♡ A new day ♡ pt.3

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-Celeste POV-

"well thats not a good way to start a day" I think. The teacher started to talk, class has officially started. Today in maths we just revised a few things we learnt last year, it was useful. class has now finished. I grab my stuff and push my chair before leaving the classroom. Our next class is visual arts, i was exited! I headed to the third floor and made my was to arts. I sat down at my desk. I placed my stuff and organised my desk, the person beside me sat down. I stare at them for a quick second then sit down.

-Lunch-   -Axel POV-

Class was so boring as usual. I sit down at the table that my friend group sits at. 

"hey dude" said my friend, Micheal.

"yo, whats up?" I responded. lunch is the only fun thing at school. Me and Micheal do our hand shake, then i sit down at our table. The guys were talking, as i noticed Celeste. she was seated as the table to my right, all alone. I started to feel bad and guilty. I didn't go up to her tho, just stared at her... 

"what is she eating? ive never seen that before but it looks good" I mumble to myself. my friends heared me and looked at me.

"dude what the fuck are you saying" says Connor. I look at them, i shouldn't have spoken so loud.

"oh forget about it. its nothing" I hope they dont think to much of it. they look at me the at the table i was staring at. Oliver looks at Celestes food and spoke up.

"that look like shit if im being honest." I felt my heart burn up in rage

"shut the fuck up Oliver, dont judge her food, it might taste good you never know, you piece of shit" my voice got louder. He looked at with his eyebrow raised.

"image defending a woman" I looked at him with a disgusted look on my face, he was fucking sexist.

"Image being sexist and being a bitch who judges people" 

"could say the same about you" said Oliver. he had a point. I stayed silent accepting that he was right.

"okay jeez, you win this argument happy?" Oliver just looked at me and continued to talk to Connor and Micheal. I cant belive i just argued over how he called Celestes food shit."why did i defend her?" I start to feel like a dumbass for defending her. I continued to eat my lunch in silence as my friends exulted me out of there conversation. 

-Celeste POV-

"Im sitting alone...again how great" I think. I sundenlly felt a pair of eyes on me. I just ignored it but the eyes were on me for two minutes until i hear a voice say. 

"dude what the fuck are you saying" from the table to my left. I looked at the table and saw axel with his friend group. They started to argue so i moved tables. l continued to eat dankgangjeong. I listened to music while eating. Soon enough i finish my lunch and eat the one snack left in my lunchbox. I continue to listen to music, when suddenly the bell rang. i got up from the table and left the cafeteria to go to my locker. I enter my passcode for my locker and put my lunch box in my backpack. I then grab my thing for the last period of the day.

-Axel POV-

The bell rang and i got up from the table. i walk in the opposite way of my friends and go to my locker. I open it and see celeste only ten lockers away. "her locker is only ten lockers away, she really close to me" I think getting a feeling of excitement as i figure shes close to my locker. I grab my things and go over to her.

"hey" I say hopping for an answer

"oh hi Axel" she looks at me with a confused face. 

"so what class do we have next?" I know we have history but i want to talk to her,

"oh we have history" she smiles at me. I see her braces. That smile made my heart flutter. I nod and offer to walk to class with her. She accepts the offer and we walk to class. I sit at my desk at she sits at hers. My eyes watching her every move until i notice that im staring at her. History class was decently fun we got to learn about world war one and answer questions but that it. School was finally over. I rush to my locker and place my things in before grabbing my backpack. Celeste walks past me and i see her wave goodbye to me. I felt my heart ache as she waved. "Maybe she cares about me? i hope she does" I think with a dumb smile on my face not realising what i just said. I walk outside and get on my bus. its now my stop, i get off the bus and walk back home, as i walked in the drive way my moms car wasn't there. im home alone! i take off my shoes and my backpack, then run up to my room and lay in my bed thinking about the smile she gave me today...

-END of chapther-

Reminder this has been like about a week that there shcool stared so yeah. (trying to make him think about her and hints that he likes her hehe :) 

Anyways hoped you enjoyed (886 words :,)

♡ silent love ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora