♡ can't get out of my mind ♡ pt.2

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-Axel POV-

A few hours later my mother called me to eat 

"AXEL TIME TO EAT" yelled my mom. I then stopped scrolling on tiktok and opened the door to leave my room. I closes the door behind me and walks downstairs were I was greeted with my favourite food. 

"i got you some chinise food!" said my mom with a small smile. 

"thank you" I grab the plastic container and opens it revealing some rice, bok choy , noodle and some meat. 

"why did you get Chinese food tho? there's nothing special today."  I asked confused on why my mom randomly bought take out.

 "you just seemed sad when you came back from shcool so i got this to cheer you up!" I was taken aback. "I seemed sad? " i thought 

"mom i wasn't sad" my mother looked at me with an eyebrow raised. 

"then why were you so moody when i asked you how your day was?"

"i was just tired okay?" I said annoyed. 

"alright, but next time dont give me that attitude" Then I took a deep breath and apologised. I quickly finish my meal and headed back to my bedroom once again scrolling on tiktok while thinking of her. a few hours later i fell asleep.

-The next morning-   -Celeste POV-

As my alarm rang, I jumped out of bed startled by the sudden noise from my alarm. I turns off the alarm and stretch my arms out while yawning. I slowly got out of her bed and walked up to the dresser. I opens the drawer and picks out a white shirt that was cropped, then close it. Then I opens the drawer right underneath and picks out a pair of flaired jogging pants, once again closing the drawer. I takes off my pjs and change into the outfit I picked. Before leaving my room to brush my hair and teeth I grabs a pink cardigan and throws it on, while walking to the bathroom. In the bath room I puts on some makeup and add a black headband to finish the look, then brush my teeth. I walked downstairs getting greeted by my mother, older brother and younger sister. waving at them I walks in the kitchen and prepare some toast before my father walks down the stairs with my younger brother, Jiho. Jiho came and hugged me as i waited for the bread to pop out so i could eat. some seconds later the breaad pop out and i grab myself a plate to place the toast on. Then i walk to the firgue and open it to get an avocado. Suddenly my mom offered to cut the avocado as i add other things to my toast. As the toast was ready to eat i bite in, it taste amazing! I finish my breakfast and put my lunch in my backpack. 

"안녕, 방과 후에 뵙겠습니다!(goodbye, and well see you after shcool)" said her parents waving goodbye along her siblings. 

"곧 뵙겠습니다. (see you later)" I responded opening the door and leaving my home to go to shcool. As I arrived at shcool I walked over to my locker leaving my backpack in it, then grabbing the things i need for math. I closed my locker and headed to the secoond floor were math class is. I reached my desk and placed my things down, noticing Axel isnt here when theres only two minutes left until class starts.

"hes gonna be late." I think to myself as I see Axel enter the class. 

"maybe he wont be late then." i thought once again getting proved wrong. He walks over to the desk right next to mine. When he sat down i saw his face, it seemed like he was sad.

"are you okay?" I asked expecting a response. Axel glared at me before speaking.

"im fine" i didn't believe him for a single second.

"you seem sa-" he cut me off.

"im not sad just tired, now shut up" he said while looking in-fort of him and not me. "how rude is this guy!?" I never thought someone would be so rude while i try to be nice. i then looked at the white board feeling down form the response he gave me. well this isn't a nice way to start a day... 

-END of this chapter-

Hello so you might notice this is a little diffrent than the first chapter with how its written but this is how its gonna be from now on. each time a charater speaks it will be double interline.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter 


♡ silent love ♡On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara