♡ the new student ♡ pt.1

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Axel is the most popular and well known guy in coral springs. hes the star football player and the team captain of the team, its a dream come true for the girls. he gets asked out so many time but hes only had four official relationships. But his hot and popular side that everyone sees has a different side. hes a bully to every single nerd he finds.

-Axel POV-

It was now a new school year, this means new ways to have chaos! Axel got off the bus and walked in the school to go to his locker. He entered his pass-code and unlocked his lock, grabbing the important things for first period. He started to walk to his class that is all the way on the third floor. As he entered class and walked to his desk he saw a new person sitting beside him. he was used to sitting alone since his classes are always un-pair numbers. She has Asian features...hes never seen an Asian student at coral springs before. Axel placed his things on the desk and sat down. "hello" said the Asian woman with a bright smile showing off her braces. "uh hi" responded Axel not really interested in talking. "my name is Celeste whats yours?" Axel paused for a moment before giving her an answer "im axel" he didn't even look at her in the eyes! "that a nice name" Axel was able to hear an accent in her speaking. English is definitely not her first langue. 

The English teacher starts speaking "alright we should know the drill by now. first day of school im giving away school supplies." miss Elvin took a box filled with new school supplies. it was very organised also. she started to speak again "remember if you have all the supplies in your pencil case or locker than dont grab anything." The students rushed near the box to get there supplies. Axel already had all the supplies needed for school and so did Celeste. After eight minutes everyone was back at there place and the English lesson started. This was boring because it was just revision but Celeste on the other hand didn't know most of the things the teacher was revising. "oh great we have a nerd...but shes kinda... Axel shut up" he thought to himself with a light blush covering his face as he stares at her.

As English ended every single peroid after that hes atleast found himself thinking of her once. now it was the end of the school and Axel got on the bus. he walked at the back and sat down near the window, Axel put his backpack on his lap and opened it to grab his airpods. He grabs his airpods and put the case back in his backpack as he place it on the bus floor. a few minutes later the bus take off to bring them back home. it was loud in there and axel was glad he was wearing airpods, it make the noise more soft. As they reached the first bus stop axel caught himself thinking of that new girl, Celeste. "Axel you dumbass" he mumbled to himself. 

As axel arives to his bus stop her hops off the bus with everything and walks for a tiny bit before reaching his house. he opens the door and the closes it as he walked in. "hi sweetie how was your day at shcool?" greeted his mother. "good..." he said quietly sounding unsure. "are you sure?" asked his mom. axel paused "im sure mom" axel then took off his shoes and ran upstairs to him room. as he closes the door behind him, he them sits on his bed...thinking about Celeste. What is this? hes never been thinking of someone like this before. Why her?

Thank you so much for reading chapter one this took me forever  ( also sorry if its cringe ) :')

chapter two coming out soon ♡

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