached forward and felt my ankle before grabbing it with a firm grasp. It burned but I started up Ko in my hands.

     "Killua!" The next thing I knew the wind had been knocked out of me and my hands were pinned above my head. Blood spewed from my mouth and I coughed but started choking on some blood. I tried to roll over but a weight on top of me held me down. I struggled to breathe and it felt like I was drowning. "Y/n! What were you doing?!" Killua was the one sitting on me. Normally I would've flushed a vibrant red but I'm currently chocking. "O- Off!" Was all I managed to say before sucking more blood down my throat. Nothing happened and I could feel Killua's nen had spiked. He wasn't in control right now. But I can't breathe. I need to get him off. I heard distant shouts for Killua to get off but he just kept trying to talk to me. I didn't know what else to do. I activated my ren and made it as large and sudden as possible. Killua flew off of me and I rolled to the side and threw up.

     I coughed for what felt like hours and vomited once more. Soon blood started to flow from my nose. At this rate I'd never last three years. Let alone another 6 months. I stopped my ren and focused on trying to breathe again. Killua was back at my side again, tears welling up in his eyes. "Y/n! I'm sorry! Are you ok?!" I tried to sit up and he rubbed my back. I sucked in a large breath of air, finally able to breathe again. I slumped against Killua and just breathed for a moment. "It's ok" was all I could rasp out. Killua soon drifted into small sniffles and I fell asleep against him. My lungs were to tired to do anything more but breathe.


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