Day 2 (pt.2)

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He perked up

Ren:" Hm? Oh yeah. No- i'm-" He cutted his sentence, and took a deep breath.

Ren:" Listen. Ofc i am worried about you, ok? I mean you almost got an overdose. Be glad Sano is a doctor."

He said in a quite serious tone.

" you are worried because i saw your ears and tail, right?"

He perked up again.

Ren:" What?? N-No! What are you even talking about!? I mean- I- yes."

" Haha, i knew it. "

Ren:" Listen, you- ugh...i dont know..."

" Ren, dont worry. I'm not going to judge. I'm just a little confused. "

Ren:" If so, then I'll explain, even though there is not much to explain. You see, I'm a beastkin. Did you hear of it?"

" Yeah i heard about something like that in the news."

Ren:" you mind them...? You know...Do you mind them being there...?"

" what? No? Why should I? You can keep them appeared :)"

Ren looked at you with an expression of relief.

Ren:" Oh my. Thats good. Because it was just -horrible- hiding know, someone once told me to not hide who I am, but i got scared, i guess."

" Oh yeah? Ren, you dont have to be scared of someone like me, i dont judge, really. May i ask you something?"

Ren:" go for it."

" ...who was that guy that told you that?"

Ren's expression turned somehow scared.

Ren:"...Someone from my past."

You knew he didnt want to talk about this, so you just replied with an simple " Oh ok. ". After some moments of silence, he left the room, but perked in the room one last time.

Ren:" You know, it's funny. You said that you dont judge, but called me a furry? " He said with a playfull smile.

" I was overwhelmed!"

Ren:" Yeah yeah, of course..." still smiling, he left the room.

Some minutes later, you made your way out of your room. There, you got welcomed by Sano.

Sano:" Good morning. How are you? Headache? Nausea? Dizziness?"

He said while placing his palm on your forehead, probably to check if you've got a fever.

" I uhm...when i woke up i felt dizzy. But its better now."

Sano:" Mhm. Geez, its a wonder you're still alive. The stuff Lawrence shot into you, is actually just for calming down, but he overdid it. "

You just made an surprised expression without saying anything. Then, he asked.

Sano:" You were talking with Ren for quite a while. Do you like him?"

" WHAT??"

Sano:" SHHH! The others are still -sleeping-!"

He said in a harsh, quiet tone.

" sorry, but what makes you think that I like him??"

Sano just chuckeled.

Sano:" Calm down, i was just joking."

" better for you. Wait- ' still sleeping'? "

Sano:" yeah, you slept for quite a while. Its morning already."

" Oh yeah?"

Sano:" Yeah. Anyways, I'm glad you're alright. By the way, Lawrence wants to talk to you. I think it's gonna be an apology."

You just nodded. Sano told you that Law was in his room, so you went there, and knocked 3 times. He opened the door.

Lawrence:", er, how are you?"

He was visibly nervous.

" Sano told me that you wanted to talk to me?"

Lawrence:" Y-yeah. "
He took a deep breath.

Lawrence:" Listen, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to do that, I mean, you needed something to calm down, but i never meant do give you an overdose. Never."

He took a break, and as you wanted to say something, he qontinues.

Lawrence:" And- i know it may seem that i was scared to say this, because i didnt walk up to you first, but i didnt know if you were still asleep or not."

" Lawrence, it's alright! I'm alright. Really, it's ok."
You gave him an assuring smile.

Lawrence:" Mabey- ok, no, thanks. But still, that was- that was not ok. But thank you for...forgiving i guess."

" No worries :) "

He awkwardly smiled back.

Lawrence:" I...feel like i have to buy you Starbucks or something."

"What? No! You dont have to-"

Lawrence:" I insist."

"....bbuttttt i thought we cant get out of here?"

Lawrence:" I can explain it to you later. So? Starbucks?"

" Lawrence, you dont hav-"

Lawrence:" MC."
He said in a tone that told you it is useless to discuss with him.

" Starbucks sounds fair."

He slightly grinned, and walked out of his room. Something told you that he is pretty...idk...emotionless?"

You two arrived at SB, ordered your drinks, and then sat down at a table.

Lawrence:" So. The whole thing i have to explain you."

You curiously perked up.

Lawrence:" you CAN get out, but you cannot MOVE out. As already told, this apartment is cursed. So you dont have any family, any friends, a job or anything."

Hearing that all of your closest persons are just gone, or forgot you, broke you down. You felt how your heart got squeezed together in pain.

Lawrence:" i know. Its hard. Really. But there's a way that- ok. That cant solve that, but you can make new friends, but its really difficult. "

"Mh." You just responded. You didnt know what else to say.

" but- you said that we all dont have a job anymore. Then how are we able to idk pay rent or buy grocories?"

Lawrence:" mh yeah good point. Idk, mabey it is that god forsaken apartment, but we all have money, and we GET money every 1st of a month. Its confusing."

" very."

A short moment of silence got broken as you said.

" Oh! By the way, thank you for Starbucks."

Lawrence:" no its ok."

After some time, you two went back to the apartment. It was already afternoon, so you just sat on your laptop and did god knows what.

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