Please God

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The next morning everyone split up. Well, me, Gon, and Killua split from the group. We slipped into the neighboring country of East Gorteau and into a small village. Knov was able to scrounge up the information on the whereabouts of the ants. They had apparently infiltrated the palace. Our plan of attack was in ten days time. There was a celebration going on that day where every citizen would gather at the palace. It was obviously a setup made by the ants. The running theory is that all the people would probably have their nen forcefully awakened by the ants. This small village was disgusting. There was blood everywhere and lots of shallow graves. The idea is that the concept of this 'celebration' could cover up large genocides.

"It's already started." Killua spoke up and kicked a severed arm on the ground. I tightened my jaw a bit. "There's no way these ant can kill up to 5 million people in ten days. Theres too many variables." I grumbled out and Killua nodded in agreement. I watched Gon for a moment as he looked around with a sullen expression. "I got it! The royal guards must be able to control the regular ones." Gon's head turns at Killua's revelation. I hummed and shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "What now?" Gon asks Killua. He shrugs in return. "We split up of course. We have to warn as many people as we can." Killua smacks his hand with his fist to emphasize his point.

This is a shit plan. There's no way people will just believe Killua. People are stupid. Even so there's nothing I can do to change their minds. "Give me your hands." I state firmly and garner their attention. They both do so without a question and I conjure a knife. It's time to bring back my old pal, Chi Tracker. I had previously lost the ability but I feel that now is the right time to recreate it. I spring up a calm ten and poke both of their fingers. "Y/n what in the world are you doing?" Killua asks as I squeeze a drop of each of their blood into my mouth. "Do you know how many diseases are in blood?" I shrugged and gagged at the familiar taste of blood.

    "This way I'll be able to find you if you're in trouble. It'll only activate if one of you is bleeding. I'll be able to find you pretty easily. I know this is a bit odd but this ability drains a lot of nen." I tell them and Gon raises an eyebrow in question. "So?" I sigh and let my knife disappear. "So don't get hurt and don't die."

    After that I was on my own. Gon was in hiding while Killua went to warn people. I was mostly in charge of clean up. Meaning kill as many ants as I could in an inconspicuous manner. However, I did what any normal person would do, I slept. I've probably moved about four miles from our original spot. I just don't feel like wasting what's left of my energy. I can feel myself getting weaker by the day though. The bleeding is nearly constant and now there's splotches showing up under my skin. Probably my blood vessels starting to deteriorate for good. Or rotting flesh. Honestly who knows. My nightmares have started again too. It's mostly just flashes of white and blood. Sometimes there's fish. It's pretty odd and I can never make anything of it.

    I was laying in a tree for most of today, facing the ground when suddenly a red line sprung up from the ground and my ren spiked. It's one of the boys. One of them is bleeding. I stumbled out of the tree and tried to use Windbreaker. It didn't work. Shit. "What the hell? Why won't this work?" I tried to get my usual Hatsu to work but it just wouldn't. I cursed again and started running. I don't have time for this shit. I followed the red line for a while, well it felt like a while. It was actually no longer than 15 minutes. But I kept choking on blood. I soon came across a large creater in the ground and small fires in the surrounding area. I dropped to my knee to look for footprints but I stumbled into the mangled corpse of an ant. From there a small trail of blood could be followed.

      I followed the blood to its worst spot which was in front of a large cave looking hole. I couldn't hear anything inside until a voice yelled out a curse. Killua! I followed my red line down into the cave. It was a straight drop down into water. I was able to grab onto a stalactite though and look around the cave. It was oddly well lit. I looked down at the ground and saw two fish looking ants. A pink one and a blue one. In a flash of white I saw their heads fly off. I blinked in surprise and saw Killua collapse onto the ground. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. He's bleeding so much. "Killua!" I yelled out and lept onto the bank where he was laying. He struggled to move and collapsed back onto the ground in a puddle of blood.

      "Killua! Oh my god what happened?" I fell to my knees and tried to pull him up. He was so heavy and his temperature was dropping. I flipped him to his side. "Killua I'm here! Everything is gonna be ok." I couldn't stop the tears. His eyes were so lifeless. "Y/n.. I'm sorry." My eyes widened and I grabbed his face. "Killua! Hey hang on I got you. Everything will be alright. Don't be sorry." I could barely breathe I was sobbing so hard. I grabbed Killua under his armpits and pulled him up the best I could and started dragging him towards the exit. I stumbled and fell. Killua just coughed up blood. I quickly checked on him and heaved out a large chunk of bloody flesh. "Killua please hold on! I'll call for help." I fumbled with my phone and smeared blood everywhere.

     "Fuck! It's dead." I cried out and grabbed Killua's arm. I pulled him up by his arm to use my shoulder and grit my teeth, dragging him more. "Killua please.. please. Keep your eyes open." I kept glancing at Killua who seemed like he would pass out at any second. It looked like he was fighting sleep but his body wouldn't cooperate. He heaved out some blood and went completely limp, making me fall again. God why am I so weak?! I can't even carry Killua. I'm stronger than this. I crawled over to Killua and gripped his cold hand. "Killua don't die. Please!" His pupils dilated and his gaze shifted behind me. I whipped around ready to kill anything in my way. It was an orange octopus. I heaved and cried and held my arms out in front of Killua.

    No more ants will hurt him. "Get away!" The ant came closer and grabbed Killua's arm with its tentacle. I grabbed it and yanked it away. "No! Don't touch him!" I embraced Killua's limp and bleeding body. Please Killua. Please god, take me instead. Anything. I'll do anything. Just please don't take him from me. "Wait! I want to help." The octopus yelled out to me and I glanced up at it. What choice do I have? I nodded and its tentacle wrapped around us. It sat us on its head and got into the water. We swerved through numerous underground tunnels until we came out of a sewer. It was next to a makeshift hospital. The octopus helped me rush Killua inside and he got immediately put into intensive care.

      Please Killua, don't leave me. Please be ok. I can't live without you. You're the only thing keeping me going. Please, please, please, please. I love you. So don't leave me. Don't leave me alone. I don't want to be without you.

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